The average length of a thesis is over 50 pages. And these are, as a rule, pages of information and terminologically rich text. Therefore, the commission, often far from your specific topic and specialization, will not delve deeply. Usually look only at the introduction, conclusion and table of contents. The introduction for the thesis is striking in the first place. Therefore, these first few minutes of the commission's attention play a key role in your future assessment - this is the very first impression.

My attempt number 5
So, you don't have the thesis introduction yet, how to write it and when? In general, it is normal practice to redo your introduction at least five times. And for the first time it is written not at all after the writing of the entire work, as some believe. It is best to write the introduction at the very beginning when you are trying to focus on goals and plans. This will allow not to “sculpt from what was”, but to consciously write the work itself.
Don't start with plagiarism
Introduction exampleYou should not look for a thesis on the Web. Firstly, the same wording in all "scientific works" has already set everyone on edge, and your epigonism will be noticed. And secondly, each university has lists of “likes and dislikes” of words and phrases that should or should not contain an introduction for a thesis.

For example, in one university it is normal to write "the study of something" as a goal, and in another, for such a wording, they can kill the entire diploma. So do not look for general formulations, go to your department and torture your own supervisor.
Required components
In some ways, creative work is appropriate, even when you're writing an introduction for a thesis. But still there are rules. Your work should consistently describe the relevance of the topic, the traditional object and subject of research. It is obligatory to formulate the goal correctly for your university, without fail with tasks (these are subgoals, often sequential or parallel stages of work), put forward hypotheses, applied scientific methods.
Benefits of writing an introduction before working on the body
Pay special attention to the elements of scientific novelty in the work, the novelty of considering exactly your problem and practical value. A quality thesis introduction also describes the structure of your entire “work.”

It is clear that not everything can be written about before work begins. But reflections on relevance and noveltyare very appropriate at the stage when the topic is formulated approximately and has not yet been approved. By the way, if you are considering it yourself, discuss the wording in advance, each department has a certain limited time for its approval. After that, changing it is difficult and dreary. But there are dangers - for example, to take too broad or too narrow a topic. Take a wide one - you will “drown”, a narrow one - there will not be enough material. That's why it's so helpful to write a rough introduction well ahead of the main body.
If you're planning a career in science, or just want to learn how to express yourself clearly, consider writing your thesis a rewarding exercise. A self-created scientific work allows you to gain invaluable experience that will be useful for future writing reports at work, formulating job descriptions, and creating a resume. Work hard and get results!