Here comes the end of his studies at the university. The relatively carefree student time is almost over, all sessions and state exams have been passed. It is time to defend your main scientific work so far. In many respects, how well the review of the thesis will be written will depend on how favorably the commission will perceive it. We offer you to figure out how to properly compose and execute this document.

Let's not hide - often the staff of the department instructs students to write a review of the thesis on their own. Perhaps, we will not understand how competent this is - this is by no means the topic of this article - but we will try to talk about what this document should contain in practice. First of all, let's define its purpose. A dissertation review is an assessment of an independent expert, which reflects how much the student has mastered the stated topic and what value his work represents. In other words, the identification and justification of weaknesses and strengths. An important rule is to never use general phrases. The text should be clear, concise, andthe opinion expressed in it is reasoned.
The supervisor's review of the thesis must contain the following required blocks:
- confirmation or refutation of the relevance of the topic presented for defense;
- characterization of writing style, compliance of the work with current content standards, literacy assessment;
- a brief analysis of each section of the diploma and its assessment;
- highlighting non-standard solutions and techniques, examples of the student's creative thinking, his erudition;
- assessment of the practical significance of scientific work;
- disadvantages of the thesis;
- and, finally, the recommended rating based on all of the above.

Each individual university may have its own standards governing registration. In the event that there are none, a review of the thesis is written based on the general rules. Let's list them:
- the volume of the document is not regulated and is determined by common sense and, as a rule, is from 1 to 1.5 pages. Do not try to make it extensive, but do not forget that the main idea should be disclosed;
- the heading must contain basic information: topic name, faculty, department, group, speci alty, student's name, group number;
supervisor's review of the thesis the document must contain a mention of the enterprise on the basis of which the qualificationwork;
- it is necessary to strictly structure the text (an approximate structure is described in the previous paragraph);
- A review of a thesis implies a conclusion in the form of a grade that it deserves on a 4-point system: excellent, good, satisfactory, unsatisfactory.
Despite the fact that the content and layout of this document is not currently as stringent as it used to be, if you want to be sure of a positive result, then consider all possible aspects, and good luck with your defense!