Professional image of a teacher

Professional image of a teacher
Professional image of a teacher

The image of a teacher not only helps to attract attention, but also attracts colleagues, parents and students. It must be remembered that adults are an example for children. That is why the teacher should pay special attention to his appearance. It should not be defiant, flashy. At the same time, it should reflect the taste and culture of a person. Let us further consider what makes up the image of a teacher. Photos of some examples will also be presented in the article.

teacher's image
teacher's image


Forming the image of a teacher is not as easy a task as it might seem at first glance. First of all, you should pay attention to clothing. One of the key rules is expressed in the manner of dressing: to look good means to show respect for the people around. The requirements that apply to the appearance of a specialist help to improve the professional image of a teacher. Properly selected clothing contributes to the achievement of success in activities. To avoid distrustful attitude of colleagues towards professional qualities, you should not show up at work in trendy things. An employee of an educationalinstitutions should adhere to the following rules. Too fashionable clothes indicate bad taste. At the same time, one should not lag behind modern trends. Simply put, it is necessary to dress fashionably, but in such a way that the professional image of the teacher does not suffer. The teacher should not emphasize his attractiveness. At work, he needs to demonstrate his mind, skills, abilities. They are more important than looks.

Means of communication

The pedagogical image of a teacher creates a complex of various interrelated elements that complement each other. Communication is one of the key. They can be non-verbal and verbal. It is important how and what the teacher says, whether he is able to set the children up for learning in his own words, what postures and gestures he uses. All this affects the perception of students. In order to create an attractive image of a teacher of a preschool educational institution or a secondary educational institution, it is necessary to pay special attention to the ability to present oneself to other people in the most beneficial way. It is a proven fact that a child receives about 35% of information through verbal communication. The remaining 65% are non-verbal means. The internal and external image of the teacher must be balanced, balanced, consistent with each other. The ability to win over oneself acts as a necessary quality when establishing contacts with children, parents, colleagues.

professional image of a teacher
professional image of a teacher

Structure of verbal communication

It consists of:

  1. Meanings and meaning of phrases and words.
  2. Speechsound phenomena. In particular, this refers to the rate of speech, pitch modulation, tonality, rhythm, timbre, diction, intonation. As practice shows, the most attractive is a calm, measured, smooth manner of speaking.
  3. Expressive qualities. These include specific sounds that appear in the process of communication. These are, in particular, whispers, laughter, sighs, coughs, pauses, nasalization sounds, etc.

Information flows

Most researchers agree that people use the verbal channel for the direct transmission of information. At the same time, non-verbal means are used to "discuss" emerging interpersonal relationships, and in some cases they replace verbal messages. Such communication is valuable because it is usually expressed spontaneously and unconsciously. It is caused by the inability to fake impulses. In this regard, people trust non-verbal communication more than verbal. The researchers identified 10 categories of information that comes to the student, regardless of the words spoken by the teacher. Among them:

  1. Individual-personal.
  2. Emotional.
  3. Aesthetic.
  4. Psychological.
  5. Mature.
  6. Social-hierarchical.
  7. Genital.
  8. Spatial and others

General bodily self-disposition

Another important element that makes up the image of a school teacher is the manner of moving, favorite poses and points. The distraction is increased mobility. Each person has his ownrange. A phlegmatic teacher, for example, has moderate mobility. The psychological effect of pedagogical influence practically does not depend on the absolute degree of the behavioral factor. It is determined by the relative measure and relevance within the capabilities of the teacher. Moderate, and in some cases deliberately reduced intensity of exposure often leads to the desired effect.

image of a modern teacher
image of a modern teacher


She is considered one of the brightest elements that make up the image of a preschool teacher. One paradox should be noted here. Everything that is most frequent in the motor-behavioral appearance of a person is least of all known to him. This situation is due to the presence of an ingrained habit of using certain gestures. In many ways, it goes to the level of automated behavior. Meanwhile, when evaluating the image of a teacher, the surrounding people, first of all, pay attention to this form of behavior. Gesticulation is in many ways a determining factor in forming an opinion about a person.


This behavioral sphere is distinguished by an even higher informational and expressive level of influence. Facial expressions closely interact with the speech of the teacher. At the same time, it can be used by the teacher and autonomously, without any verbal accompaniment. In any case, facial expressiveness is another determining factor by which the image of a teacher is evaluated.


The same teacher's message can be perceived by students differentlydifferently. In this regard, it is more correct to speak about the intonational behavior of the teacher. This terminology is determined by a significant area of activity of the teacher. Intonational behavior is dynamic, it often surpasses other indicators in terms of its impact.

Self-regulation of speech

It is expressed in the teacher's ability to control the volume of the voice, the tempo-rhythmic characteristic. As you know, the informational aspect of the teacher's speech does not yet act as a transfer of knowledge. It is also important how the meaningful speech will sound. The significance of this requirement is enhanced when children act as recipients of information, that is, the main audience of the teacher.

image of a preschool teacher
image of a preschool teacher

Personal Attitudes

The image of a modern teacher should be consistent not only with generally accepted requirements, but also in harmony with his worldview and perception. By creating his own image, the teacher improves. Personal attitudes are expressed in his activities, in concrete results. At the same time, the work is considered as a certain facet of the transition of the internal to the external. As a rule, this is expression, originality, the ability to illustrate the uniqueness of the individual in each component of the activity - from goals and objectives to the choice of content, techniques, methods and means of their expression. Personal attitudes are also manifested in the style of communication, in emotional reactions to the behavior of children, in an acceptable degree of freedom during improvisations in the classroom.


Internal image, first of all,associated with the culture of the teacher, freedom and spontaneity, emotionality, charm, grace. Personal qualities allow you to be original, use a non-standard approach, embody unexpected scenarios, and also maintain composure in public settings. The image of a modern teacher, his appearance is a combination of special forms of expression of his attitude to the material, the transfer of his own emotional reaction to reality. It reflects the ability to conduct self-presentation, the ability to bring children to the game level.


The structure and essence of teaching activities, the productivity associated with them, acts as one of the most pressing issues of science. As a rule, the analysis of these most important phenomena is replaced by general discussions about educational art. The teacher's work is undeniably unique. The scientific analysis of the teacher's activity pays tribute to the originality of the methods of each teacher. Meanwhile, evaluation is not based on descriptions. It is formed on the basis of the principles of comparative research, quantitative and qualitative analysis. The subject of study is not only the direct work, but also the image of the teacher.

internal and external image of the teacher
internal and external image of the teacher

Key aspects of evaluation

Existing types of teacher's image - personal, required, perceived, etc. - are revealed from two sides. First of all, the degree of fulfillment by the teacher of the requirements imposed by society is assessed. The society creates an idea of the teacher as an educator and a carriermoral experience. Secondly, the direct attitude of the teacher himself to his appearance is manifested. He himself forms attitudes, goals, ways of expressing himself to society. In many ways, the image of the teacher is his socially desirable image. To acquire a positive image, as Fromm noted, a person needs to have pleasant personal and high professional qualities.

Image creation tasks

Building an image is a purposeful activity. It is focused on informing about the strengths of the teacher, relationships that have an objective value in the process of successful interaction with children. A correct understanding of the educational goal of the image for the development of students contributes to the creation of a responsible attitude towards the modeling of individuality. The teacher's mastery of the basic principles of ethics, the improvement of culture and the competent organization of work acts as a key aspect in creating the image. A successfully designed image of a teacher has an impact on self-affirmation and subsequent improvement of their work.

Influencing factors

The formation of the image occurs under the influence of social phenomena. These factors express the social algorithm for the reproduction of spiritual life. However, their role is limited to ensuring the interaction of morality and ethics. We can say that the image is a natural algorithm of the spiritual life of society. It expresses not only the desire of a particular person to please as many friends of their people or a certain subject as possible. It embodies directly the rules that ensure its implementation. Simply put, the image expresses the need to harmonize mental perception with individual or group experience of life.

pedagogical image of the teacher
pedagogical image of the teacher

Methodological recommendations

Among the most important elements of building a teacher's image, the following should be noted:

  1. The creation of the image acts only as a supplement, not a substitute for the activities of the teacher.
  2. It is necessary to address the formation of the image long before the start of direct work in an educational institution.
  3. Communication should be based on simple language; the issues addressed should be relevant to everyone.
  4. It is imperative to involve outside experts.

When applying these elements, a strategic orientation of pedagogical technique is necessary.

Visual Symbols

They are effective elements of imageology. The visual channel is considered the main one in terms of the volume of perceived information. This is due to the fact that external parameters can significantly modify the behavioral acts of a person. In accordance with the results of sociological research, the first impression upon meeting is created by 9% content, 37% by voice, and 54% by appearance. The visual message is stored longer in the individual memory. In this regard, it is considered the most powerful means of influencing another person.


What image of a teacher should be created?The abstract above leads to the following conclusions. The teacher should develop not so much the ability to present himself to society as the ability to evaluate and see his own appearance and the image of others. It is important to understand that the goal of creating and improving the image of a teacher is not to educate an actor or teacher in a mask. He should become a teacher with creative qualities. They must be manifested depending on the tasks that the teacher solves. The teacher is constantly faced with a variety of problems of interpersonal interaction. The lack of a culture of communication or its low level often leads to conflict situations, tensions in relations between the teacher and students. Their successful resolution will depend on the psychological literacy and professionalism of the teacher. The key moral norms used in the process of interaction with children are: trust, attention to the individual characteristics of students, respect for the dignity of the child, goodwill, sensitivity.

formation of the teacher's image
formation of the teacher's image

Competent from a psychological point of view, the teacher's perception of students will contribute to the establishment of mutual understanding and effective interaction. This possibility is largely provided by the formed perceptual skills. They represent the ability to correctly assess the emotional state of children by facial expressions, speech, gestures, and actions. There are 2 interrelated types of social perception. The first is, in fact, the ability to perceive andlisten to the child or any other person. The second type is empathic. It expresses a special sensitivity to the child, empathy. The process of perception, first of all, involves a culture of listening. Numerous studies show that most of the teaching staff do not have the necessary skills. This, in turn, means that even with an attractive appearance, a teacher who does not know how to listen will not be perceived properly. When forming an image, it is necessary to pay attention to all significant details. That is why, when creating a look, work is carried out, first of all, with personal qualities. The results achieved are transferred to the external appearance. The image of a teacher is a harmonious image. It must combine culture, intelligence, listening skills, attention, the ability to correctly use visual and speech means.
