How many pages should a thesis have? General standards

How many pages should a thesis have? General standards
How many pages should a thesis have? General standards
how many pages should be in the thesis
how many pages should be in the thesis

How many pages should a thesis have? Are there general requirements or should I build on the requirements that apply at the university? This is what we will cover in this article.

The structure of the thesis

Before answering the question "how many pages should be in a thesis", you need to consider what it consists of.

  • Introduction.
  • Main part (chapters, paragraphs).
  • Conclusion.
  • List of sources involved.
  • Apps (if available).

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the volume of the thesis pages
the volume of the thesis pages

The volume of the thesis (pages) will consist of all of the above components. The introduction should include a brief description of the goals of the study and the tasks to be solved in the course of it, a description of the subject of the study and the methods of cognition with which information will be obtained. The volume of this part of the work should be from 8 to 10 sheets of machine text. What follows is the main part, which ispresented in several chapters and paragraphs. They must necessarily contain two points of view on the problem under consideration: theoretical and empirical (it may be absent only in cases where the work is completely devoted to theoretical research). If the information that is presented in the text of the work needs to be supported by some image or table, graph, then this is not necessary in the text. Such information should be located in the appendices following at the very end of the diploma. After the main part comes the conclusion. It summarizes the results of the studies of the problem from the point of view of theory and the empirical method of cognition. The information in the "Conclusion" block is usually presented in a compressed, abbreviated form and is a general conclusion from the entire work. The volume is from 5 to 7 pages of machine text. Immediately after the "Conclusion" is a list of abbreviations, if any, in the text. The following is a list of references. Here it is necessary to indicate any sources of information that were used by the student to write the work. These can be book publications, online directories, dictionaries, information sites (a link to them is indicated). The number of sources a student refers to while working on a study should not be less than 25-30 pieces.

How many pages should a thesis have?

It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally, since the number of pages will depend

number of pages in the thesis
number of pages in the thesis

on the size of each of the above sections. OftenUniversities indicate the following restrictions in their requirements for the thesis: minimum - 65 sheets, maximum - 75 sheets. However, if there are slight deviations from these values, then this is the norm.

Additional documents

The number of pages in the thesis also includes additional forms. In addition to the above sections, the following parts should also be numbered:

  • title page (it does not indicate the serial number, but the account comes from this sheet);
  • annotation (also the number is not put on it);
  • review from the teacher-consultant;
  • review from a scientific opponent.

Now you know how many pages a thesis should have.