The cost of the profession is an important factor

The cost of the profession is an important factor
The cost of the profession is an important factor

Any owner, starting some kind of transformation in the house, lays a certain amount for the so-called costs. When planning economic activities, the head of the enterprise takes into account that, due to various circumstances, it may be necessary to spend more money than planned. But there are still costs of the profession, which means the possible costs of the worker in the performance of his duties.

Vocabulary: what are costs?

The meaning of this word in dictionaries is explained as follows:

  • production costs (for example, in industry, agriculture);
  • money loss;
  • amounts spent on something.
  • cash costs
    cash costs

However, in everyday life you can often hear: "the costs of the profession (upbringing, education, communication, curiosity, indifference, stupidity, etc.)". And we are talking here not so much about monetary costs, but about some other, intangible losses.

Types of costs

What losses does a person experience in such situations?

  1. Growing up son does not want to work for"non-prestigious" work - he considers it humiliating in the eyes of his comrades. Result: firstly, he himself suffers morally, feeling shame in front of his friends, remorse in front of the family that supports him, and financially, because he does not have enough money to live; secondly, parents belatedly reproach themselves for not instilling in the child in time that any work is honorable if society needs it and feeds it. They also suffer morally and financially.
  2. The young preacher is not sure of the correctness of his faith, he sees no further sense in his work with the flock. Subject to spiritual suffering.
  3. The teacher is dissatisfied with the way his students passed the exam, and now he is looking for the reasons for this in himself (both the salary is small and the living conditions are bad - why try?), in poor guidance from the head teacher, in the parents of students, who do not listen to his advice, etc. Suffering from remorse and self-flagellation.
professional costs what does it mean
professional costs what does it mean

Thus, every person is subject to life costs - moral, spiritual, material, professional - in situations of choice, when his act leads to large or small, material or intangible losses.

Who is the victim?

Any cost in one way or another affects a whole circle of people.

The most negative feelings (resentment, anger, disappointment) are probably experienced by a film director or a poet, writer, composer who has received negative reviews about his work. Leaves "in the wilderness, in the village", deciding that he has no talent, stops creativeactivity. Who suffered as a result?

Obviously, the filmmaker himself was affected by the costs of his profession: he is in the center of human opinions, and they will not necessarily be benevolent, someone will criticize and express dissatisfaction with his works. As a creative person, he needs public recognition and approval. He suffers morally if he is absent or if he does not understand the inevitability of criticism and negative reviews, he does not know how to treat them calmly.

criticism as a cost of the profession
criticism as a cost of the profession

On the other hand, society can be recognized as indirectly or directly affected: buried talent is a big loss for it in the form of failed works of art.

The costs of dysfunctional family life (poverty, divorce, alcoholism) necessarily carry a negative potential for family members over many years. But society also suffers as a result, if we remember that a strong family makes a strong state.

Work can kill?

Sometimes the cost of a profession is a possible risk. Military personnel, firefighters, security guards, police officers, drivers, construction workers fully understand that they risk not only their he alth, but also their lives in their work. Every year in our country, people who have suffered at work are paid a huge amount. Question: "Why?" has many answers: poor organization of labor, neglect of safety rules by the workers themselves, their lack of information about the legal, material, moral consequences of violations of these rules.

what is the cost of the profession
what is the cost of the profession

Costs of the profession - whatis it: the inevitable dramas and tragedies? Or is it something that can still be avoided or at least minimized as much as possible by observing certain rules of behavior at work? Practice shows the validity of the last statement.

Work? Unhe althy

What are the costs of the profession, workers in the so-called hazardous industries are well aware. Harmful factors: dust, fumes, vibration, increased noise background, radiation, the risk of contracting infectious diseases, increased nervous stress, muscle and joint tension … All this causes in most cases the so-called occupational diseases.

Outwardly, the profession of a librarian looks very calm and he althy. However, here the costs of the profession are book dust, physical inactivity, and almost always a lack of career growth.

professional costs what does it mean
professional costs what does it mean

An office worker always risks the he alth of the eyes (the harmful effects of a computer), the spine (a sedentary lifestyle), the joints (physical inactivity), the stomach (generally frequent snacks, coffee, tea). His professional costs are a high probability of obesity, so-called office infections, rush jobs, rivalry, stress…

Small material costs, that is, non-reimbursable costs for the purchase of materials or equipment (paper clips, glue, replacing a burned-out light bulb), are also possible in any profession.

So, the conclusion is unambiguous: there is practically no area of work about which one could say: “Costs of the profession? What does this mean?..”

Psychological factors

ProfessionalThe success of a person largely depends on how much he is internally ready to work in his chosen field. The psychological costs of the profession are:

  • on the one hand, lack of interest in it, pleasure from work, and on the other hand, workaholism;
  • dissatisfaction with relations with superiors and ordinary employees, inability to resist outside pressure;
  • strive to always be the best in everything, to control everything;
  • biased - low or high - self-esteem;
  • passivity, inability or unwillingness to influence the work situation;
  • low level of authority in the eyes of colleagues or superiors;
  • fatigue from constant overload, fear of losing your job.

Inconvenient workplace, noise, uncomfortable temperature affect the overall well-being of the worker and can seriously reduce productivity.

When choosing a profession, a person should be fully aware not only of its advantages, but also of various possible costs.
