Voronezh is a prosperous city not far from Moscow. Historical features, industry, cultural achievements make it attractive for living, as well as for applicants. After all, there is a huge number of educational organizations that provide their services at a high level. Below are the five most popular universities in Voronezh, where competition for budget places is only growing every year.
Humanist or techie?

Technical universities have long ceased to be exclusively such, they harmoniously combine economic, natural science, and pedagogical speci alties. That is why modern students of the Voronezh Technical University no longer enter into disputes among themselves, because they study in the same organization with a wide range ofdirections.
Main leading faculties:
- Road transport.
- Engineering and Economics.
- Building.
- Architecture and urban planning.
- Engineering systems and structures.
- Mechanical and aerospace engineering.
- Radio engineering and electronics.
- Economics, management and information technology, etc.
In addition, there are special units dealing with secondary prof. education, correspondence and international studies, teacher training, etc.
Main destinations:
- ecology and nature management;
- architecture;
- construction;
- computer science and engineering;
- urban development;
- radio engineering;
- biotechnical systems and technologies;
- heat power engineering and heat engineering.
Educators, go ahead

Teachers have always been worth their weight in gold, and now the situation is much more acute than 20-30 years ago. Young people are reluctant to go into education due to low salaries, huge energy costs and paperwork. However, the competition for the Voronezh Pedagogical University only increases every year. This is due to many factors: good campaigning and educational work, a sufficient number of budget places, a good educational base and others.
Entering the VSPU, you can become, for example, a teacher of English or German, mathematics, computer science, fine arts,biology, music, elementary or preschool education, etc. In addition, there are such areas as ecology, design, speech therapy, choreographic team management, economics and management.
The following faculties work at the university:
- Humanitarian.
- Foreign languages.
- Naturally geographic.
- Psychological and pedagogical.
- Arts and art education.
- Physical Education and BJ.
- Physical-mathematical.
Classical education is prestigious
Voronezh State University is one of the most popular educational organizations in the city. Active international activity, an extensive scientific base, modern research developments, a strong teaching staff - all this attracts not only local applicants, but also young people from all over Russia and abroad.
The university consists of 18 faculties, 7 institutes and a branch in Borisoglebsk, thanks to which it is able to provide thousands of students with quality educational services every year. Cooperation with Japan, the USA, Estonia and the Netherlands makes it possible to train international-level specialists.
Main majors:
- biology;
- sociology;
- math;
- linguistics;
- radiophysics;
- philology;
- economic security;
- journalism;
- psychological and pedagogical education;
- pharmacy;
- software engineering;
- foreign relations and others.
No medicine anywhere

Voronezh Medical University is an organization with a hundred-year history. The university began its activity on the basis of the State University as a structural unit. Over time, there was a need for independent functioning.
Teaching students takes place at the faculties of the same name to the speci alties. There are also institutes that work with foreign students, train nursing staff, and improve the skills of existing medical workers.
Voronezh Medical University offers to study in the following speci alties:
- dentistry;
- pharmacy;
- medical business;
- medical and preventive work;
- pediatrics.
Agricultural workforce is the foundation of food independence

One of the specialized universities in Voronezh is an agrarian university. It is hard to believe, but its origins lie at the very beginning of the last century. Modern agricultural workers are specialists who are obliged to orient themselves not only in special disciplines, but also in economics and industry, as well as to know the current political and food situation in the world. This is necessary in order to create a product that meets all quality requirements, which will be competitive not only in the country, but also abroad.
Structural units (faculties):
- Agronomy,agrochemistry and ecology.
- Agroengineering.
- Humanitarian-legal.
- Land management and cadastres.
- Veterinary medicine and animal husbandry technology.
- Economic.
- Technology and commodity science.
Main areas of training:
- animal science;
- jurisprudence;
- agronomy;
- agroengineering;
- economy;
- merchandising;
- gardening, etc.
In addition to the listed universities, there are many highly specialized educational organizations in Voronezh that will help hundreds of applicants get their dream profession. However, many of them can qualify for a budgetary basis.