In modern education, the issue of training high-quality and competitive specialists who will be competent in their field is especially acute. Russia has increasingly begun to focus on European models of education, which are considered more advanced and interact more closely with students. The so-called interactive forms of education have become one of the most effective - they will be discussed in this article.

Interactive forms of learning (at school and beyond) have become a more modern version of active forms of learning. The latter build a system of interaction according to the principle "teacher=student", that is, the teacher and his wards are equally involved in the learning process, the children build their own lessons in the same way as their teacher. Signs of active methods are:
- initially impliedthe activity of each student, maximum involvement in the process and the accompanying activation of the child's creative thinking;
- the duration of active work is not one specific lesson, but the entire study period;
- the student learns to independently study the problem posed to him, look for ways and means of solving it, rely only on his own knowledge;
- each student is maximally motivated in learning activities, the task of the teacher is to create a personal interest for him.
Interactive forms of learning are built not only on the interaction "teacher=student", but also "student=student", as a result of which the connections that the student uses during the educational process expand. This motivates children, and the teacher in this situation plays only the role of an assistant who creates free space for the personal initiative of each ward.
The methods of teaching students can be: a variety of role-playing or business games, discussion (regular or based on heuristics), brainstorming, various trainings, the method of projects or cases, etc. Active and interactive forms of learning have similar methods and tricks, so a detailed list of them will be discussed in more detail later.
Basic terms

Interactive forms of learning, therefore, are learning in the course of which the interaction of the teacher with students, as well as students with each other, is built, which is largely based on dialogues. Its purposeis the comprehensive development and training of future specialists based on the development of their special key competencies.
Competence is the ability to use the acquired knowledge, practical skills and experience in order to successfully carry out any activity in a particular area. They are a synthesis of personal (knowledge, abilities, own vision of the problem and approach to its solution) and professional qualities, the use of which is necessary for the productive solution of problems arising in the work.
Key competencies are the core competencies of a broader focus, the possession of which allows mastering narrow, subject-specific competencies. They allow you to always find solutions even in the most controversial situations in a state of uncertainty, on your own or interacting with someone else.
Now more about each method of active and interactive forms of learning. There are quite a lot of them, so we have identified a few of the main, most indicative and effective.
Research method

The basis of the research (search) method is learning based on the formulation of a specific problem. It forms such personal qualities as creative and creative thinking, thanks to which the researcher develops a responsible and independent approach to solving problems.
With such an interactive form of education (at the university and not only), the following list of educational activities is assumed:
- acquaintance withsubject of research and its problems;
- setting clear goals for the work ahead;
- collecting information about the object of study;
- research implementation: defining content, suggesting a hypothesis, setting up a model, experimenting (generally).
- protect research results;
- drawing the conclusion of the work done.
The research method allows you to delve into the process of scientific knowledge, the peculiarities of interpreting the data found and identifying one point of view that corresponds to the correct understanding of reality. It implies maximum independence, although in groups containing students with different levels of knowledge, of course, the participation of the teacher is necessary, albeit minimal. This gives an impetus to the development of key competencies in students, such as understanding the essence of creative activity, independent work, and also spurs their imagination, teaches observation and critical thinking, which subsequently becomes the foundation for defending a person's personal point of view.
Project method

Of all the technologies of modern pedagogy, it is the project method that best contributes to the acquisition of key competencies by students, which is perhaps the main goal of the entire educational process. He develops, first of all, personal qualities, such as the ability to work and solve problems independently, to show creative ingenuity, to identify and resolve problems that appear in the process.knowledge of the problem. Moreover, the project method teaches you to feel confident in the information space, and also develops the analytical skills used by the student to predict and analyze their actions.
The project is always based on the principle of the student's independent work, although he can do this both independently and in a pair or group, it already depends on the specific task. Project participants are given specific deadlines, within which they must solve a significant problem from any area of life, primarily with the help of a research search.
In order for a graduate of an educational institution to be able to calmly adapt to any changes in modern life or professional orientation, he needs to master a wide range of knowledge and methods of applying it in practice in complex situations that require a deep analytical approach. It is for this reason that each project must have practical value: only then the participants of the project method will be able to use the experience they have gained in the future to resolve any, both personal and professional problems. Moreover, practical orientation increases students' interest in learning activities, motivates them to carefully study the area of knowledge that is needed in a particular project; This works especially well if you create conditions of personal interest for the student. For example, a student studying journalism will want to study the given topic himself in order to understand how theory turns into practice and to better prepare for practice after exams. Examplestopics that can be set for a project in this speci alty: “Methods and approaches to modern journalism”, “The possibility of using elements of gonzo journalism in the federal media system”, “Fundamentals of journalistic ethics”, etc.
The difference between research and project
While the research work is primarily aimed at finding the truth, the project activity is focused on a complete, in-depth study of the problem posed and has the final result in the form of a designed product, which can be a video, an article, a website on the Internet and etc. The project method widely involves such types of creative activities as the preparation and presentation of abstracts or reports, while the process uses both educational and scientific, reference and, in some cases, even fiction. The task of the teacher in preparing the project is to observe and supervise the activities of students.
While working on a project, its performers become maximally immersed in creative cognitive activity, consolidating the knowledge already acquired during their studies and gaining new ones, expanding their horizons and professional theoretical base. Moreover, the participants in the creation of the project develop competencies that are not related to a specific subject: these can be the competencies of research and search, interaction with other people, organizing project work, etc.
Case method (from English case - “case”)

In this method of interactive learning, the teacheruses real-life (current or past) problem cases from any area (domestic, social, economic, etc.) Studying the proposed case, students look for and analyze the collected information that is directly related to its area and the speci alty that they are mastering. Thus, the situation is being modeled and a solution is being sought.
There are two schools with different approaches to this method. If we are talking about the European school, then the cases themselves do not have one specific solution or outcome, so the participants master the whole range of knowledge necessary for comprehensive coverage and study of the problem posed. The American approach is to come to a single solution, although, of course, the development of information also implies complexity.
The case method, in comparison with other methods, is a multi-stage structure, which is divided into less complex methods of scientific knowledge, which include model building, problem setting, analytical systems, etc. The end result (product) of work this method can become the usual way of presenting information, such as a report or a presentation.
Motivation of students is spurred on by the fact that the case method reminds them of a game, playing which they master all the necessary material. Also, in the course of work, a number of key competencies are formed, which include: the ability to come to a solution to a specific problem, communication skills, the ability to apply theoretical data on a practical basis, put oneself in one’s placeanother person (including a high-ranking official), etc.
Discussion method

friend. Discussions can be freely applied both in ordinary practical activities by teachers from different educational organizations, and during educational conferences, symposiums, etc. Both complex interdisciplinary discussions and those conversations that are aimed at considering a specific educational problem are equally useful for formation of social, analytical and communicative competencies, as well as broadening one's horizons.
The discussion most fully reflects the principle of interactive forms of education, which consists in the “student=teacher” and “student=student” scheme, since everyone is equally involved in the lesson, there are no boundaries between the teacher and his wards (of course, if the pedagogy in this institution is strong) should not be.
One of the ways to find new ideas of one direction or another and use interactive forms of learning is brainstorming, which is a method of solving a problem with the help of stimulated activity with a pronounced creative beginning. The accompanying processusing this method, it looks like the expression by all participants of a large number of various ideas (and their quality and content are not so important at the stage of expression), among which the most successful and promising ones are subsequently selected; it is also possible to synthesize several ideas to develop a new one, which can already be considered as close to the desired result.
In the process of brainstorming as an interactive form of learning, all students take part in the lesson, which stimulates their activity and creativity. Students get the opportunity to show others their knowledge and come to the desired solution together. Moreover, during the process, its participants learn brevity and analysis of everything said, develop critical thinking. This is what is necessary for the development of key competencies.
Game techniques

Gamular approach to the development of educational material is a rather old and studied interactive form of education, but it still does not lose its relevance and potential. The main function of any game in the context of education is to spur the student's interest in the process, soften it, make it not so dry from an academic point of view. In addition, the participants in the game themselves must understand that they are not just having fun, but are learning deep and complex material. If this thought ceases to repel or frighten, and even the least active students join the common activity, then we can assume that the game was a success.
As a rule, this method is usedmainly at the end of the development of a particular educational material (as the completion of a topic or section, or maybe even a whole course). It may look like this: the students distribute the roles among themselves, suppose the owners of the enterprise and its employees, after which, with the help of the teacher, they model the problem situation and act it out, coming to a solution with the help of all the knowledge gained in this area.
Compare interactive and traditional forms of learning: which of them, in your opinion, contribute to the most productive development of the required amount of theoretical data and the best application of the acquired knowledge in practice? The answer is obvious. It is absolutely clear that interactive forms of education at school, as well as in other institutions, should become a more frequent practice than now, and in this case, the country and the world will be provided with the growth of professional personnel capable of competing with each other.
If you are interested in interactive forms of education, there is a lot of literature on this topic. You can choose the right ones for yourself and actively use them.