The Kingdom of Denmark is a northern European state, most of which is located on the Jutland peninsula. The capital is the city of Copenhagen. The population is more than a million people, the area is 43 thousand km2. sq. According to this indicator, the state ranks 130th in the world. Together with the island of Greenland and the Faroe archipelago, it forms the Kingdom of Denmark.
The form of government is a constitutional monarchy, the head of state is Margrethe (Margarita) II. Legislative power is exercised by Parliament. Danish is the official language.

Short description
Denmark is a member of the European Union, the UN and the North Atlantic bloc. He also has membership in many trade and sports organizations. The official religion is Lutheranism.
The borders of Denmark as a state were formed in the XI century. Already in the 5th century AD, this area was inhabited by the Danish tribes, from which the name of the country presumably came.
The only state with which Denmark borders on land is Germany. It is washed by the seas of the Atlantic Ocean and borders on the sea with the kingdoms of Sweden and Norway.

Climaticconditions and flora
The territory of Denmark, which is represented by a flat landscape, is partially located at a mark below sea level. Maritime climate. It is characterized by mild winters and relatively cool summers. Due to the proximity of the seas, precipitation is frequent, mainly in the form of rain. And in winter there is often sleet.
Among the objects of flora, Danish spruce deserves special attention. Many of its varieties have proven themselves as the best tree for the celebration of Catholic Christmas. Also, this spruce has recently been in demand among Russians during New Year's celebrations.
All cities in Denmark deserve special attention, but one of them strikes the most. The capital Copenhagen is located on the Jutland peninsula, it is a UNESCO world heritage site with a population of about half a million people. The city has an international airport connected by direct communication with Moscow. The capital of Denmark is world-famous for the famous sculpture "The Little Mermaid", the amusement park "Tivoli", the European analogue of the American Disneyland and the "Christiania" quarter. Representatives of various creative professions, hippies and other citizens of free views on the norms of social behavior and morality live freely in it. The largest cities in Denmark are Aarhus and Odense, the birthplace of Hans Christian Andersen.

Despite the fact that officially Denmark is a Catholic state, most of the believers profess Lutheranism. There are also Catholics, Adventists, Pentecostals and there is an increase in professingIslam. The number of non-believers in the religious teachings of the Danes is quite large. Although the area of Denmark is small, this state serves as a home for people with different beliefs. The Kingdom, as a sovereign organization, is one of the five developed states of Europe, so it is customary here to give a person the right to make his own choice. The capital - Copenhagen - has most of the various religious temples and churches.
Normally Vikings are associated with the word "Denmark". However, the most ancient inhabitants of these lands can be called such very conditionally. Only a few of the inhabitants of this area were engaged in navigation, and they can be credited with sailing to the shores of Iceland, Greenland.

Wartime and joining the resistance
In the last century, the country was forcibly drawn into the Second World War. The area of Denmark allowed her allies to win some privileges. The signing of a non-aggression pact with Nazi Germany in 1939 did not save the country from occupation by the Nazis, although the Danes declared their neutrality. Basically, the fight against the Germans on the territory of the country was carried out by the armies of the allies of the USSR. In May 1945, British troops completed the occupation of Denmark. One of the first states in Europe, the Kingdom became a member of the UN, immediately after the end of the war joined NATO (1949).
In the same century, 30 years apart, in 1948 and 1979, Denmark granted dominion status to the Faroe Islands and Greenland. Since the signing of the relevant documents, the Kingdom has not interfered in the internal politics pursued by thesestate.
Modern Denmark is a state with a high level of urbanization, a significant share of high-tech industries in the economy. At the same time, a strict legal framework and a respectful attitude towards the environment make this country the largest supplier of organic food products to the European market. European standards.

The nature of the industry is not raw materials. There are oil and gas reserves on the shelf of the B altic Sea, but their extraction is carried out mainly to meet domestic needs. Denmark has highly qualified human resources and provides many European states with them. The main export destinations are meat and dairy products, medicines, high-tech equipment, and seafood.
Denmark held in 2000 a referendum on joining the Eurozone, but the majority of the population was against it. To this day, the national currency of the state is a stable kroon. Economists fully approve of this decision, arguing that it is thanks to him that economic growth continues, low inflation rates are observed. It also has the highest per capita income.
Denmark's area allows rational use of its natural resources. The latest technologies are actively used here,which allow to preserve the ecology of the region and not to waste excavated minerals. For example, wind power plants located in large numbers on the seashore have become widespread.
Denmark has a developed he althcare system, here, as in social policy, the state exercises control over the fulfillment of obligations to the most vulnerable segments of the population.

Denmark Square may be small, but professional sports are also active here. The Danes participate in all major international competitions, including the Olympic Games. The most popular sports are football, badminton and handball. Cycling is actively developing, and in large cities the bicycle is one of the main modes of transport. A targeted policy is being pursued to establish citizenship for athletes who bring medals to their new homeland at world forums.
The country has a permanent representation in the Russian Federation in Moscow. Danish is considered a common language (more than 5.5 million people speak it), which is why it is in demand among politicians. Diplomatic relations, interrupted during the world wars, are now stable and strong.