Ural State Forestry University: overview, facts

Ural State Forestry University: overview, facts
Ural State Forestry University: overview, facts

Russia without a forest is not Russia. For many years, the country's leadership and the population itself treated it as an unlimited resource, thoughtlessly logging. At the moment, the areas occupied by trees have been greatly reduced, plants are getting sick, animals are dying out, and entire ecosystems are disappearing. In order to stop this process at least a little, the Ural State Forest Engineering University was opened, the mission of which is to train specialists for the forest industry who are able to rationally manage this valuable resource. What speci alties does the university offer, what documents are required for admission?

General information about the university

USGTU students
USGTU students

Educational institution began its work in 1930. The university was opened as an institute, gradually received the status of a university.

  • During this time, more than56 thousand people.
  • At the moment, about 8 thousand students are studying at USFTU.
  • The infrastructure of the institution includes not only educational buildings and hostels, but also its own sanatorium, driving school and technopark.
  • Rector, head of the Ural State Forestry University, Andrey Veniaminovich Mekhrentsev.
  • No branches.
  • Address: Ekaterinburg, st. Siberian tract, 37.

Educational programs of the university

Ural Forest Engineering University
Ural Forest Engineering University

Students are taught under bachelor's, master's, postgraduate and specialist programs.

The leading areas of training at the first stage:

  1. Tourism.
  2. Landscape architecture
  3. Biotechnology.
  4. Land management and cadastres.
  5. Gardening.
  6. Service.
  7. Logging technology, etc.

In addition, the Ural State Forestry University trains specialists in two areas: economic security and land vehicles.

Postgraduate and undergraduate students can study in the following programs: chemical technology, forestry, management, quality management, education and pedagogical sciences, etc.

Training institutions

The educational process at USGTU is controlled by the following institutions:

  1. Timber business and road construction.
  2. Chemical processing of raw materials of vegetable origin and industrialecology.
  3. Forests and nature management.
  4. Road transport and vehicles.
  5. Economics and management.

Besides, he trains support staff at the Ural State Forestry University, faculty of secondary vocational education.

Employment of students in their free time

Anniversary of USGTU
Anniversary of USGTU

The university is doing quality work to educate young people. Students can participate in creative teams, attend sports sections, develop their leadership skills in self-governing organizations.

Ural State Forestry University pays special attention to young people who are eager to grow in the scientific field. The university guarantees support for research, helps in obtaining patents, finances conferences and forums. Foreign internships and trips are practiced at USFTU. So, for example, at the beginning of 2019, students represented the university at the Taitaya competition in Finland.

The work of the selection committee


Documents are accepted at the address: Yekaterinburg, st. Siberian tract, 37.

The commission must be provided: a certificate (or diploma), a copy of the passport, 4 photographs, diplomas, certificates, diplomas that can be counted as individual achievements (extra points are given for them).

Deadlines for applying for full-time and budget forms: from 20.06 to 26.07.

Reviews about the Ural State Forestry University, left on various educational resources, are positive, so applicants can safely choosethis educational institution for obtaining a profession, realizing one's creative ambitions, building a career.
