On the walls in geography classrooms there used to be maps with images of parts of our planet at different scales. Now that's not enough. Maps today need interactive. And not only cards…

Interactive - what is it?
The translation of the word from English sounds like "interaction". That is, interactivity is a property of the system, or rather its ability to interact. If any object is able to respond to the actions of another object in real time, here and now, it is interactive.
Where interactivity is used
In various spheres of human life, such technologies are used, they are becoming more and more with the development of society. Now interactivity is most in demand in computer science, programming, telecommunications, sociology, education, and design. Let's look at some examples of interaction.
Information systems
Any system capable of responding to external actions with a certain decision in the shortest possible time will be more preferable in the eyes of the user. So, the ability to send SMS ormaking a live call to television is not yet interactivity. But if your and any incoming message is immediately processed, and a result is displayed, for example, changing the values in the survey on the TV screen, then this system works online.

In programming, interactivity is most evident in the creation of animation. Here, the movement can start on a user click. This effect is often used in presentations and educational techniques. A more complex level of interactivity is when the user can change the parameters and characteristics of an animated object while moving.
Interactive communication is the ability to carry out a dialogue in real time, being at a considerable distance from each other. Now many programs and applications help people communicate quickly and constructively (Skype, ICQ and many others). This is a big breakthrough in the social development of mankind. After all, this method of communication allows not only to conduct online business negotiations between representatives of different continents, it provides an opportunity for social adaptation of different segments of the population (teenagers, people with disabilities, etc.).

Interactive TV - what is it?
Having become accustomed to getting most services and features online, consumers have disastrously lost interest in TV, even in digital format. People do not want to be passive users, adjust to the broadcast schedule, watchadvertising and more. Now for advanced consumers there is interactive TV. This is a paid service that gives the subscriber a number of benefits:
- choose any movie or show to watch;
- watch all TV channels at your convenience;
- have fun through individual and online games;
- talk to another telephone subscriber through the TV screen;
- receive the desired news by pre-subscription;
- be able to access the Internet directly "from the TV".
Today interactive television "Rostelecom" is popular. What can this universal operator offer to the consumer? A special set-top box (STB) is required, by connecting and configuring which you will get access to all the features of interactive TV. Rostelecom provides this service throughout Russia. For example, online television from Beeline is no worse, but will it be of any use in a distant village?

So, the main advantages of the "Interactive" TV service package are:
- Thematic division of channels: children's, sports, news, etc., the number is limited by the subscriber's tariff.
- Ability to split channels by age groups, protect children from unwanted information.
- The ability to choose (from an extensive list) any movie to watch (the service is paid separately).
- Properly interactive browsing, i.e. the subscriber canpause, rewind, record any broadcast here and now.
- Access social networks.
- Additional services such as online maps, weather forecast, exchange rates and more.
How convenient and relevant, of course, everyone decides for himself.
The learning process is not only the gradual assimilation of new knowledge (facts, theories, rules, etc.), but also the education of various personality traits, abilities, norms of behavior. In education, there are many models and teaching methods that are aimed at achieving all of the above goals. Interactive learning is a model aimed at creating conditions in which all students actively interact with each other. Its use requires high professionalism from the teacher, because it is an innovative method of conducting classes. The interaction of all participants in the process takes place in the mode of dialogue, discussion, joint analysis, assimilation of knowledge - in the process of role-playing, passing, overcoming a simulated life situation.

The main goal when using such a teaching method as interactive is the development of a holistic, harmonious personality in a child. Only with this type of interaction does the teacher perform his direct work - he leads the student to knowledge. That is, it accompanies, helps, directs the child to independent perception, analysis, assimilation of new information.
Main objectives of interactive learning:
- wake upindividual mental capabilities, student abilities;
- activate the child's internal discussion;
- help to accept and understand the information received during the exchange;
- bring the student to an active position;
- bring the process of interaction (exchange of information) closer to the individual;
- set up two-way communication between students.
It is also necessary to remember about interactive technologies in education, which became possible with the development of telecommunications and the Internet. Firstly, it is the use of computer programs to enhance the learning process: from creating presentations to improve the visual qualities of the material presented to modeling situations in virtual reality for complete immersion in the topic of the lesson. Secondly, the possibility of partial or full distance learning: from the transfer of notes and didactic material in electronic form to classes with a virtual (or real) teacher and online knowledge testing.

Virtual reality is most often used in vocational education. Helps to master various skills at a fairly high level (learning to drive, etc.). There are also many specialized programs and resources that help in professional activities. These are programs for architects, physicists, chemists, designers, programmers and so on. The most promising at present is the direction of development of interactive learning technologies using gaming techniques, elements, processes. Interactive games are common among people of different ages and social status.
"Interactive" is a concept mostly related to virtual reality. The main thing is not to forget that the real world is truly interactive…