Remember the joke about how the fight between the physical education teacher and the Trudovik ended? Trudovik won, because karate is karate, and a hammer is a hammer. Jokes aside, but at school, all tools must be used only for their intended purpose, as prescribed by safety regulations.

Is safety a mere formality?
Mastering theoretical knowledge is impossible without practice. This rule is best taken into account in the school curriculum on technology. It is very important to create conditions for students that exclude the occurrence of dangerous situations, so the safety precautions in the technology room must be known to all students and observed by them.
If you strictly follow the instructions prescribed in the regulatory documents, then you can avoid injuring students with hot surfaces, equipment and tools used in the lesson.
Accept safety in the officetechnology as a mere formality is fundamentally wrong, because the rules are written in order to protect children.
General rules
First, let's look at the general safety rules in the technology room:
- Come to class 5 minutes before the bell.
- You can enter the classroom only with the permission of the teacher.
- All students must wear special clothing.
- Everyone should take their assigned place and not leave it without the teacher's permission.
- Work can only be started at the command of the teacher. You should not be distracted from work. If the teacher addresses the student, then it is worth suspending the work.
- Before using the tool, the student must familiarize himself with the rules for handling this tool.
- The equipment may only be used for its intended purpose.
- Defective or blunt instruments may not be used.
- Keep them as shown by the teacher.
- Tools should be kept in their designated place.
- Every student's workplace should be in order.
- Tools are laid out strictly in the order indicated by the teacher.
- It is forbidden to be distracted by extraneous matters during work.
- You need to leave the office for recess.
- After the lesson, the workplace should be put in order.

Safety Instructions
In the technology office, safety precautions are observed oninstruction basis. It includes rules to avoid injury to students during technology lessons.
A safety instruction in a technology room usually includes:
- general provisions - information that reveals the purpose of the instruction;
- requirements and rules before, during and after work;
- rules of conduct in emergencies.
Safety briefing in the technology room is conducted by the teacher before the students are allowed to work. In cases where the technology teacher cannot do this, he must arrange for another teacher to conduct the briefing.
Instruction is carried out in the following cases:
- introductory - at the very beginning of the year;
- primary - before starting to study a new topic;
- repeated - once every six months;
- unscheduled - if there is a need or a traumatic situation appears;
- target - when you have to study a topic that involves working on special equipment.

Safety Journal
The safety journal in the technology room should always be present. Briefings are recorded in it and indicated:
- surnames and initials of students;
- dates of birth instructed;
- the class they are in;
- date of briefing;
- instruction number and name;
- signatures of students;
- name and initials of the teacher,who conducted the briefing;
- teacher's signature.
Colourfully designed booths will help communicate safety rules in the technology room to students in an unobtrusive way.
They will "work" effectively if placed in the right place, preferably directly in the classroom. Information about how to operate the machine will be useful in the carpentry shop, and safety precautions when working with an electric stove will be useful where cooking classes are held.
For boys
Safety in the technology room for boys includes rules for working with male tools and equipment.
Rules for working with machines
First, you need to familiarize the boys with the general safety rules for working with any kind of machines.
Before you start:
- Wear anti-pollution clothing, hide hair under a hat.
- Check if the tool is securely fixed.
- Fix the part for machining in a vise, chuck or other part of the tool.
- Check how the machine works "idle".
During operation:
- Feed the workpiece to the rotating tool smoothly, avoiding sudden movements.
- If you need to move away from the machine, you should turn it off.
- Do not touch the chuck, mandrel or drill.
- Before you stop the machine, you need to get the workpiece, this will avoid equipment breakdown.
After finishing work:
- After the complete stop of the machine, removeshavings with a brush (never by hand.
- Wipe the tools and the machine, show the workplace to the teacher.
Handmade metalworking
When working with metal, follow the rules below.
Before you start:
- Put on an apron and armlets or robe, headdress.
- Put on goggles (when chopping metal).
- Check the inventory (scoop, basting, file brush, seat, rack) for faults. If you find them, contact your teacher.
- If everything is in order, arrange them in the order indicated by the teacher.
- Make sure the bench vise is working.
During operation:
- Fix the part to be machined in a vise. Gently lower the vise lever.
- Monitor the serviceability and smoothness of the tools (the surfaces of the hammer, sledgehammer and other percussion instruments must be convex, pointed tools must have a wooden handle without chips and cracks, the length of the chisel must be at least 15 cm, and its drawn part must be 6 -7 cm).
- Wrenches must match the size of the nut.
- When cutting metal with scissors, you need to hold the cut part with your hand in a mitten or glove.
After class ends:
- Check the he alth of the equipment, if a breakdown is found, inform the teacher.
- Clean equipment from traces of work.
- Clean up the workplace. Collect waste in a special container.
- Puttools in the order indicated by the teacher.
- Get yourself in order.
Leave the classroom with the teacher's permission.

Wood processing
Working wood by hand is a process no less complicated than working with metal, so there are a lot of safety rules here too.
Before you start:
- Put on overalls (robe, headdress).
- Check the condition of the inventory (scoop, basting, seat, dummy grill).
- If a malfunction of instruments or equipment is found, the teacher should be notified.
- Check that the bench discs are working properly (if the notch is not working, if the vise jaws are screwed tightly).
During operation:
- Fix the part to be machined tightly in a vise.
- Monitor the he alth of the equipment (first of all, the presence of an intact handle for pointed tools).
- Don't be distracted by other things.
- Use tools strictly for their intended purpose.
After class ends:
- Check that the equipment is working properly, inform the teacher if it is damaged.
- Clean up the workplace, place the waste in the designated box.
- Arrange cutlery in the order indicated by the teacher.
- In order not to spoil the notches on the vise jaws, leave a gap of a couple of millimeters.
- Leave the classroom with the teacher's permission.

Compliance with safety regulations in the technology room for girls is also a prerequisite for the class. To avoid injury will allow the rules that describe the work:
- when cooking;
- when working with cutting and sewing;
- when using an electric iron.
One of the girls' favorite pastimes is cooking. However, in order for it to bring only positive emotions, it is necessary to follow the established rules.
Before you start:
- Put on a robe or apron, hide your hair under a cap or scarf.
- Check the serviceability of the equipment, study its markings.
- Inspect dishes for cracks and chips.
- Notify your teacher if you find any problems.
During class:
- Wash your hands.
- Before you start working with the electric stove, you should check if it is working. Before this, you need to stand on a dielectric mat.
- You also need to check the integrity of the plug and cord and install the tile on a special thermal stand. Do not use open spiral plate.
- You need to cook only in enamelware.
- Use devices designed specifically for a particular activity.
- Use well-sharpened knives.
- Use properly labeled cutting boards.
- Push food into the meat grinder with a specialwooden or plastic pestle.
- Do not grate small pieces of food.
- Feed knives and forks only with the handle forward.
- Put waste in a bin with a lid.
- Hot lids, pots, pans and other kitchen utensils should be handled with oven mitts.
After class ends:
- Disconnect the stove from the power supply by the plug, do not pull the cord.
- Clear desktops, wash dishes and inventory.
- Take away the garbage, throw away the waste.
- Turn off the hood.
- Remove robe or apron, hat, wash hands.
- Leave the classroom with the teacher's permission.

Working with fabric
Cutting and sewing are also associated with considerable dangers, so safety precautions when working in the technology room must be strictly observed.
Before the lesson starts:
- Put on an apron, tie a scarf over your head.
- Check that the right tools are available and working properly.
- When rusty pins, needles, broken scissors, etc. are found. tell the teacher.
During operation:
- Check the operation of the electric sewing machine, the integrity of the cord and plug.
- In between sewing, insert needles and pins into a special pillow or put them in a box.
- Don't put sharp objects in your mouth.
- Use when sewing with a thimble.
- Attach the pattern to the fabric with the sharp end away from you.
- Scissorsput with the sharp end away from you, and pass with the handles forward.
- Do not lean low over a running sewing machine.
- Do not keep your fingers close to the foot of a running sewing machine.
- Don't bite the threads with your teeth.
After class ends:
- Disconnect the machine from the power supply by the plug, not by the cord.
- Tidy the desktop, put the trash in a special bin.
- Remove apron and scarf
- Leave the classroom with the teacher's permission.

Using an electric iron
Any electrical appliance is dangerous, and an iron is especially dangerous, because it is used in close proximity to the hands, and therefore the likelihood of burns increases.
Before class starts:
- Put on an apron, hide hair under a scarf.
- Check if the iron is working: inspect the cord and plug for damage.
During class:
- Turn the iron on and off with dry hands.
- In between work, put the iron on the thermal stand.
- Do not let the soleplate touch the cord.
- Do not touch the soleplate with your hands.
- Do not leave a hot iron unattended.
After class ends:
- Disconnect the iron from the power supply by the plug.
- Tidy the work surface.
- Remove overalls.
- Leave the classroom with the teacher's permission.

Safety in the technology room must be observed by every student, regardless of gender and age. You need to get acquainted with its rules seriously, thinking about each item. Signing thoughtlessly in a safety journal will not save you from cuts, burns or other troubles.