The lesson is considered one of the main forms of organizing the educational process in high school. During this short period of time of 45 minutes, the assimilation of new educational material, the upbringing of children, their development is carried out.
What determines the choice of forms and methods of the lesson?
There are many different forms of lessons, in particular, they differ in the level of creativity. Note that the forms of organization of the lesson and the methods used primarily depend on the purpose of the lesson.

The teacher needs to understand what kind of result he wants to achieve from the lesson. If it is important for him to convey certain material, to review the literature of a certain period, then the explanatory and illustrative method will naturally be used. If the teacher wants to involve children in scientific activities, independent search for information, then it is necessary to use the research method.
The choice of the form of organizing a lesson at school also depends on the type of lesson. For example, in the conditions of a lesson for monitoring educational achievements, one will have to give preference to various written works and tests. At the same time, it is very difficult to use any unusual form of conductinglesson.

The choice of methods and forms of conducting lessons also has a subjective component. It largely depends on the personality of the teacher, his pedagogical skills, professional qualities, his attitude to work. Someone puts their whole soul into the learning process and is constantly looking for the best form of organizing a lesson, while someone conducts lessons according to the same scheme from year to year, completely unresponsive to the innovations of modern pedagogy.
Lesson on GEF
The peculiarity of the lessons based on the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard is a systematic and active approach to the assimilation of knowledge. If during a traditional lesson the learning outcomes are presented in the form of knowledge, then in a modern lesson there should be real actions aimed at mastering knowledge. It should be noted that the forms of organizing a lesson on GEF involve the active use of information technology.

In this situation, the teacher does not provide knowledge in finished form, he only serves as a guide for children to the land of knowledge. Students themselves, with the help of the teacher, realize the topic, formulate the goals and objectives of the educational process. Also during the GEF lesson, self-reflection and self-control are important. Students have the opportunity to evaluate both the success of achieving success in education, and the results of their comrades. As a result, the education system becomes more transparent. In addition, students have the opportunity to learn how to objectively evaluate their results.
Organizational forms of lessons in elementary school
A feature of elementary school is that children are just starting their way to mastering knowledge, so it is very important to help them in this and develop strong motivation for further successful learning.

The choice of the form of organizing a lesson in elementary school should be varied. Most often used frontal work. It is especially relevant during setting the goals of the lesson, conducting reflection. Frontal work allows you to jointly solve tasks, demonstrate algorithms for finding answers to complex questions. Good results are obtained by working in constant pairs. It helps to fill in the gaps, stimulates active activity on the part of each student. Most often, such work is carried out with the participation of classmates. Therefore, it is important to initially pay attention to their level of preparation when seating children, so that students can interact effectively with each other.
It is also possible to work in pairs of interchangeable composition. Such forms of organization of the lesson allow you to look at a particular situation from different angles. In this case, a certain problem may appear in a new perspective. In addition, children in elementary school need to get used to individual work, because it will help them successfully solve educational problems in the future.

In elementary school it is impossible to do without role-playing elements. The peculiarity of children of this age lies in theircuriosity, activity, inability to sit still. All these qualities must be taken into account and used to attract the child to the development of knowledge.
Organization of math lessons
Many children remember math lessons for the rest of their lives as something very boring and dull. So that they do not have such an impression, it is worth trying to use non-traditional forms of organizing a math lesson. They will help diversify the learning process, make it more fun. However, one should not get too carried away with unusual forms of lessons, because experience shows that during non-standard lessons one can learn much less information.
Math tournaments
Having a mathematical tournament requires serious preparation on the part of both students and teachers. The mentor must definitely think over in detail all the tasks that his students will perform. The tournament can be played in different ways. For example, students can be divided into 2 groups, and each of them will receive a certain number of examples. During their solution, students can consult with each other. Then you should call one person from each team to the board, give them the task to exchange examples and solve them on the board. The team that can solve the most examples and problems originally received by the opposing team wins.

The advantages of this form of organizing a modern lesson are the use of a game form. If the students received the same examples in the form of independent work, then theythey would hardly be ready to solve them, and then also listen to the answers of their classmates. It only takes 15-20 minutes to use this method.
Business games
This form of organization of the educational process can be used in the study of any subject, but it is best suited for lessons in mathematics and economics. At the same time, players are given the opportunity to simulate a situation in which it is necessary to decide on the correct strategy of behavior, to choose the optimal solution.
As part of mathematical business games, students have the opportunity to try on the role of a person of a particular speci alty, to understand the importance of mathematics for his work. At the same time, the student can not only master the theoretical material, but also try to apply it in practice. In addition, such games are important as career guidance.
How useful are non-standard Russian lessons?
Optionally, the form of organization of the Russian language lesson should be classical. When studying linguistics, it is very important to experiment. This will increase the level of motivation of students, make them show more interest in the subject. In addition, within the framework of non-standard lessons in the Russian language, it is much easier to work on the development of students' communication skills. Many children are embarrassed to answer at the blackboard, but from a place while performing various game tasks they are ready to be active.

Non-standard forms of lesson organization contribute to the democratization of education,increasing the role of the subject-subject component in communication between the teacher and children. However, for the successful conduct of such a lesson, you must definitely work hard, think through everything to the smallest detail. To do this, it is important that the teacher stands out among his colleagues with a high level of pedagogical skill.
Forms of conducting Russian lessons
You can work on mastering the basic rules of the Russian language, literacy of speech, using different methods and forms of organizing a lesson. These can be lessons structured in the form of a business game, various press conferences, consultations, television lessons, seminars, competitions, excursions.
Binary lessons
In addition, you can choose a binary lesson, within which it is possible to master knowledge in various subjects. It is best to prepare a lesson based on related disciplines. It can be Russian and Ukrainian, Russian and English, Russian language and literature. Although other options are possible. This is especially true for lessons in the development of coherent speech. During their conduct, it is possible to simultaneously develop not only the communication abilities of students, but also their aesthetic taste, knowledge from the field of musical art, artistic culture, literature, biology, geography.
Features of using methods and forms of education
The article lists only a part of the forms of conducting lessons and methods that are used in the educational process. In fact, there are many more. In addition, every teacher is first and foremost a creative person. He can not only competently use existing methodslearning, but also combine them, come up with new ones.
Educator can try different techniques in search of exactly the form of teaching that contributes to the achievement of ideal results. At the same time, it is important not to stop in creative searches, to know all the information about current trends in the pedagogical field. It must be understood that all methods (except those prohibited by law) are good, as long as children take good knowledge and independent work skills from school.
With the help of the acquired knowledge, they can easily enter higher educational institutions. Just do not overdo it, because often teachers in search of creative forms of organizing lessons forget that not only entertainment is important at school, but also high-quality knowledge of children. Teachers should approach the choice of the method and form of the lesson for each class separately.