Quite often recently, children have become participants in traffic accidents. What is the reason for such a phenomenon? Some believe that this is due to the fact that children's traffic rules are violated.
Relevance of the problem
Behind childhood injuries is the indifference of adults, the lack of preventive measures aimed at preventing such situations.
Among the main causes of traffic accidents involving children, we highlight:
- lack of traffic awareness;
- exit to the roadway in front of transport in an unspecified place;
- playing on the road;
- exit to the roadway due to tram, bus, trolleybus;
- not knowing how to behave in certain driving situations;
- walking on the sidewalk, roadway;
- lack of adult attention.
The rules of the road with explanations should be considered in the classroom in preschool educational institutions, at school. Only in this case, you can count on the formation in children of the skills of being safely on the street, the roadway.

Important points
The 2017 traffic rules have some distinctive features that preschoolers should be aware of. Until the age of eight, babies do not distinguish sound sources well, and besides, they have a small field of vision. For example, up to five years old, kids are guided by about five meters. At six years, the viewing angle increases to ten meters. But he can only see the cars that are in front of him, and the traffic on the left and right is a serious danger for the kids.
Children get a normal view only by the age of seven, so learning and following traffic rules is a way to protect kids from serious injuries.

The purpose of educational activities in kindergarten
How to make roads and sidewalks no longer a danger to kids? Educators and teachers tell their kids the traffic rules of the Russian Federation in the classroom. The decoding of this term is well known even to preschoolers. It is in the classes on the rules of the road that kids get skills and abilities, acquire the habits of proper behavior on the road.
Objectives of educational activities
SDA is an important stage in the activities of any preschool organization. The teacher tells his pupils about the elements of the road, the functioning of the traffic light, the movement of vehicles. It is important to instill the skills of safe behavior at preschool age, to work out theoretical knowledge in practice. Toddlers study road signs: "Bus stop", "Children","Bicycle path", "Underpass", "Parking place", "Point of medical aid". During such classes, children not only learn traffic rules. Deciphering the abbreviation is also included in preschool education. Regular classes are aimed at developing the creative abilities and cognitive interest of children.

Methods and forms of work
SDA is an important section of the work of a kindergarten teacher. Thanks to stories, reading books, viewing thematic pictures, drawing, applications, modeling, the children develop the skills of correct behavior on the roads.
In role-playing games, the guys learn to resolve problem situations, to apply traffic rules in practice. This helps kids to consolidate theoretical knowledge.
The educational process involves a certain list of activities:
- monitoring the behavior of pedestrians and vehicles during thematic walks;
- study of road signs;
- acquaintance with pedestrian crossings, traffic lights.
What topic can I choose for educational activities in kindergarten? For example, when conducting a lesson “Peculiarities of crossing the roadway by children”, visibility is important. Kids not only learn the theory, but also work it out in practice.
During classes, preschoolers learn different types of transport: trucks and cars, motorcycles, buses. Children not only get acquainted with their main purpose, but also learn how to properly sit down, get out of transport, and cross the road.
Similaractivities continue while working on applications. The design of different types of public transport is accompanied by a repetition of the basic rules of the road.

The meaning of traffic rules
For preschoolers, the main type of cognitive activity is a role-playing game. Toddlers recreate various social relationships between people, learn to apply skills in real life. They not only expand their horizons, but also test their own strength in different situations modeled by their elders.

Crossroads game
The teacher, together with the children, plays out a variety of situations at the crossroads:
- pedestrian pass;
- stop at red;
- rules for crossing the street.
Many preschool children's institutions have models of the road with pedestrian crossings, traffic lights. Together with fairy tale characters, kids move along the footpaths, study the "road domino", traffic signals. Helping the heroes of fairy tales, preschoolers solve problem situations, develop their memory, attention, form analytical skills.
In the middle group of kindergarten, activities related to the prevention of road accidents are more targeted and systematic. The teacher explains to the children the features of one-way, two-way traffic, introduces his pupils to the main road signs, rules of conduct on the roads.
Together with their mentor childrenmonitor the movement of vehicles, traffic lights, the work of the driver. They recognize road signs, learn to navigate the situation on the road. During such walks, the cognitive activity of preschoolers increases, their attention increases, they consolidate theoretical knowledge in practice.
The habits that children establish at an early age will stay with them for the rest of their lives.

SDA in school life
How to organize a themed class hour in elementary school? The rules of the road are an important stage of educational work in elementary school.
Often guys get into trouble on the road not because they don't know the basic rules, but because they are naive and inexperienced, they don't realize the real danger of moving traffic.
The task of the teacher is to work out the rules of the road. Grade 1 is ideal for creating an individual safe route for each student. At the lesson of the “school of road sciences”, the children examine in detail the rules of behavior on the road, on the street, form sustainable skills for safe movement around the city as pedestrians. The teacher creates conditions for teaching traffic rules to schoolchildren, forms parents' interest in ensuring the safety of their children, and involves them in joint thematic events.
Working method
When building an educational system related to traffic rules, a primary school teacher considers three types of connection with the city transport system:
- student-pedestrian;
- child passenger;
- Student driver of a bicycle, rollers, sled.
It is impossible to limit ourselves to one-time actions, it is important to think over systematic activities aimed at preventing child road traffic injuries.
All disciplines studied in elementary grades include elements of traffic rules. This is:
- speech development;
- world around;
- physical education;
- and extracurricular activities.
In the classroom, as well as outside school hours, younger students get to know the world around them, including the behavior on the roads.
In the classroom, you can arrange a special corner related to traffic rules. You can hang various slogans in it, for example:
- "The price of haste is the he alth of the child."
- "Attention - children on the road."
- "You can't save time at the expense of life."
A separate place in the classroom is necessary to set aside information for parents. For example, provide information on road traffic injuries in the city (region), the causes of road accidents involving schoolchildren, give recommendations to children on teaching children safe behavior on the road.
Games are not only the leading method of teaching traffic rules to younger schoolchildren, but also a way to enhance the cognitive activity of the younger generation, allow them to develop their imagination. During the game, the children learn habits and skills of orientation in difficult situations, develop speed of reaction. M. Gorky called the game "the path to knowledge of the surrounding world", in which theylive. Psychologists are convinced that the game is the type of activity that allows you to reflect in practice theoretical knowledge, skills, and abilities. It is educational and educational in nature, therefore it is used to a large extent by teachers in the educational process.

Class hour on the rules of conduct on the road
The objective of the event is to reveal the knowledge of schoolchildren on traffic rules, their deepening and systematization, the formation of independent thinking skills, the development of cognitive interest in the culture of behavior on city roads.
During the class hour, the guys, together with a fabulous traffic light, solve crossword puzzles, move along intersections, answer questions related to traffic rules.
In the crossword puzzle offered for younger students, one keyword is guessed - "safety". After the guys fully find the answers to all the questions offered to them by the Traffic Light, they understand what is most important for any modern person moving along roads, pedestrian crossings, city sidewalks. In addition to the crossword, students are offered interesting puzzles and riddles. Parents take an active part in the event.
At the end of the event, the traffic light, together with the parents of schoolchildren, invites them to a tea party in his fairy-tale palace.
Instead of a conclusion
There is nothing more precious than the he alth and safety of the younger generation. That is why in preschool educational institutions, lyceums,Gymnasiums, ordinary schools at each level, special programs are being implemented related to the formation of a culture of behavior on the roads in children.
Only when carrying out systematic and purposeful joint activities of teachers, parents, children, one can count on the formation of theoretical and practical knowledge about the rules of the road, their full application by children while moving along the streets and roads.