Marksburg Castle is located in the valley of the Rhine River, which is considered to be the real kingdom of knightly buildings, which has more than 900 years. According to scientists, medieval fortresses are found in these places almost every kilometer. It is considered legendary for the fact that for several centuries the enemies have never managed to capture it.
Location and legend
Fortress Marksburg (Marksburg) is located in Germany in the federal state of Rhineland-Palatinate, near the town of Braubach. The magnificent building stands at a height of 150 m on a green hill above the river, it literally soars above the surroundings and is considered the most beautiful fortress in the Middle Rhine valley.
The sad legend about the unfortunate beauty Elisabeth Braubach, the owner's daughter, is directly connected with Marksburg Castle. She was separated from her beloved Siegbert by the war, where he went on the orders of the emperor, and then allegedly died. While Elsa was waiting for her fiancé, Rochus, who introduced himself as his cousin, arrived instead of him and begged her to marry him.

Bride of despairagreed, but on the eve of the wedding, St. Mark appeared to the local priest and accused Rochus of worshiping Satan. To verify these words, the next morning the priest took out a cross near the altar and pointed it at the face of Rochus, from which he fell into the ground.
After the loss of her second fiancé, Elizabeth went to the monastery with grief, and after a while Siegbert returned with rich booty, whom everyone considered dead. Having learned about all the events, he fell into despair, and the castle was then renamed in honor of St. Mark.

History of the castle-fortress
The very first defensive structure was erected on this site in the 1100s by representatives of the Epstein family, among whom were the archbishops of the cities of Mainz and Trier. It was used not only as a fortress, but also to house the administrative center and the local customs office.
In documents, Marxburg was first mentioned as Braubach Castle in 1231. By the end of the 13th century. the fortress was already owned by the counts of Katzenelenbogen, and by the beginning of the 14th century. it passed into the ownership of the von Hesses due to the fact that the previous owners had no male heirs. During 14-15 Art. The fortress was rebuilt and renovated many times. Its modern appearance (see Marksburg Castle, photo below) is already the result of continuous repair and restoration work that has continued for more than 700 years in a row.

In 1437, the chapel of St. Mark was erected on the territory of the fortress, after which the name "Marksburg" appeared. Hedistinguished himself during the 30-year war, as the only German stronghold that safely withstood the siege. The French were unable to take him by storm.
Prison Castle
By the beginning of the 19th century, when Napoleon was able to capture Germany, Marksburg Castle was presented to the Duke of Nassau, he came under the jurisdiction of Prussia. After that, instead of a fortification value, he began to perform civil functions. A shelter for disabled soldiers was set up here, and then a prison.
In 1900, it was purchased by the German Association for the Protection of historic palaces for a nominal fee of 1,000 Reichsmarks. Its main function is to care for and preserve monuments of architecture and antiquity in Germany.
At the end of the 2nd World War, the castle was partially destroyed after shelling by American artillery, but in the post-war years it was almost completely restored.

Marksburg Castle (Germany): Description
Entrance to the fortress is through the gate, which leads to a small bridge. Its defensive bastions are equipped with loopholes through which tourists can see part of the forest. On one of the walls, from right to left, are the family coats of arms of those families that alternately owned the castle: von Epstein, the counts of Katzenelnbogen, the landgraves of von Hesse and the dukes of Nassau.
If you go to the fortress walls, you can see the surroundings and the picturesque landscape, consisting of a forest, the Rhine River and a town with small houses. On one side is a beautiful half-timbered building,built in 1705 instead of a bakery, next to it is a well and a cistern that collects rainwater.
The main building of the fortress is the central white tower, which rises above the entire architectural structure. In the upper part of the fortress, in the space between the inner and outer walls, there is a small garden where medicinal herbs and spices are grown.
Through a separate entrance from the courtyard you can get into the room for torture and punishment, where tools and devices are displayed. The walls are hung with ancient engravings describing the skill and technology of torture specialists.

Interiors and expositions
The description of Marksburg Castle and its interior should start from the lower rooms, the entrance to which comes from the courtyard. In the basement are located:
- an old forge showing equipment and various tools;
- wine warehouse with a collection of old oak barrels where the famous Rhine wine was once stored;
- kitchen room showcases medieval utensils, crockery and various equipment, incl. for pressing wine.

To get to the upper floors, you need to climb a narrow passage with stairs. Here are located mainly living rooms, which demonstrate the life and professional skills of the inhabitants of the castle:
- dining room with a fireplace and benches for knights, in which there are old samples of wooden furniture with beautiful carvings (chest, sideboard, chest of drawers, wardrobe), musical instruments anda set for playing chess, there is even an ancient closet;
- "armory" or "hall of the knights", which displays the clothes and equipment of medieval warriors (plates, armor, etc.);
- old cannons are also exhibited here, with the help of which the defenders of the fortress defended themselves from the enemy;
- "spinning room" - a room for weavers, represented by medieval equipment (spinning wheels, looms and other tools);
- The chapel of Marcus Chapel (1200) was built upstairs, in which the ceiling and walls are decorated with frescoes and paintings.

Castle in the 21st century
Since 2002, Marksburg Castle has been included in the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage List, and is also protected by the Hague Convention as an invaluable monument of architecture and history.
Since the beginning of the 20th century, the fortress has become one of the most picturesque historical buildings, against which films and cartoons are filmed. It was the first castle to be presented in children's toy stores as a cardboard model, and its appearance has also been used in several amusement parks.
Now the Marksburg Castle (Germany) houses the office of the German Society of Castles and Museums, which is making every effort to restore this architectural complex. Work is being carried out on the surviving engravings of the German surveyor Dilich. To get to the fortress, you need to walk through the old forest, climb to the top of the mountain, admire the beautiful medieval architecture and the interior of the castle.