Usually, someone who wrote term papers himself has no problem writing a thesis. The general algorithm for such a student will be quite understandable. But there are also differences: the volume, the strictness of the requirements and the collegiality of the assessment. That is, the thesis is much larger, every little thing, even in the design, will be important, and the thesis is also evaluated by many people - from the supervisor and reviewer to the opponent. Will all these people read the introduction, will they read the rest? In fits and starts, and only the most personally interesting for them.
Remember, never forget

The introduction of the thesis must be impeccable. In this part of the work, you present the topic in a “tasty” and interesting way. If your “menu” is liked, the probability of a high rating grows exponentially. What's on the menu? Be sure to indicate why you are researching your topic right now, this is called relevance. Necessarilynote what has been done before you and evaluate the level of knowledge of the problem at the moment in science. And as standard - the goals of the study and the specification of the goals - tasks, an object with a subject, it is necessary to describe the methods (in general, you will describe the methodology in detail later, in the practical part). And it is also necessary to fully describe the sources of information for the practical part. If it is voluminous, indicate that the sources can be found in such and such an appendix.
When to write?

It is believed that the introduction to the thesis should be written after the entire work is written and it is written along with the conclusion. But if you want all the work to be superbly structured and meaningful, obey one line from beginning to end (and only such works claim the highest score in standing universities), take good advice - change this usual order, and you will get an excellent thesis Job. The introduction should be written immediately after the topic has been chosen. It is clear that you will redo it ten times (and this is not the limit of the number of improvements), but a well-thought-out introduction is a lamp in the darkness of science.
Rules and exceptions
For complete confidence in the quality of your future work, be sure to familiarize yourself with the requirements of your university. In one university, for example, the introduction of a thesis can have a maximum of 3 pages, in another - 5. And in this case, the allowable volume is very important. And it is more difficult if the allowed volume is less. Because a lot needs to be stated succinctly, and it is difficult for many to single out the main andthrow out the unnecessary. Use the journalistic rule - if a paragraph does not lose anything without a phrase or sentence - feel free to delete it in a text editor. The introduction of a thesis will only benefit from this.

When the introduction is ready, print it out (this changes perception) and go over the text mercilessly with a red pen. And do not do it at the last moment, you need to “sleep” with the introduction at least three times. In the evening they corrected it - in the morning they underlined it. Repeat the cycle, the more times the better. Probably, it is not necessary to say that the introduction of the thesis, like all work, must be written independently. "Craftsmen" most often know little, and their opuses are calculated instantly. And even if the text is more or less decent, a non-author will not feel the logic of the presentation. For a real author, protection is a formality, for a fictitious one it is a test.