What is mechanics? Definition, professions and development prospects

What is mechanics? Definition, professions and development prospects
What is mechanics? Definition, professions and development prospects

Physics as a science is one of the most important foundations in our life: physical laws determine the universe and the principles of operation of any matter. For ease of learning such a huge doctrine, macroscopic physics and its foundations have been divided into 4 main sections: mechanics, thermodynamics, optics and electrodynamics.

In the article we will talk about the basics of mechanics - the most basic and most common section for studying in schools. What is mechanics? What is he studying? Where is it needed? You will learn all this below.


mechanical engine
mechanical engine

It's worth starting with the definition of the section. Mechanics is a branch of physics that studies the movement of material bodies and points, as well as any interactions between them. Strictly speaking, this basis is the basis of all other branches of physics and serves as a starting point for the study of more complex ones. That is why the study of this subject begins precisely with mechanics. Every eighth grader must know what mechanics is.

Today this disciplineEssential for any technician working with technology. Each person has either a humanitarian or a technical mindset, and the distribution of speci alties comes from this. Technical always involves some knowledge in the field of physics, at least theoretical.

Work and mechanics

classical mechanics
classical mechanics

Knowledge of physics and mechanics, in particular, is required when looking for a job.

Let's list the main areas in which this science is needed.

  1. Mechanics - closely related to working with mechanisms (cars, for example).
  2. Architects - when designing and planning buildings must rely on physical laws.
  3. Engineers are a general branch of the design of something, in which rank specialists need to know what mechanics are and its basic principles.
  4. Power engineers are professionals who study resources and their distribution.
  5. Electricians - a profession that involves working with electricity. Despite the fact that most energy distributors (including electricity) operate in automatic mode, networks cannot work without mechanical interaction.
  6. Chemists - no matter how strange it may sound, even chemists have a connection with physical influences. And mechanical including.

This is not the whole list, there are thousands of speci alties in the world in which knowledge of mechanics is useful. Therefore, the prospect of development of this science is extremely relevant.

Mechanics in the outside world

theoretical mechanics
theoretical mechanics

Ifthink about it, it can be assumed that in the 21st century, any person is surrounded by mechanisms everywhere. From the elevator in the house to the subway. What is mechanics, in the generally accepted concept, can be judged on the basis of any object, with the manipulation of which some actions will occur. It doesn't matter if you boiled a kettle or as a pilot lifted a huge passenger plane into the sky, all these actions are related to the mechanics in one way or another. Our world depends on physics in general. Therefore, the definition of mechanics is very vague in itself, the average person and the technician understand it differently.

Reflection in culture

steampunk culture
steampunk culture

For some, the definition of mechanics will seem difficult when viewed from a practical point of view. However, the interaction of mechanisms has an amazing effect on the perception of people, today we can observe works of art that work due to mechanical influences. For example, most amusement parks operate on the principles of classical mechanics. All computer games have "in the filling" mechanical engines that allow you to emulate the interaction of objects exactly as in the real world.

There is also a subculture that has chosen for itself some aesthetics of worlds entirely composed of mechanics - steampunk. The principle of this trend is to enjoy the high-precision, but at the same time incredibly complex mechanisms that work like a Swiss watch. The origins of culture originate at the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, that is, during the dawnengineering.

Most of the material inventions of theoretical mechanics happened at that time, but aesthetes remain true to the mechanisms to this day, even in the age of automation of global processes. Proponents of this culture usually depict mechanisms as very rusty or battered, but still working and fail-safe, as evidence of high durability. Many musicians, artists, directors and game publishers are fans of the genre, so steampunk is still relevant.


Physics does not stand still. This science is actively developing, along with it, new technologies are developing that allow flying into space, discovering new types of energy, building huge skyscrapers and high-speed trains. Relatively new branches of physics are also opening up - quantum or dark matter physics, for example. Answers to questions give rise to new ones, push humanity to study the world in which we live. Learn physics, it's fun!
