Familiarity - is it swagger and obsession or ease of communication and concern for others?

Familiarity - is it swagger and obsession or ease of communication and concern for others?
Familiarity - is it swagger and obsession or ease of communication and concern for others?

Latin "familiaris" means "family", "home". Hence the "familiarity". The meaning of the word has changed over time. By the beginning of the 18th century, the word in the Russian language acquires a negative connotation. The Latin root loses its former meaning. Familiarity now means inappropriate, obsessive ease, swagger.

familiarity is
familiarity is

Everyone's life is divided into one that is open to everyone, and one that remains behind closed doors, with family or close friends. A person who enters the inner, close circle has the right to some liberties in communication. A loved one has the right to give you unsolicited advice, point out some shortcomings, for example, in clothes or appearance. Suppose a mother gives her growing daughter advice on what clothing is preferable in a given situation. Is it familiarity? In most cases, no. After all, a daughter can also help her mother with the choice of clothes, focusing on her taste.

But it's one thing when a close friend or family member advises somethingadjust in the manner of dressing, and quite another - when an unfamiliar person, slapping you on the shoulder, says something like: "Old man, this tie / jacket / sweater does not suit you." Is it familiarity? Sure.

familiarity meaning
familiarity meaning

The concept of what is familiarity and what is not, of course, changes over time, as well as the rules of decency, family life. For example, now in most families, children do not call their parents “you”, which was completely natural a hundred years ago. If you go even further, you can find funny definitions of what familiarity is. This, for example, is described by S altykov-Shchedrin, in Poshekhonskaya antiquity. The young man, greeting the lady he was courting, gave his hand - this was described as "unacceptable familiarity."

But back to today. There are things that can be discussed by a company of unfamiliar people or colleagues - the weather, politics, and so on. And it is obvious that there are topics that a normal person is unlikely to want to discuss publicly and is unlikely to tolerate interference in these areas by anyone outside. And in Russia, it is customary for strangers and unfamiliar people to address each other as “you”, switching to a less formal “you”, having got to know each other better and with the permission of the interlocutor.

The familiar person does not want to acknowledge the existence of these rules. He is cheeky and too easy to communicate. At the same time, sometimes it seems to him that his familiarity is something that is dictated by love and care. Not true.

familiarity meaningthe words
familiarity meaningthe words

He is by and large indifferent to the interlocutor himself, and his reactions. He really wants to voice his only correct point of view, to introduce his own, the only acceptable rules for everyone. He is not at all embarrassed by the fact that he puts the interlocutor in an uncomfortable position, asking too personal questions, giving unsolicited advice. Easily switching to “you” even when communicating with a person older than himself, not to mention peers, he does not erase the boundaries, but creates new problems in communication. After all, he needs to answer, and the ease of “poking” is far from acceptable for everyone.

A familiar person is simply ill-bred. Sometimes he is not hopeless and quite amenable to education. If he comprehends the boundaries of what is acceptable and permissible, then he can turn out to be a rather pleasant conversationalist.
