The thesis is based on a scientific study of the problem related to the professional field of activity of the graduate.
The topic of the graduation project is determined by the supervisor and discusses it together with the student. After that, it is approved at a meeting of the department, as well as by order of the faculty.

Basic training
The development of a graduation project should take into account:
- relevance of the topic;
- degree of scientific study of the issue;
- modern domestic and world trends in resolving the issue;
- employer interest.
At the beginning of the graduation project, the supervisor gives the student a task, which is a complex task. The final state certification of students is carried out by the state examination commission. Those works are allowed for protection, the subject matter of which is approved accordingly, and the content and design comply with regulatory documents.
Scientific Supervisor
The head of the graduation project is a teacher from among the professors anddepartment teachers. He must:
- Define the topic, coordinate it with the head of the department and approve it at the meeting of the department.
- Give an assignment for a student's undergraduate practice.
- Supervise the writing of his scientific publications.
- Consult on the selection of literary sources that are necessary for writing a thesis.
- Assign consultants from other departments to prepare individual sections (if necessary).
- Help the student solve difficult issues.
- Make a decision about the readiness of the thesis for defense.
- Responsible for the completeness and quality of the material presented.
- Give feedback on the thesis.
- Prepare the student for the defense of the work.
The supervisor can show an example of a graduation project written by previous graduates.
Rights and obligations of a student

A student admitted to a thesis has the following rights:
- He can offer the leader the topic of the final project, taking into account the availability of the necessary material and initial data.
- May ask the head of the department to change the head or change the theme of the graduation project.
- Receive guidance from a supervisor on a set schedule.
The main responsibilities of a student who completes a thesis are:
- Coordination of the topic with the leader and receiving from him a task for its implementation.
- Collection of material,which corresponds to the subject and content of the thesis during pre-diploma practice.
- Writing the work, after its approval, with constant informing the supervisor about the status of its preparation.
- Regular arrival for control over the implementation of the graduation project, on time approved by the schedule.
- Preparation on time in full of all sections of the thesis.
Design requirements

The explanatory note (together with the application and the graphic part of A4 format) must be bound in hard cover. In addition, you need to remember the following:
- Quick release stapling is not allowed.
- Thesis work is done using computer technology on one side of a sheet of white paper.
- Font - Times New Roman, size 14, one and a half spacing.
- Text should be printed with the following margins: top, left and bottom – 20 mm, right – 10 mm.
- Each section and subsection, paragraphs and subparagraphs must begin with a heading.
- Section headings are in the middle of the line and are printed in capital letters, without underlining. No dot at the end.
- Subheadings start with a paragraph indent and are written in small letters, the first letter is capitalized. Do not underline words or put a full stop at the end of a sentence.
- Paragraph indentation must be five characters.
- You can't wrap words in the title, the distance to the text is no less than two rows. Title not allowedsections and subsections at the bottom of the page if only one row of text is printed after it.
- Pages should be numbered with Arabic numerals. The number is not put down on the title page, although it should be included in the overall numbering.
- Illustrations (drawings, graphs, drawings, schemes, diagrams) are placed immediately after the text in which they are first mentioned. They may be placed on the next page.
- The illustration is numbered in Arabic numerals.
- The graphic part complements the main sections of the thesis and consists of drawings.
- Multimedia presentation slide sets must be presented in printed A4 format, signed and provided to the members of the examination committee on the day of defending the thesis. A multimedia presentation is submitted electronically for its further display at the performer's report.
The graduation project is very important: the successful defense of the thesis depends on the correctness of the design and quality of the initial work.

Performance evaluation
The level of completion of the graduation project is carried out according to the following criteria:
- The depth of the analysis carried out is estimated.
- Degree of scientific work on problematic issues.
- The presence of scientific novelty.
- Soundness of research methods.
- General theoretical level and scientific and practical significance.
- Degree of reliability of the obtained results.
In the graphic part, the completeness of the illustration of the texts of the thesis is evaluated,aesthetics. The report pays special attention to the sequence of stages of implementation, their consistency.
The thesis and the project combines both theoretical research and the solution of a specific problem.