Theatrical universities of St. Petersburg: list, addresses, speci alties

Theatrical universities of St. Petersburg: list, addresses, speci alties
Theatrical universities of St. Petersburg: list, addresses, speci alties

Already in 1703, the cultural capital of Russia, St. Petersburg, was founded. Theatrical life also began in this city, but with the creation of the Mariinsky Theatre, and today the number of institutions has grown significantly. One hundred and eighty dramatic, puppet, satirical, student, children's and other cultural places. Theaters in St. Petersburg are visited by thousands of people every day, it is not for nothing that this city is a cultural field for all novice artists. Competition in the best theater universities in St. Petersburg about 2 hundred people for one place.

Road to profession

Although the very fact that a student entered the Institute of St. Petersburg is a great success. But when it comes to theater school, the bar is raised even higher.

There are many universities in the city that teach acting, there are both public and private institutions. But still, to enter a top institute is the dream of any person who dreams of connecting life with the theater and the film industry.

First Place - Performing Arts Institute

performing arts institute
performing arts institute

The Russian State Institute of Performing Arts in St. Petersburg is one of the oldest institutions in the city, so it has preserved all the best theatrical traditions of past centuries. The Academy was founded in 1889, and it was at this time that the first St. Petersburg stage school was created. This educational institution is still considered one of the best among theatrical universities in St. Petersburg and is the standard of theater teaching.

Each course that enters a Russian state institute releases a number of performances over 4 years, they are available for viewing by any viewer. Theatrical performances are held on the stage "On Mokhovaya". Many idols performed here, such as such a famous person as Arkady Raikin, and the amazing actress Alisa Freindlikh and, of course, the well-known Oleg Basilashvili. If the performance is successful, then it goes beyond the theater "On Mokhovaya". An example of this is the graduation performance "Brothers and Sisters" under the direction of Arkady Katsmag and Lev Dodin. The performance was recognized as the best of the season, and was later staged at the Maly Drama Theatre.


Sometimes, several faculties and courses of the St. Petersburg State Academy of Theater Arts are involved in creating a performance. This is a great practice for both actors and directors, screenwriters, production designers, producers, sound engineers, etc. Absolutely any student can find his own path that he will like. For the first time, the idea of staging was put forward by the teacher and brilliant director GeorgyTovstonogov.

Address: st. Mokhovaya, 34.

Second place - State University of Culture and Arts

university of culture and art
university of culture and art

St. Petersburg State University of Culture and Art is an outstanding place for both actors and other members of the troupe. Most of the teachers are former students of theater universities in St. Petersburg, so the level of education is very high.

Students in addition to theoretical knowledge, get practical skills in the best theaters in St. Petersburg. Of the great ones, this is the Academic Drama Theater named after V. F. Komissarzhevskaya, also the most comfortable theater "Under the Roof" opens its doors to students of the University of Culture and Art.

In addition to the fact that you can get an acting education at the university, there is a directing department led by Vladimir Tykke. He is a well-known person in the field of theatrical art and the head of the B altic House Theatre.

One of the most famous graduates is the actor, director and director of performances at the Alexandrinsky Theater - Sergei Rogozhin. And also a no less famous graduate who has been awarded more than once and awarded the Golden Mask and Golden Soffit awards is Andrey Moguchiy.

The main feature of a higher educational institution is that it conducts trainings in theater pedagogy. This is a completely new direction, which has not been used in any university before.

Address: Palace embankment, 2.

Third place - State Pedagogical University

Russian State Pedagogical University named after A. I. Herzen
Russian State Pedagogical University named after A. I. Herzen

Russian State Pedagogical University named after A. I. Herzen is among the TOP best universities in St. Petersburg for a reason. Each trimester is accompanied by a number of features that have their own priorities. For example, the first course is saturated with an organic program, that is, students delve into the basics of the psychology of theatrical art.

In the first half of the year, reincarnation schemes are studied, based on classical prose and dramaturgy. And in the second semester, no matter how strange it may seem, they teach clown art with all its features.

Already in the third year, a performance is staged based on well-known and less popular works of Russian classics. Also, teachers teach to transform into different roles and talk about the art of pantomime.

And the last, fourth course, is based on finding your own style. Each student prepares a thesis - a performance. It can be both short and full-fledged, with the possibility of further development. Throughout the year there are festivals and events organized by alumni. "Acting resumes" are being written.

Address: emb. Moiki, 48.

Fourth place among theatrical universities St. Petersburg - Humanitarian University of Trade Unions

St. Petersburg University for the Humanities
St. Petersburg University for the Humanities

Graduation from the St. Petersburg Humanitarian University of Trade Unions means opening the way to the academic BDT named after G. A. Tovstonogov and also to two cozy theaters:B altic House and Pokrovka Theatre.

Already in their first year, the most outstanding students participate in theatrical productions within the walls of their university in the Great Hall. The performance can be attended by up to 800 spectators. Practical classes are held every year in various theaters of the great city of St. Petersburg.

In addition to the main teachers, classes are attended by masters and masters of the scene. The most important highlight is that the university cooperates with such a large-scale university as Denver from Colorado. Therefore, students have the opportunity not only to visit this place, but also to exchange experiences with foreign students and even take an internship under the exchange program.

Address: st. Fucik, 102.

Fifth place - ballet academy

Academy of Russian Ballet named after A. Ya. Vaganov
Academy of Russian Ballet named after A. Ya. Vaganov

The Vaganov Academy of Russian Ballet is ideal for a person who dreams of dancing all his life. This university is also known by its former name: the Leningrad Order of Lenin and the Red Banner of Labor State Dance School.

To graduate from the Academy of Russian Ballet is a great privilege for someone who really wants to connect his life with the acting path, as the ballet school is one of the oldest in the world. The name of this university is associated with the flourishing and recognition of choreography. The location is very attractive for students, as they live and study in the very center of St. Petersburg. Address: st. Architect Rossi, 2.

This is not a complete list of theater universities in St. Petersburg, theirreally a lot. We reviewed the top 5 most famous institutions.
