Analytical report is a document that contains the results of research conducted in a particular area. They write it, as a rule, in order to formulate the problems and conclusions that have arisen.

The document must contain several ways out of the situation, based on the information available to everyone.
Analytical reference: structure
The volume of this document, as well as its form, are not strictly regulated. The following elements serve as a framework for its compilation:
1. Annotation. This is a brief summary of the essence of the document: for what reasons and under what circumstances it became necessary to write it, what tasks and goals the object set for itself, what research methods were used and what results were obtained. The disclosure of each of these questions begins with a new paragraph. All sources of information used by the author are also indicated here. All these data are presented on 2/3 sheets of A4 format.

2. Content. It lists all the structural elements of the analytical reference and indicates the page numbers.
3. Introduction. It must be present, although it may not be distinguished by separate subheadings. The introduction briefly outlines the meaning of the main problem, the methods, goals and principles used in its study, outlines the range of issues to be considered.
4. The main part, consisting of several sections and subsections. This is the essence of the whole study. The questions studied on the topic are presented in compliance with the logical chain. The speaker should rely not only on additional literature, but also on his own study of the sources. The data are summarized and analyzed step by step. Hypotheses are put forward and immediately substantiated.

5. Conclusion. The analytical report at the end must necessarily contain conclusions, as well as a forecast and recommendations. They build on the information provided in previous sections of the document.
6. Signature. At the end of the analytical reference, a note is made about the responsible executor of the document. The date and work phone numbers are also indicated.
7. Appendix. It contains various tables, graphs, diagrams, a dictionary and other additional information. If guidance is required, a list of references is also compiled.
Analytical note: writing guidelines
It is better that the document pursues one goal, and the entire text is aimed at achieving it. To policy notelooked more objective, you need to request information from colleagues from third-party institutions. Scientific terms known only to specialists should be replaced by expressions that are understandable to the majority. Each main section of the document should start on a new page. Only after the manager approves the analytical note, it can be issued in the form of a brochure.
Academic Policy Brief
The writing of this document is widespread in pedagogical practice. For example, a teacher's analytical report is created to show what he worked on during the year, what results he achieved, what methods he used. It is also necessary for the visualization of pedagogical experience and its transfer to young professionals. In a preschool educational institution, the writing of this document is also practiced. The analytical report of the educator contains information on how the tasks set for the academic year were fulfilled, on the shortcomings of the work, and on the goals for the future.