Brest College of Communications: history of development and speci alties

Brest College of Communications: history of development and speci alties
Brest College of Communications: history of development and speci alties

Today, young people are striving to get higher education. Many parents insist on this and help their children learn. However, studying in institutions offering secondary specialized education will be a great start. At the same time, studying at a college or technical school is only an intermediate link, the first step for further education at a university. So, for example, you can get excellent training in various professions at the Brest College of Communications.

A bit of history

Communication School No. 15 in Brest was opened immediately after the end of the war in 1944. Then it was located in another building (the current college of light industry). Despite the devastation and shortage of teachers, immediately after the war, 266 students were enrolled in the speci alties "Joiner" and "Toolmaker". Then, from 1945 to 1949, speci alties were opened:

  • telegraph lines mechanic;
  • radio node overseer;
  • telephone network supervisor of the city;
  • cable line overseer;
  • postal agent.

Over the years at the Brest College, speci alty connections have changed depending on the requirements of technological progress and economic development.

college of communication in Brest
college of communication in Brest

For a long time the institution was called a vocational school. Students received vocational education here. In 1998, it was renamed into a higher vocational school of communications, and there was an opportunity to study as a secretary-assistant (secondary specialized education). The name "Brest Vocational College of Communications" was given in 2002.


Today, within the walls of the Brest College of Communications, professions are taught in the following areas:

  • electrician - operation and installation of communication equipment, operation of electrical equipment;
  • electromechanic - repair and maintenance of electronic computers;
  • carrier;
  • secretary - organization of document management, postal service;
  • secretary-referent (organization and systematization of workflow);
  • technician (computer systems and networks, computing machines);
  • electrical technician (installation and maintenance of electrical equipment);
  • postal service;
  • document science.

For all the years of work, about 15 thousand graduates left the college, many of whom continued their education in higher institutions and achieved career growth: they became leaders,qualified specialists, teachers.

fitter training
fitter training

In the college, education is possible both at the expense of the budget and on a paid basis in all speci alties. The terms of study vary from 3 years on the basis of basic education to one and a half years after graduation from general secondary school. There is also a form of distance learning. Passing scores at the Brest College of Communications are formed on the basis of a competition among incoming applicants and differ depending on the chosen profession.

More information

For non-resident students provide the opportunity to live in a college dormitory. It is organized as a block type, and was renovated in 2013.

In addition to basic studies, students actively participate in various circles:

  • vocal lessons;
  • development of artistic abilities;
  • applied technical focus;
  • sports - volleyball, futsal, table tennis;
  • college periodicals - wall boards and Crossroads newspaper.

College education will be an excellent basis for further development and development of a person professionally.
