Some words are known to contemporaries only in a set of certain morphemes, but as soon as the suffix or prefix is removed, a new concept causes sincere bewilderment. The problem of any living language! And if the criterion of constancy, stability and immutability can be found in many texts, then the truncated version of “shaky” is something strange, mysterious. Is there a similar term? What does it mean and in what cases is it appropriate? On the territory of Russia, everyone could cope with the questions asked.
From ancient times
Philologists truncate the adjective to the verb "swell", and then find connections with the Old Russian definitions. Among them there is a "quagmire" swell. But there is also a swell:
- confusion;
- rebellion.
Imply an unstable position, going in waves or dragging a viscous surface into itself. Spasmodic changes in physical characteristics and heterogeneity of the social situation. Although completely everyday, everyday things came from this concept:
- swell - download;
- unsteadiness is a cradle.

Understandwhat is "shaky" is difficult, because the word has fallen into disuse! However, its basic meaning breaks down into explicit meanings:
- thing waving;
- swelling.
Nature will be the most obvious example. Tree branches moving in the wind, and spring puddles, through which light ripples run every now and then. At the same time, the second interpretation suggests the precariousness of a certain object:
- shaky;
- shaking;
- free wiggle.
Swing and cradle cause sincere delight. And the ancient staircase and the monuments, rickety from time to time, are a source of implicit threat and fear of passers-by. This is where an allegorical reflection is born about mental fluctuations, about the ability of someone to influence human nature from the outside, or about the spiritual precariousness of a particular person:
- Z. doubt;
- Z. fear, etc.
Regular change of views and priorities is described. First you want to learn to be a surgeon, then you want to work in the mines, and after a week you can only think about relaxing on foreign beaches. A restless nature does not allow you to clearly build a picture of the future, destroys any plans and negatively affects relationships with loved ones.

Lexical Future
You can not add to your personal vocabulary. Now “shaky” is a stub from a form with the prefix non-, long ago out of colloquial speech. At the regional level, there are related expressions: about the same cradle. But hearthe term under study from a native speaker is almost impossible, except that a rare mention will slip in the ancient literature.