Sevastopol universities: speci alties, addresses

Sevastopol universities: speci alties, addresses
Sevastopol universities: speci alties, addresses

Sevastopol universities are now causing an unprecedented stir, because they offer a wide range of speci alties, and the state allocates sufficient funding to build up the scientific infrastructure. In addition, the warm climate and the sea are an invariable pole of attraction for a person, and for an applicant - a dream place. So where should you go to get a profession?

Marine University Branch

In 2002, a branch of the State Maritime University named after Ushakov F. F. entered the number of Sevastopol universities. The educational institution is managed by Yuri Petrovich Kornilov.

Training of specialists is carried out according to two main programs:

  1. "Navigation".
  2. "Operation of power plants on ships".

As part of the training sessions, students work out practical skills in the offshore training center and in the onshore training simulator center with modernequipment.

Address of the educational organization: Heroes of Sevastopol street, 11, cor. 8/22.

State University

Sevastopol State University
Sevastopol State University

SevGU was founded in 1951. Previous name - Sevastopol National University. Rector of the university - Vladimir Dmitrievich Nechaev.

The largest number of budget places are offered in the following areas:

  • Catering service.
  • Information security.
  • Power industry.
  • Nuclear plants.
  • Economy.
  • Philology.
  • Information systems.

The structure of the university (institutions): information technology, nuclear energy, polytechnic (Sevastopol Technical University), humanitarian and pedagogical, legal, maritime, radio electronics, finance, social sciences, city development.

A military department operates at SevSU. Training of officers, sergeants and privates of the reserve is underway. Training is provided in the following speci alties:

  • "Repair of electrical power systems of ships".
  • "Repair of diesel installations of ships".
  • "Conducting search, emergency and diving operations".

Address for accepting documents to Sevastopol State University: Universitetskaya street, 33.

PRUE Branch in Sevastopol

REU in Sevastopol
REU in Sevastopol

The Russian University of Economics opened its branch in Sevastopol in 2003, which to this day isthe only representative office in the Crimea. Director of the university - Igor Andreevich Shevchuk.

Sevastopol University offers the following educational programs:

  • "Economic security".
  • "Finance and Credit".
  • "Tourism business management".
  • "Accounting".
  • "Management of the organization".

There is an opportunity to enroll on a budgetary basis with the successful passing of exams.

Location of the university in the city: Vakulenchuk street, 29.

Sevastopol Institute of Economics and Humanities

The Economic and Humanitarian Institute in Sevastopol is a structural subdivision of KFU. It was opened in 1995. Director - Natalya Fyodorovna Lazitskaya.

Directions of training in SEGI:

  • "Management".
  • "Physical culture".
  • "Psychology".
  • "Recreation and he alth tourism".
  • "State and municipal administration".
  • "Adaptive physical culture".
  • "Jurisprudence".

Address of the educational institution: Shelkunova street, 1.

Chernomorsk military school

Black Sea Military School
Black Sea Military School

The school, which teaches maritime affairs, was opened in 1937. Its graduates have played a big role in the course of the history of the Fatherland. Now the recruitment is carried out for higher education programs, postgraduate studies, and cadets are also enrolled.

The school presentsthe following undergraduate and specialist programs:

  1. "Navigation".
  2. "Radio engineering".
  3. "Information security of telecommunication systems".
  4. "Operation of power plants on ships".
  5. "Radio-electronic complexes".

Cadet training is carried out in the following areas:

  • "The use of ship missiles".
  • "Operation of cruise missiles".
  • "The use of special support units".
  • "The use of coastal missile systems".
  • "Underwater technical work".

Address of the educational organization: Dybenko street, 1a.

Institute of Economics and Law

The Institute of Economics and Law is an educational organization founded by the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Russia.

You can get a diploma at the IEP:

  • Manager.
  • Financialist.
  • Lawyer.

Preparatory courses for entrance examination programs are being held. A graduate can improve social studies, Russian language, history, mathematics within a month and successfully pass the exam.

The admissions office works at the address: Balaklavskaya street, 11.

Moscow State University Branch

Branch of Moscow State University
Branch of Moscow State University

The popular Sevastopol University is a branch of Moscow State University. It was opened in 1999. City students have the opportunity to study directly with teachers from Moscow, as they come toSevastopol on business trips and conduct courses of their subjects.

Students are recruited for majors:

  • "Journalism".
  • "State and municipal administration".
  • "Geography".
  • "Philology".
  • "Economy".
  • "Applied Mathematics and Informatics".
  • "Psychology".
  • "Physics".
  • "Management".
  • "History".

You can submit documents at: Geroev Sevastopol street, 7.

The network of Sevastopol universities is actively developing, in the coming years, applicants will certainly be able to choose a place to get a profession from a larger number of educational institutions.
