Functions of cities. Classification of cities by function: examples

Functions of cities. Classification of cities by function: examples
Functions of cities. Classification of cities by function: examples

City does not arise by itself. From the moment of his birth, he is inextricably linked with some kind of activity, which is his function.

Facts from the past

The centuries-old history of mankind shows that the functions of cities can change repeatedly. So, in the Middle Ages, settlements arose for military-defensive, trade and handicraft purposes. In the beginning, a fortified settlement was built. It became a city only after it was overgrown with trade and craft settlements (roundabout city). During that period, the administrative and political functions of cities were most developed. There will be no difficulty with examples of such settlements. These are many cities of Russia, such as Pskov, Velikiye Luki, Izborsk, etc.

small towns
small towns

At the end of the 18th century. all cities, which are the centers of counties, were assigned an administrative function. But they didn't stop there. Such cities were endowed with trade and distribution, organizational and economic functions. This arrangement has continued to the present day. All these functions are inherent in the centers of administrative regions.

At the beginning of the 20th century. large settlements began to play a transport and industrial role. This is especially brightmanifested itself in the cities through which the railway passed. The development of transport links contributed to the rapid growth of industrial enterprises. Examples of such cities are Novosokolniki and Porkhov, Velikiye Luki and Pskov, etc.

Functions of cities in the second half of the 20th century. more shifted towards administrative. At the same time, they began to be combined with cultural and educational activities.

Main functions of cities

Each settlement plays a certain role in the life of the region. The functions of cities are their socio-economic characteristics. Consider their list.

functions of cities
functions of cities

The main functions of cities:

- demographic and settlement;

-administrative and managerial;

- production (creation of we alth);

- social household;

- educational and cultural;

- innovative and scientific and technical;

- foreign economic;

- trade and distribution;

- informational;

- transport and communication;

- recreational and tourist;

- sports and recreation;

- social, environmental and environmental protection.

As you can see, the list is impressive. These are the main functions of cities that distinguish them from the list of small settlements.


What are settlements like? There is a certain classification of cities according to the functions that are inherent in them. Among them are:

1. Multifunctional. These cities play a cultural, administrative and political as well as economic role. These include the most importantregional centers. There is a complex territorial organization here, there are various broad ties.

2. Cities of inter-district significance, in which transport and industrial functions are predominant. In general, such settlements are divided into several types. These are transport, industrial and industrial transport.

3. Cities dominated by other functions. Their transport and industrial significance is not so pronounced. These are small towns, local centers. They play an organizational and administrative role for the grassroots regions.

4. Resort towns with specific features.

5. Scientific experimental and scientific centers.

Functions common to all settlements

City is a special type of settlement. It comes from the division of labor. What functions do cities perform without exception? They are called city servants. Such activities are inward-facing and only matter to the community itself.

main functions of cities
main functions of cities

What other functions do cities perform? City-forming. Such activity allows us to consider the settlement as one of the elements of the system of settlements located in a certain region or state.

In the modern world, city-forming functions of cities are their lifeblood. They allow solving political and administrative-administrative, industrial and residential, cultural and commercial, scientific and educational, as well as communal and engineering tasks. At the same time, all the listed functions of cities are closely related.each other and cannot exist separately. New settlements arise in order to meet the needs of the whole country or its individual regions. At the same time, the classification of cities by functions is carried out depending on the role assigned to them.

Typology of city-forming activities

The functions of cities, which are its lifeblood, are divided into central and special. The first group includes those activities that consist in various types of services to the population, as well as farms located in adjacent territories.

Central function

Typology of cities within the country has its own classification with a strict hierarchy. On the top step is Moscow. The capital of the Russian Federation serves the entire state. The next level is reserved for the centers of large economic regions. The functions of Russian cities of this category (Ekaterinburg, Novosibirsk) are to serve the regions, the centers of which they are. The next level is regional. At this step of the hierarchy there are centers whose task is to serve several administrative regions. These cities include, for example, Orsk and Buzuluk.

The next step in the hierarchy is occupied by regional centers. These include, among others, Priozersk and Vyborg (Leningrad region). On the lowest rung are intra-district centers. The functions of Russian cities of this level are to serve a certain territorial part of the administrative region. These cities include Vereya and Aprelevka (Moscow region, Naro-Fominskydistrict).

Special function

This role throughout the country is assigned to industry centers. The bulk of Russian cities are large industrial formations (Novokuznetsk, Magnitogorsk, etc.), as well as transport hubs (Nakhodka, Novorossiysk). Much less common in our country are cities of science (Dubna, Obninsk), tourist and resort centers (Suzdal, Pyatigorsk, Sochi).


The process that enhances the role of urban settlements in the development of the whole country is caused by changes in the demographic and social structure of society, its lifestyle, culture, etc.

science cities
science cities

Many regions of our country have significant differences in the degree of urbanization. Moreover, this is obvious not only at the level occupied by large economic regions, but also at the location of small towns that perform administrative-territorial functions.

The process of amalgamation of cities has recently intensified significantly. The territory of many settlements is rapidly expanding. At the same time, industry and the population are dispersed in adjacent areas. In this regard, such functions of cities as economic and cultural are being strengthened. A large settlement is turning into a single urbanized zone, where it plays the role of the main center.

Differences in functional purpose are also found in the list of urban-type settlements. These may be construction centers, the birth of which is associated with the construction of large industrial facilities. In addition, exclusivelysuburban settlements have residential functions. In the Moscow region, these are Rodniki, Semkhoz, and others. There are also settlements that do not have the functions of a city. This is observed in those settlements where industrial enterprises have already been closed, and there are no external labor relations. Settlements of this type can most often be found in the eastern and northern regions of the country, where in former times there were developments for the extraction of minerals.

Classification of cities by population

When many different functions are concentrated in one settlement, it will grow and develop rapidly. That is why all major cities are called upon to ensure the activity of various spheres of society's existence, and vice versa.

functions of Russian cities
functions of Russian cities

Small towns tend to be monofunctional. All settlements are divided into the following types:

- the smallest, the population in them does not exceed five thousand people;

- small - 5-20 thousand people;

- semi-medium - 20-50 thousand people;

- medium - 50-100 thousand people;

- large - 100-500 thousand people;

- largest – 500 thousand – 1 million people;

- millionaire cities – more than 1 million people

The number of inhabitants of any settlement directly depends on the variety of tasks assigned to it.

Monofunctional cities

To the settlements that play a specific role in the life of society, it is possible to include scientific and resort centers. What are their functions?

Science cities are formed to carry out scientific, scientific and technical, andas well as innovation activities. In these settlements, tests, experimental developments are carried out, personnel are trained in accordance with the state priorities for the development of scientific and technical industries.

The functions of resort towns include the following:

- conducting medical rehabilitation of patients;

- spa treatment;

- he alth-improving rest;

- taking disease prevention measures;

- cultural- entertaining and educational activities.

The first three functions use natural physical factors.

Functions of the northern capital of Russia

What is the role of St. Petersburg in the life of its population and the whole country? At present, the city's core set of functions is quite broad.

what are the functions of cities
what are the functions of cities

He is:

- a world-class historical and cultural center;

- an innovative, scientific and educational center;

- a business city;

- a tourist center;

- transport and transit hub.

Development outlook

The functions of any city do not remain unchanged. Over time, some of them are somewhat modified, while others disappear, being replaced by new ones. The same processes are typical for St. Petersburg. The most promising functions of the Northern capital can be determined on the basis of an analysis of the city's external environment, its competitive positions and the growing role of human capital. This strategic planning is carried out by the authorities of St. Petersburg.

Classification of the functions of the Northern Capital

All the activities of the city, which is aimed at fulfilling the tasks assigned to it, are divided into two groups. The first of these includes such functions that are practically unchanged over a long period of time. They are basic. The second group includes more variable industry functions.

Which mission of the Northern capital belongs to the first group? This is the function of the city of St. Petersburg as a place for comfortable living. This role, despite its obviousness, was not always decisive and leading. Everything has changed today. A successful city has become a place where talented, enterprising and creative people live freely, richly and comfortably. According to this function, St. Petersburg successfully competes with such cities as Moscow, Paris, London, etc.

The northern capital also has the function of a scientific center. Numerous educational institutions contribute to this. In addition, highly qualified specialists work in the field of science in the city.

Recently, the geopolitical influence of St. Petersburg on the level of development of other regions has increased significantly. This expresses the metropolitan function of the city. It hosts various international conferences, summits, forums and exhibitions. Thus, the city has successfully implemented the second capital strategy.

classification of cities by function
classification of cities by function

An invariable function of St. Petersburg is its role as a historical and cultural center not only of Russia, but of the whole world. This contributes to the development of tourism and attracting educated people to live in.

FunctionsSt. Petersburg as an industrial center is gradually being modified. New enterprises are opening in the city, forming the latest branches of modern production. Automotive components are manufactured here, and a car assembly sector is being developed. The northern capital can also be proud of the pharmaceutical industry created at the latest technological level. Branches of many leading world companies are open and operate on the territory of the city. In other words, St. Petersburg has great potential to become the center of modern high-tech industry.
