The manufacturing process is a complex system. It requires proper organization. This becomes possible only if all external and internal factors that affect the enterprise are taken into account. There are different forms of organization of production. Their main features will be discussed below.
Peculiarities of strategic planning
Before creating an enterprise, its founders must choose the type of its concept. The competitiveness of the organization, its profit and stable development will depend on this. There are various organizational and legal forms of organization of production.

The choice of a particular concept when creating an organization depends on a number of factors. This is done through in-depth strategic planning. It is of a long-term nature. This takes into account all types of investments that the organization expects to receive in the course of its work. From the correctness of long-term planning, choiceThis or that form of organization depends on the risks and chances of the company in a competitive environment. This will depend on the features of production, its quality, cost. In addition, the chosen form of organization of production affects the competitiveness of a particular type of product. As well as the flexibility of the manufacturer's response to changes in the market environment.
Choosing the forms and methods of organizing production, you need to complete all the stages of strategic planning. First, a concept for the development of production is created. This is the basic plan that the organization will follow in carrying out its activities.
Next, the type of production is determined. There are several options for the functioning of the enterprise or one of its lines:
- single production;
- small batch production;
- mass production.
Based on the chosen concept, taking into account the scale and characteristics of production, and choose the method of its organization. It can be individual, in-line or group production. The choice depends on the type of product, the features of its manufacture.
Only after that the company can make the right decision about the choice of the form of organization. It can be cooperation, specialization, concentration, combination and diversification. At the strategic planning stage, production capacity is also laid.
Production and its types
The forms of organization of production and industry are determined on the basis of the characteristics of a particular type of organization. There are several types of manufacturing process conceptsproducts.
One-off production is a piece-by-piece production. The nomenclature in this case is unstable and varied. This type of organization is typical for production with a significant share of manual labor. There is also technological specialization and a long production cycle. This is due to the lack of automation of finished product release processes.

Single production is inherent in industries that require high professionalism of workers. Their handicraft is unique. However, the equipment with which each operation is carried out must be universal.
Considering the forms of organization of production and labor, it should be noted such a type as batch production. This is a common approach. It involves the release of finished products in batches or series. The range of repeating products is extensive. Products are produced in large quantities. Handwork has its place. However, its quantity in the total mass of technological operations is insignificant.
In mass production, there is specialization, and a long cycle will be quite short. All parts acquire a unified configuration.
Mass production is continuous. The equipment does not stop for a long period. The range of goods is limited. The volume of production is very large. The level of professional training of workers can be average. There is also specialization. This production is controlleddispatcher. This results in low production costs as well as high labor productivity.
Forms of labor organization
Before considering the forms of social organization of production, attention should be paid to approaches in the development of labor principles. It can be organized in different ways. The form of labor organization can be point. In this case, the finished product is assembled at one workplace. Here is the main part of it.

The technological form of labor organization is inherent in the shop structure of production. Here, the objects of labor are transferred sequentially. Most often, such an organization of the labor process is found in machine-building enterprises.
The main forms of production organization today allow organizing the entire process as correctly and harmoniously as possible. In addition to the two types of labor listed above, there is also a straight-through type of structure. It is characterized by a piece, linear transfer of objects of labor. This is a specialized, continuous and parallel production.
The subject form of labor is characterized by a cellular structure. Objects of labor can be transferred in series or in series-parallel. This allows you to transfer items, parts and blanks immediately to the next workplace. In this case, it will not be necessary to transport the products to the warehouse.
The integrated form of labor combines basic and auxiliary operations. The result is a single process. It is integrated, has a cellular structure. Alsosuch production can be organized in a series-parallel, linear or sequential form of organizing the transfer of objects of labor. In this case, operations such as processing, management, warehousing and transportation are combined into a single process. All jobs in this case are combined by a single transport and storage automated system.
Production Methods
There are different forms and methods of organizing production. They allow you to rationally organize the entire process of manufacturing products in space and time. When organizing individual production, a single type of output is used. There is no specialization in the workplace. The equipment is located in groups in accordance with its functional purpose. In this case, parts move sequentially from one operation to the next level.

Servicing workplaces with an individual method of organizing the process of manufacturing parts is characterized by the presence of one set of tools. There are very few universal devices. At the same time, parts are transported from the warehouse and to the warehouse several times during the working day.
The issues of the correct creation and flow of technological cycles are de alt with by the management team. He also manages the organization of production. The forms of organization of production and its methods can be built according to the flow production scheme. This type of part manufacturing is possible when creating blanks of the same type. In thatIn this case, jobs are installed during the manufacturing process. Each worker specializes in performing one operation. At the next stage of processing, the parts come in small batches or even individually.
With this method of production, it is important to maintain the rhythm, synchronism of all operations. Particular attention is paid to the maintenance of all workplaces in production.
Group method of organizing the production process is typical for the manufacture of homogeneous products. They are created in repeated batches. The technological process is unified. The specialization of workers is fake. A schedule is developed according to which the parts enter the production process. Each section or workshop performs a technologically completed set of work operations.
There are certain factors that allow the development of the enterprise and the entire economy. Forms of organization of production, if they were correctly selected for each type of production, can have a significant impact on the work of the organization, as well as the national economy as a whole.
One of these forms is concentration. It involves the concentration of a large number of technological cycles for the production of finished products at one enterprise. This form of organization is characteristic of large companies.

Scaling up production can be different. Allocate technological, aggregate, factory, as well as economic and organizationalshape of this process.
Concentration has a lot of positive characteristics for the enterprise. It allows you to increase output, if the market allows it. At the same time, both intensive and extensive factors of product improvement are used. In this case, a lot of goods are made for sale, allowing them to fill a significant part of the market. The concentration also reduces the cost of products, making them competitive.
Different economic forms of organization of production have both advantages and disadvantages. Significant concentration leads to the emergence of a monopolist in the market. This does not allow the industry to develop harmoniously. In this case, there is practically no competition. This does not allow the market to improve and develop.
There are several varieties of concentration. Aggregate form involves the acquisition of more powerful equipment. This allows you to produce more products. Technological concentration takes place with the enlargement of workshops and sites. In this case, both the number of pieces of equipment and their capacity increase.
The most complex form is factory concentration. In this case, one speaks of the enlargement of the entire organization. This provides the company with a lot of new opportunities and benefits. Cost can be reduced due to economies of scale. This allows us to supply competitive products to the market.
Economic concentration involves the creation of concerns, associations that use the same scientific and technical base.
Studying the main forms of organization of production, you need to pay attention to such a variety as specialization. Each production unit or organization as a whole produces homogeneous products. Specialization can be subject, technological or detailed. They are forms of organization of production of the type presented.
In the first case, the unit or the entire organization is engaged in the release of certain types of finished products. With technological specialization, each section, shop produces a certain type of blanks. This allows you to eventually assemble the finished product.

Detailed specialization is based on the production of individual parts of a workpiece or finished product. Often all forms of specialization are used in the same enterprise. For each type of workshops or production sites, a certain type of this organizational form is inherent.
The use of specialization in production allows you to automate the technological process as much as possible. This increases the performance indicators. The cost of production will decrease. Each specialist, separate workplace, section, workshop or the entire enterprise manufactures the same product. Its quality will be much higher than before the specialization policy.
Studying the forms of social organization of production, it is necessary to pay attention to the peculiarities of such a process as cooperation. Without it there can be no specialization. cooperationis a set of intra-production links that ensure the coordinated work of all workshops and sections. They work as a single mechanism to create a specific finished product.
Each of the divisions is engaged in the manufacture of a certain type of parts, products. They transfer their workpieces to the subsequent workshop, where the subsequent refinement of the design is carried out. This process continues until the finished product is created.

Cooperation allows you to manufacture products according to a single standard. This is one big mechanism in which all parts are interconnected. If the work of one workshop is disrupted, the rest of the departments will feel it.
Thus, the most striking example of the presented form of organizing the production of an enterprise according to the system of cooperation is the manufacture of equipment. Each subsequent level receives a workpiece from the previous section. If you need to make adjustments, you can do so at any level. This approach allows you to effectively transfer information between all parts of the technological cycle, achieving a high result. This improves the quality of finished products as well as labor productivity.
Another form of production organization is combination. This approach allows you to combine several multidirectional industries to achieve a single final goal. Representatives of different industries can be combined here.
The main features of combination is the combination of differentindustries that operate in various sectors of the national economy. Moreover, each of these constituent elements must be proportional. This allows you to produce finished products harmoniously. In such associations, there is industrial, technical and economic unity. These are characteristic features of such industries.
As a rule, all the production components of the plant are located on the same territory. This expresses their production unity. Production facilities are interconnected by different types of communications. Moreover, they have a single energy system, as well as service and business units.
Technical, economic unity is expressed in the compliance of products of diverse enterprises with uniform quality standards. Each of them produces as much product as is required for further processing by another member of the plant. For this, a single management center operates. This allows you to coordinate all actions.
Considering the forms of organization of industrial production, it is worth noting that the most obvious example of a plant is a metallurgical enterprise. It can combine plants that are engaged in the extraction and enrichment of raw materials, coke-chemical, steel production. At the same time, all elements of this mechanism work smoothly.
Considering the forms of organization of production, diversification should be considered in detail. This kind of technological process is one of the innovative approaches. The company is expanding itsactivities through the launch of a new product line. Diversification is related to concentration, which is carried out at the inter-industry level.
This approach is often used by monopolistic enterprises. They produce multidirectional groups of goods, distributing them in the markets of different industries. This approach allows minimizing the risks of the company. If one of its productions becomes unprofitable, the second line will be able to provide income. It will cover expenses in excess of the net income from the first line.
Diversification can be either related or unrelated. The second option is the release of a parallel line of products that is not related to the main profile of the company. This allows you to integrate into a new market, to occupy your niche in it. Related diversification involves the release of homogeneous products that correspond to the main profile of the company.
Tasks of production organization
Choosing the forms of organization of production, the management seeks to create conditions for the most efficient operation of the company. For this, a number of tasks are set in the process of strategic planning. The management of the company must pursue a policy of proper organization of the production process.
This allows you to save labor resources, streamline the links between all elements of a single system. The nature of the work of employees in this case becomes more creative. Proper planning and control allow you to obtain high quality products at low cost. Its competitiveness will be strong.
After considering existing formsorganization of production, their features, one can understand the need for the right choice of approach in the development of technological cycles, their interaction within one enterprise. This allows you to get high-quality products at a low cost. This leads to an increase in the company's profits.