There are a lot of verbs of speaking, that is, those that denote the process of oral transmission of information. This is due to the fact that speech is the main way people communicate with each other.
Accordingly, this action can have a variety of shades and features. Therefore, for each type of speech, people came up with their own verb of speaking.
The well-known philologist V. I. Kodukhov devoted several of his scientific works to the verbs of speaking. He claims that this is the most numerous group among words denoting action. Most often they are used to convey indirect speech. Such words provide the reader or listener with information about the intonation features of pronunciation (basil, squeaked, and so on), the volume of the voice (whispered, shouted, and so on).

You can guess from them about the environment in which the action takes place. If, for example, a person pronounces words quickly, then there are most likely certain reasons for this.
Many scientists offered their own options for dividing such words into groups. The classification below is the most common variant in the specialized literature.
1. Verbs that describe the fact of pronouncing words in general terms. These include the words "to speak", "to tell", "to tell", "to tell" and many others.

2. Verbs indicating the features of speech. They indicate the characteristics of the speech of a person. For example: "whisper", "shout", "yell" and the like.

Meeting such words in the text, the reader imagines a special manner of speech.
3. Words indicating the place of a replica in a dialogue, monologue, and so on. In Russian, speaking verbs of this type are more likely to be referred to "bookish" styles (scientific, artistic, and so on). This subgroup can include the words "answer", "ask", "add", "continue", "finish" and so on.
4. Verbs of speaking, indicating the place of the remark in the dialogue and indicating certain features of the content of the spoken text. These include the words "ask", "answer", "object", "confirm" and a number of others.
Similar in meaning
Examples of speaking verbs can be found among words that at first glance do not belong to them.
For example, the fact of sending a textinformation is often expressed using the lexical units "telegraph", "call" and the like.
Good replacement
It is not uncommon for another word to be used instead of the verb of speaking. Most often this happens in order to convey the state in which the speaker is. An example can be found in the sentence below.
He was in a hurry: "Speak faster! I'm late for class." The verb "hurried" is used here in the sense of "quickly uttered the words".
Verbs denoting the emotions of a person during the pronunciation of the text should also be attributed to the same type. You can often find expressions like: "He smiled:" Everything will be fine!"

A similar sentence can be made with the verbs: "smiled", "frowned", "rejoiced", "thought" and others.
General characteristics of speaking verbs
Different scientists approached the issue of defining this term in their own way. Many domestic philologists have suggested that only those words that directly denote the process of speech can be attributed to this category. The description of the various nuances of this action is not directly related to the verbs of speaking.
Information about other details of the communicative process can be obtained from other words or lexical constructions.
Two challenges these scientists set for themselves:
1. Consider the connection of speaking verbs with other partsspeech.
2. Determine how the meaning of words expressing the process of information transfer changes, depending on the structures in which they are included. It should be added that the adherents of this theory call the verbs of speaking those lexical units that, regardless of the context, are always used in the meaning of "to speak". These philologists also recognize the possibility of additional meanings and shades.
Verbs of speaking are often mentioned in works devoted to the analysis of means of artistic expression in various works of Russian and world literature.
It is not uncommon to enumerate all the verbs we are considering that are present in a particular book, as well as counting the number of uses of each of them. The predominance of the "neutral" group can be considered a sign of a special author's style. Most often, such a choice of words indicates that the writer sought to give his work greater swiftness, dynamism, without dwelling on minor details. The same technique can also serve to make the text more serious, scientific, or, conversely, lighter.
A similar analysis of the novel "The Gadfly" by the English writer E. Voynich was carried out. In it, neutral verbs of speaking are most often found. This creates the effect of an emotionless, unbiased description of events. This style of presentation is typical for historical novels. Through the use of certain words in describing the speech of the characters, one can also trace the attitude of the narrator to the characters. The wordshelp to reveal the character of the character.
Good use
Specialists in the field of the Russian language often talk about numerous cases of stylistic errors associated with the use of synonyms for the word "said". In the media, the word "stated" has recently become very popular. But if you turn to its definitions, you can find the following: you can declare either by making an official speech, expressing an opinion that is documented, or by pronouncing phrases with an increased degree of emotionality.

Insidious synonyms
At first glance, speaking verbs cannot cause any difficulties for the speaker. But it is not so. These words are synonymous, but contextual. This means that the appropriateness of their use depends on the specific situation. It is also worth paying attention to their compatibility with other words. For example, when using the verb "shared" in the sense of "said", one must remember that this can not be used to describe any speech, but only one in which someone speaks about his innermost thoughts or plans for the future. The verb "to ask a question" can also be attributed to the category of words to which this article is devoted. It does not directly describe the process of speaking, but is closely related to it.
As you know, text and speech information can be perceived and transmitted in different ways, with the participation of all senses. Therefore, in a certain context, words and expressions such as"ask a question", "think", "consider", can also be indirectly related to speech. For example, the sentence "They have considered allocating funds for the development of culture" describes a situation where a certain decision is made by a group of people together. This means that speech is undoubtedly involved in this process.

As a conclusion
This article was devoted to the topic of speaking verbs in Russian. It may be useful to a wide range of readers - from students of language universities to people whose professional activities involve frequent writing of texts. However, not only professionals, but also all people who speak Russian should have an idea about the correct use of speaking verbs.