Abbreviations are written abbreviations of words that you encounter on a daily basis. As a rule, each of them is deciphered in one or two ways. However, there are also those that have not one, or even two, but more than a dozen meanings. For example, this is the OPS. Let's find out what are the most famous combinations of words that the abbreviation in question can mean.
Fire and security alarms
It's worth starting with safety, because absolutely no one is safe from a fire. However, if it is detected and extinguished in time, this misfortune can cause the most minimal inconvenience. In this case, it will be possible to save not only property, but also people's lives.

To have a similar chance in the event of a fire or just smoke, most enterprises install an alarm system. This is the name of the fire alarm system. It is worth noting that it performs not one, but two functions at once.
- Watches the fire safety of oneor multiple rooms. In more advanced systems, it is possible to install special equipment not only for identification, but also for automatic extinguishing of a fire object.
- OPS is not only a means of preventing and fighting fires, but also a security system at the same time. Thanks to motion sensors and video surveillance, it helps to monitor the security of the facility, fixing the attempts of intruders to enter the territory.
In order to equip the building with this miracle of modern technology, it is important to take a few steps.
- Create or order a project for the distribution of OPS elements over the attached territory.
- Agree it with the norms of modern fire safety legislation.
- Install the equipment and connect it to the control panel.
Pleasure is, of course, not cheap, because the system itself needs periodic checks and repairs, which is also not free. But on the other hand, saving on safety, as well as on he alth, can cost a person life. For this reason, every year more and more fire alarm systems are installed not only at enterprises and offices, but also in residential buildings, especially in country cottages.
OPS system (mandatory pension insurance)
In many developed countries of the world, in order not to have a deficit of the pension fund, its budget is formed by receiving funds from the workers' insurance system. It functions as follows: citizens monthly deposit certain amounts to their individual accounts, from which they will receive pensions in old age.payments.

Depending on the legislation of a particular country, this type of insurance is voluntary (DPS) and mandatory (OPS). It's a rather controversial question which option is the best.
On the one hand, compulsory state insurance seems to be more reliable. After all, it covers absolutely all citizens and gives each of them a chance to receive a pension in old age. However, with this option, the state becomes a monopoly in this area and, having no competitors, is able to dictate conditions that are not always favorable for the insured. For example, NSO contributions may be too high for minimum wage holders or may not match future payments.
In the case of traffic police, non-governmental institutions can act as insurers. Due to their different status and capabilities, they have to compete with each other, offering customers more favorable conditions. In addition, being independent of the state, such insurers are able to set different premiums, adapting to the capabilities of each individual client. At the same time, the activities of all such organizations are strictly controlled by the government. However, this does not guarantee against inflation, default or other economic disasters.
Post Office
Also, the abbreviation OPS is the name of each post office. The main functions of any such institution are as follows:

- Receiving mail.
- Their sorting andprocessing.
- Sending and delivering parcels, letters and other items.
The first OPS was opened in Scotland back in 1712. By the way, it continues to work quite successfully today.
Although in today's digital age, paper letters are more exotic than a means of information exchange, the postal system continues to be in demand as a popular means of sending goods. However, it is still inferior to private couriers in terms of speed, convenience and quality of service. At the same time, OPS only wins in terms of price, being the cheapest delivery method.
Regional Consumer Union
Another way to decipher the considered abbreviation of the OPS is the Regional Consumer Union or the Regional Union of Consumer Societies.
This organization exists in almost every country of the former USSR. Its purpose is to protect the rights and interests of cooperatives. It performs not only an organizational function, but at the same time is an economic and legal advisory center for such institutions.
Spec Ops ("Special Ops"): computer games
In addition to all of the above, the three letters in question are also part of the name of the Zombie Studios military video game series.

Since 1998, nine games of this series have been released. Most of them can be played not only on a personal computer, but also on various consoles.
The essence of the games "Special Ops" (regardless of the year of release) is that the gamer can participate in various military operations as a shooterspecial forces. In any version of Spec Ops, the player has to complete a series of tasks, fighting terrorists in different parts of the world.
Other OPS transcripts
In addition to the five above, OPS is used as an abbreviation in many other areas. Here are just a few.

- In ecology, the natural environment.
- In production terminology, raw material preparation department.
- In aviation, the optical landing system.
- In cosmonautics - an orbital manned station.
- In medicine, total peripheral resistance.
- In horticulture, a pollinator for fields and gardens.
- In military affairs, a separate communications regiment and an optical sighting station.

In mythology, Ops or Opa is the name of the ancient Roman goddess of harvest and fertility. This is such an interesting and meaningful abbreviation - OPS.