UO Polotsk State University (PSU) is one of the best universities in the Republic of Belarus. It is conveniently located in the city of Belarusian oilmen and chemists - Novopolotsk, in the Vitebsk region. What he lives, what he works on, whom he trains, what conditions of life and leisure are created, and also what is the schedule of the Novopolotsk CCGT. These questions are of interest not only to applicants, their parents, but also those who were lucky enough to study within the walls of this educational institution, which has deep and long traditions.

Docendo discimus (Teaching, learning)
This is the motto of the Polotsk Jesuit Collegium, founded in 1580. The monastic Jesuit order operated in Polotsk thanks to the benevolence of Stefan Batory. The monarch did not know the language of the population he ruled. Therefore, the decrees were drawn up in Latin. The Jesuits were also interested in spreading the language and culture. Thanks to their activities, they systematically continued the policy of catholicization of the Litvins. The policy of the Jesuit Alma mater was clearly progressive, allowing you to get an excellent European education evenrepresentatives of the lower, poor classes.
Novopolotsk PSU is the legal successor of the collegium. Thanks to the support of the President of the Republic of Belarus A. G. Lukashenko, the Faculty of History and Philology and the Faculty of Information Technology returned to the old Jesuit educational building. During the reconstruction, everything possible was done to preserve the atmosphere that existed several centuries ago. Students of only these two faculties are accommodated in Polotsk, the rest of the educational buildings that train specialists in other speci alties are in Novopolotsk and Mesopotamia.

History of the University
The success of the development of industry and the restoration of the national economy in the USSR directly depended on the training of highly qualified personnel. The country's leadership understood this. New universities were opened all over the country. In July 1968, a branch of the Belarusian Technological Institute was opened in Novopolotsk, later transformed into a polytechnic institute.
After the collapse of the USSR, new socio-economic conditions appeared in the Belarusian society. There was a clear understanding of the need for change. At the same time, they tried to preserve as much as possible all the best that the Soviet era gave. Novopolotsk CCGT is one of the brightest examples of the state policy implementation. On September 14, 1993, a university was established on the basis of the Novopolotsk Polytechnic Institute.
Why Applicants Choose PSU
Currently, there are 8 faculties at the university, one of them is for working with foreign students. There are many reasons why people come here to study not only from all over Belarus, but even citizens of other states. It is necessary to briefly highlight the conditions due to which applicants choose this university:
- high quality education;
- one hundred percent guarantee of getting a hostel at Novopolotsk PSU (this also applies to students receiving education on a paid basis);
- university offers a wide range of the most prestigious, in-demand majors in the world;
- opportunity to apply for a state-funded place in several speci alties within an educational institution;
- flexible system of discounts for students studying on a paid basis;
- there is an opportunity to train abroad;
- all state employees receive guaranteed employment upon graduation.

This educational institution has 8 faculties, one of which is for working with foreign students. Training is conducted in the humanities and technical disciplines. Students of the faculties of Novopolotsk PSU receive a classical education. In the process of training specialists, modern technologies (multimedia classrooms, computer, language classes) and methods are used. Seven more faculties are part of the university: humanitarian, civil engineering, mechanical and technological, radio engineering, information technology, financial and economic, legal.
Speci alties
The leadership of the Novopolotsk PGU keeps abreast of the times,carefully monitors, analyzing all modern trends, technologies, constantly exchanging experience with students. It is only thanks to thoughtful, painstaking, multi-level work that it is possible to train specialists with a high production culture.
Different areas of work involve different training periods: from 4 to 6 years. Teachers, engineers, lawyers, economists, specialists in social communications and logistics, designers - this is not the whole list of Novopolotsk PSU speci alties. The dynamic development of modern society and technology sets the pace. There is still a lot of work to be done to better optimize the educational process. The teaching staff understands this, remaining open for cooperation.

Student Science
In 2005, the "Scientific and Technological Park of Polotsk State University" was created. It has the necessary equipment, personnel, scientific personnel, developments in the field of innovative technologies. It has the status of a legal entity. The main task is to form a support system for people involved in scientific development. This is necessary in order for the most significant and interesting projects to be introduced into the industry as soon as possible.
The policy of the famous educational institution in relation to young talents can hardly claim originality. Here they also show interest, support for the growing shift, but the main emphasis is on developing independent critical thinking among students, based on knowledge, understanding, accounting andanalysis of the physical laws of nature and society.
Participation in republican and international competitions is good, but it is much more important to cultivate an exploratory spirit with a creative approach, because without creativity, any business turns into a craft. Therefore, classes in laboratories, workshops, classrooms, technological student design bureaus set as their main goal to “hook” with scientific problems. Do not be afraid to defend your point of view, presenting the material with arguments.

Sports life
All conditions have been created for the fullest disclosure of the potential of young people. Gyms, swimming pool classes, rubber-coated playgrounds. There is an opportunity to engage not only in fitness, martial arts, but also in many other sports disciplines.
Tourist traffic is developed. In this regard, the Faculty of Humanities is especially lucky, because after the first year students go on an ethnographic expedition. For about a month, the guys live in tents, collect the necessary material.
He althy lifestyle is a necessary prevention. Responsibility for yourself, your life, he alth, not only your own, but also those around you. This is one of the main differences between the representatives of the elite of society. Outstanding athletes, winners of the Olympic Games studied within the walls of PSU.
Such a colorful variety of sports sections allows everyone to find something to their liking, meet like-minded people and just have a good time for their own benefit.

Creative mugs
The arrival of various musical groups and memorable concerts on the stage of the university have become a good tradition. In a pleasant warm atmosphere, grateful listeners can not only enjoy the performance, but also ask the most exciting questions. The students themselves are also not deprived of abilities, talents, artistry. They have something to show and something to be proud of.
Everything is clear here anyway: humor and students are inseparable concepts. Representatives of Novopolotsk PSU have repeatedly participated in the International Festival of Humor in Sochi.
TORYDANCE contemporary dance studio
The guys work in modern dance styles (Hause Dance, Hip-Hop).
Obraz Fine Art Studio
Artists participate in this formation. Their fame even reached France. The works were exhibited at the Chateau de Rho.
Vargan Folklore Ensemble
Created thanks to the efforts of the Faculty of History and Philology. The idea is to convey the spiritual heritage of Belarusian ancestors. Songs, traditional dances, rituals. Accepts all comers into its ranks.
Students have the opportunity to try themselves in the literary field. The University publishes its own almanac “Literary object of the IFF” every six months.
This article does not list all circles and associations. Summing up, we can say with confidence: according to reviews, Polotsk State University conducts the necessary cultural and educational work with students thoroughly.
Love of knowledge
The Novopolotsk CCGT Library is located in the new building. Its cozy reading rooms are never empty. And the foyer of the library has long been chosen by artists. They kindly exhibit their work, delighting visitors. This is despite the fact that there is a University Scientific Library, designed to provide high-quality access to all the information resources necessary for learning and working.
In addition, access to the electronic library system known as the "Student Advisor" is open.
Volunteer movement
Disinterested voluntary service to society, awareness of one's involvement, desire to change something - these are the characteristics that unite PSU volunteers. Their ranks include teachers, students and just people who are not able to get past the grief of others. This movement works in various directions, working closely with other charities and foundations.
Guardance of homeless animals ("Chance"), targeted comprehensive assistance to low-income segments of the population, guardianship of orphanages. The list of good deeds is endless. But the guys themselves do not particularly like to talk about their activities. Without pathos and grandiloquent words, they just go, doing what they must, because they can. A clear civic position is expressed in specific cases.
They don't have to prove anything to anyone. Having passed the selection process at admission, mastering a versatile and complex curriculum, they find the strength to share kindness and human warmth with those who have the hardest time.

Students' media space
The student environment is dynamic and something new happens every day. It is not always possible to keep track of the latest achievements in science or keep abreast of what is happening at your own university and beyond. For this, there are various student publications of Novopolotsk PSU.
These include the Nastezh newspaper, the Fact information studio and the Konspekt video studio. Correspondents, cameramen, journalists - the students themselves, subtly feeling their audience. Therefore, the news is interesting, without officialdom.
The policy of the university is unchanged: no pressure and "tightening the screws". Creativity, consciousness, an active life position can only be nurtured in a free democratic environment.
By e-mail and phone numbers of Novopolotsk CCGT, you can quickly contact all departments and structural subdivisions of this giant. Help, necessary consultations on various issues, making your own proposals and initiatives can be carried out as soon as possible.
Reviews about correspondence department of Novopolotsk PSU are always positive. Attention to detail in the organization of the educational process, everyday life, many other issues - this is what has always favorably distinguished this center of science, culture and education of the Polotsk region. But there is no limit to perfection.
The time from the solemn initiation into the student fraternity to the presentation of diplomas (for students of history even in St. Sophia Cathedral) flies by quickly. Passing score at Novopolotsk PSU is enoughhigh, but this allows only the best to be selected. Only pleasant memories, knowledge, skills, pride of belonging to one of the best universities in the Republic of Belarus remain.