Psychology. Reasoning is

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Psychology. Reasoning is
Psychology. Reasoning is

The expression "smart fool" characterizes someone who has a large amount of knowledge about everything in the world, but makes mistakes when making certain decisions. Scientific definitions, philosophical and everyday ideas are consistent with each other in that prudence is, first of all, a sign not of the presence of the mind, but of the ability to use it. How can this be seen in practice?

Thoughts of the great about prudence

The appointment of a person is accomplished through prudence and moral virtue; for virtue makes right the end, and prudence makes right the means to reach it. (Aristotle)

Man is a receptive, feeling, intelligent and reasonable being, striving for self-preservation and happiness. (Holbach Paul Henri)

An all-perfect man, wise in speech, prudent in deeds, always pleasing to sensible people, they yearn to communicate with him. (B altasar Gracian y Morales)

Thinking, growing spiritually. (Igor Subbotin)

Reason - droplets of the mind, sometimes everyone is not enough to do good deeds! (Andrey Tabakov)

Reasonsave whatever happens

Although what I expected, it did not work out very well. (Alexander Shevchenko)

What is discretion?

A person begins to reason when it is necessary to find the right solution to the problem that has arisen before him.

wisdom and prudence
wisdom and prudence

This is a rather complex psychophysiological process, which includes skills such as:

  • draw on existing knowledge;
  • use existing experience (your own and others);
  • analyze knowledge and experience (positive and negative);
  • draw the right conclusions;
  • make decisions.

Reasonableness is a correct, sober understanding of the essence of what is happening around, sanity and logic in actions.

Reasoning. What is this?

The need for reasoning arises when a person wants to know something, think about it, compare facts, draw conclusions and make a decision. Thus, this is a thought process, which is carried out in the form of judgments, conclusions. The need for reasoning arises when it is necessary to prove or disprove something, that is, when there are doubts about something.

prudence what is it
prudence what is it

Correct reasoning leads to correct conclusions and actions. They are possible in a person with normal mental development and mental he alth, they also depend on upbringing and social attitudes.


Reasonableness - what is it? To find out the answer to this question, it is necessary to determine what personalsuch a person has qualities.

Many put an equal sign between the definitions of "reasonable" and "dry". Such a person seems to be an impassive, unemotional person who constantly calculates and decides something. This type of people occurs only when prudence (as a virtue) and egoism (as a disadvantage) are combined in one person. Of course, there are such people. But the emotionality and thoughtfulness of actions do not exclude each other if a person knows how to subordinate feelings to reason.

decisiveness prudence
decisiveness prudence

Determination and prudence also do not contradict each other. In critical situations, a sensible person can quickly compare all situational conflicts, provide options for the development of events and their consequences.

A smart person learns not only from his own experience, but also from someone else's. He has powers of observation, skills of analysis and synthesis of life facts, knows how to explain them from a scientific or worldly point of view. Rationalism in the choice of options for means and ways to achieve the goal (or goals) is inherent in a reasonable person. This ensures that you get what you want quickly with the least psychological and material losses. That is, wisdom and prudence coexist well in such a person. His motto is: “First I think, and then I do.”

How to become?

Reason and virtue are considered the main virtues of a person. If a person wants to cultivate prudence in himself, then you should start by following six basic rules:

  1. Enrich yourmind with knowledge and experience, without which prudence is only a good wish.
  2. Learn to prioritize. Not all problems are as acute as they sometimes seem. The ability to judge which of them need an urgent solution requires a balanced approach and eliminates the chaotic emergence of new ones. Folk wisdom is very appropriate here - “measure seven times, cut once.”
  3. Don't let your emotions take over your mind, find acceptable ways to suppress them in critical situations. Outbursts of anger, euphoria, fruitless feelings, panic about what has already happened or what is about to happen, suppress sober reasoning about what needs to be done now or then to make the right decision.
  4. Think about what will happen, how events will develop if the desired does not come true or an undesirable option happens. Having a well-thought-out fallback option instills peace of mind and a sense of confidence.
  5. Adequately assess your own importance in this world and in the lives of others. This will allow you to be reasonable and realistic about setting your own goals, to form a circle of associates and employees who are ready for mutual assistance, for constructive criticism.
  6. Encourage, praise yourself for good luck. Do not indulge in endless self-abasement, if something failed, did not take place. Depression is the worst enemy of reason.
what is prudence
what is prudence

A reasonable person is aware of his shortcomings and is distinguished by his desire for self-education, because he knows that such character traits as punctuality,diligence, honesty and decency are highly valued in society.

How to cultivate this quality in a child?

It cannot be denied that prudence is the most valuable helper of a person in a sea of passions and problems of life. For him to grow up like this, parents need to make a lot of efforts, choose a certain style of family education.

Psychologists advise to exercise even small children in reasoning about what needs to be done in a particular situation, why, how best to reach the goal. Joint calm discussion with the child of the results of activities, both successful and unsuccessful, teaches him to introspection and thinking about further actions.

Fanatical desire of parents to protect the child from adversity, deprivation of opportunities to choose decisions, substitution of his desires with his own - this is the recklessness of the parents themselves. The acquisition of life experience requires mistakes that encourage further caution and thoughtfulness of actions. Let children make mistakes when it does not threaten their he alth and the he alth of others.

A socially adapted person knows how to take into account the opinions of others, but also knows how to defend his own.

prudence is
prudence is

Reasonableness is the ability to find options for combining your interests and needs with the public. Explaining the reasons for certain decisions and actions of the adults themselves, analyzing their mistakes is an obligatory method of the parental school of life. These examples, accessible to the age of the child, can be drawn from the media, from literature, from personal life.