Abbreviations have firmly entered both the professional lexicon and colloquial speech. It's hard to underestimate the ability to condense a few long, awkward words into a short, concise construction. However, in order to correctly use the abbreviation in communication, a person must know its exact decoding. There are no difficulties with popular structures like the Russian Federation, Moscow State University, VGIK - after all, they are always well known. What about the less popular abbreviations? And what if the same sequence of letters can be deciphered differently depending on the situation of communication? One of these structures is LPU. Deciphering this abbreviation will be the topic of today's article.
Local Control Center
To coordinate any complex technical process (be it control of a spacecraft or an artillery firing unit), control points are necessarily created - points from where the operator can see the overall picture of actions, influence it by issuing commands or direct control, in case if the object is entirely mechanized. Itemsmanagement are divided into central (CPU) and local (LPU), respectively. As a rule, the CCP, in addition to the operators, is in command, although their presence at important medical facilities is not ruled out.

Everything is under control
The purpose of the CPA and LPU is to display the necessary operational information about the environment and the operation of all units of the complex, its autonomous parts. LPU, as a subordinate point, is also used to collect messages from all employees of the site. These reports are forwarded by the he alth facility operator to the central point for further consideration. Local control points are important data collection points, without which the command or superiors will not receive an objective picture of what is happening. Working at a he althcare facility is a difficult and responsible business, because the dispatcher must clearly document each action and protect incoming information from leakage and unauthorized access.
HCI: decryption continues
If the letters M and G were added to the abbreviation of LPU, then this is definitely connected with the most valuable natural resource - the linear production department of main gas pipelines. On the agenda is the decoding of the hospital MG.
Natural gas from the place of production must somehow get to the places of consumption. For this, the main gas pipeline is used. And the purpose of the linear production management is the operation of different sections of this gigantic transport system. Since many businesses and residential complexes use natural gas, monitoring the condition of the pipeline and ensuring its smooth operation is an important andresponsible task.
Here, another decryption suitable for he althcare facilities has been considered. Gazprom, no doubt, considers it the most important, but it's time for us to move on to other options.
He alth care facility
Everyone has come across them, without realizing that all these establishments can bear the title of he alth care facilities. Any medical institution, be it a hospital, clinic, outpatient clinic, dispensary, sanatorium, feldsher station, ambulance or blood transfusion station, has the status of a treatment and prophylactic one, since it is aimed not only at diagnosing and treating an existing disease, but also at its prevention (This is especially true for he alth resorts). A he alth care facility doctor is any doctor who serves patients in a clinic, hospital or sanatorium. The same applies to the junior medical staff of he alth facilities.

Treatment-and-prophylactic establishments can be financed both from the state budget and from a private individual or group of individuals. In the latter case, it is obligatory to purchase a license from the Ministry of He alth of the country. After all, the treatment and prevention of diseases of the population is an important task that imposes great responsibility for the life and he alth of each patient.
It's time to move from medicine to high matters. Another decryption associated with the abbreviation LPU will take you into a mysterious space.
Lunar lander
Conquest of the only satellite of the Earth would have been impossible without the launch of the lunar module, which explored the features of the surface and the immediate environmentMoon. The lunar spacecraft consists of two main parts: the lunar landing unit (LPA) and the lunar takeoff vehicle. The LPA, in turn, incorporates a corset of a proprietary design with a diameter of 2.27 m, as well as a lunar landing device (LLU), which serves as a landing gear for the spacecraft.

The key property of he alth facilities is sustainability. This is due to the massive design of the device: four racks with struts and shock absorbers. At the bottom of each rack are semi-circular supports with aluminum honeycombs. Upon contact with the lunar surface, the "honeycombs" change their shape and thus absorb most of the energy from the impact. It is even better to “imprint” into the lunar soil by special pressure engines, installed with nozzles up on the corset of the landing unit, help the ship. Now the ship will never capsize and will be able to complete its exploration mission.
Ribbon printer
Printing technology in the 20th century took a huge step forward. After all, it was at this time that the methods of line-by-line and page-by-page printing of texts were invented. In everyday life, we often use inkjet and laser printers. The page-by-page technology is involved here - one page is executed in one pass through the effect of electrostatics. Everyone knows the benefits of page printing. This is the ability to print both text and images, graphs and charts.

But line printing is used when typing only text. In one runthe device processes one line. The volume of the text, respectively, is not limited to the number of pages. That is why in such devices the material is a long paper tape. Hence the name "tape printer". Economy and high speed (about 2500 lines per minute) made these devices indispensable for printing checks, receipts and other statistical documents. So what is hidden behind the term "medical facility paper"? The decryption is simple: it's a tape in a cash register!
Liberal Party of Ukraine
How to be, if you had to face the phrase "organization of he althcare facilities"? It is one of the numerous political parties in Ukraine. Accordingly, the Liberal Democratic Party of Ukraine has the abbreviation LDPU.

The Liberal Party was founded in 1991 in Donetsk. All the main principles of world liberalism are reflected in the activities of the party. This is the primacy of human rights, and the introduction and maintenance of political and economic freedom. The ideas of self-government and national self-consciousness also did not bypass this Ukrainian party. It is no coincidence that it was labor, truth and will that became the main guidelines for the members of this political association.

Many interpretations
Sometimes making sense of abbreviations can be very interesting. Here, for the simplest three letters of a he alth care facility, decoding can lead to a sanatorium, and to politics, and to space. Depending on the situation of communication, the letters LPU can denote completely different objects, which once againproves that the human language is a powerful formation capable of conveying great meaning with small means.