Communication is one of the most difficult processes in a person's life. After all, living, thinking beings - people - take part in it. Of course, the process of communication is peculiar to one degree or another to other inhabitants of our planet. But only in the world of people does it become conscious, endowed with many verbal and non-verbal aspects.

Short definition
Usually, the answer to the question of what communication is is quite short. Communication generally refers to the exchange of information between people. A person exchanges various ideas, experiences, thoughts, memories with other people. There are always two sides to communication - the transmitter and the sender. A group of people can also take part in this process.
During the long history of human existence, communication gradually developed, became more complex, more and more forms of communication appeared. Times were gradually changing, cultural and historical experience was accumulating, which was transmitted in the form of ancient runic writing, hieroglyphs, etc. At present, communication isintegral part of human life.
There is also an extended definition of what communication is. According to this wording, it is a complex process of interaction between people, which consists in the exchange of information, as well as in the perception and understanding of the participants of each other.

Communication structure
In order for the communication process to take place successfully, three components must be present:
- The interlocutor is the person with whom the communication process takes place.
- General theme.
- Common language that is understood by both partners. The same applies to special phrases, professional terms. If one of the interlocutors does not understand the highly specialized vocabulary of the other, then the communication process will be hampered by misunderstanding, the need to ask again.
Communication functions
To build successful communication, it is not enough to know what communication is. It is also necessary to take into account the goals that are set in the process of interaction with the interlocutor. The functions of communication are those tasks that the process of communication performs in the social life of a person:
- Information and communication function. It consists in the exchange of information between people.
- Incentive - stimulation of participants in communication to action.
- Integrative. The purpose of this feature is to group people together.
- Socialization function. Here, communication is necessary so that a person can develop communication skills in a certain group according toits rules.
- Coordination. The purpose of communication is to coordinate actions in any joint activity.
- Function of understanding. Communication is necessary for the correct interpretation of the information received.
- Affective-communicative. The purpose of communication in this case is to influence the emotional sphere of other people.

Communication levels
Communication can be divided into three main types or levels:
- Intrapersonal.
- Interpersonal.
- Bulk.
For example, when one friend informs another about a sale in a nearby supermarket, this type of communication is called interpersonal. When the metro administration notifies passengers about the closure of a certain station, then this type is massive. Interpersonal communication is a process that takes place between two people. As for the group communication, here communication includes many participants. Information can be transferred from one person to a group of people, from an organization to its members. This type of information transfer is a one-way communication. In it, the message is transmitted from the sender to the recipient. But how he will perceive this information is unknown.

Examples of different types of communication
Perhaps, it is impossible to find a person who would not know what communication is. Communication surrounds a modern person almost around the clock, and each of us encounters during the daywith each of its three types. A fast food chain invites consumers to buy hamburgers, a car manufacturer invites its cars. Advertising professionals are constantly trying to come up with more catchy slogans to make this type of communication more effective for their purposes. Interpersonal communication is inevitable in work and study activities. Each person also has an “internal dialogue”, during which he thinks about various life situations, draws conclusions and conclusions.

Types of communication: verbal and non-verbal
Under the means of communication are understood the methods of coding, transmission and processing of information that is transmitted in the process of communication. All means of communication are divided into two broad categories - verbal and non-verbal. Verbal communication includes all those words that a person uses in communication. As a rule, these two methods of communication are used simultaneously.
Features of non-verbal communication
Non-verbal means of communication are sign systems that complement and enhance verbal communication, and in some cases can replace it. Psychologists believe that up to 65% of information is transmitted through non-verbal communication. It includes visual, tactile and acoustic means.
Visual include:
- Kinesthetic means of communication - facial expressions, body posture, gestures, gaze, gait.
- The direction of a person's gaze, making (or avoiding) eye contact.
- Face and eye expressions.
- Distance - the distance to the communication partner, the angle of rotation in relation to him, personal space.
- Communication aids - appearance and ways to transform it (clothes, glasses, tattoos, mustache or beard, cosmetics and jewelry).
Acoustic forms of communication include:
- Speech related tools - volume, timbre, speech pauses and their location.
- Not related to speech - laughter, teeth grinding, coughing, crying, sighing.
Tactile means of communication traditionally belong to:
- Physical influence (for example, leading a blind person by the hand).
- Takevika (handshake, friendly pat on the shoulder, etc.).
Features of verbal communication
In the process of communication, words can serve different purposes. They not only convey the meaning of what was said, but also contribute to the rapprochement of people or, on the contrary, their distance. At the same time, verbal means of communication include those words that are spoken aloud (oral speech), written (written), are replaced by gestures (for example, among the dumb) or are pronounced by a person to himself.
The simplest verbal means of communication is oral speech. It is divided into two types:
- Dialogue (two interlocutors take an active part).
- Monologic (only one person speaks).

Psychology of communication
Who and in what situation can the psychology of communication be useful?There are many such examples. This kind of knowledge will be needed by a teenager who has to join a new team, or a sales manager who wants to increase monthly sales. And since communication is a familiar phenomenon that a person encounters every day, he no longer notices its features. In various situations, facts from the psychology of communication may be useful:
- If a group of people laughs, then each of them will look at the member of the group who causes him great sympathy.
- If one person is angry at another, and at the same time the latter manages to remain calm, then the anger from this will only become sharper. However, the one who showed aggression will later become ashamed.
- If the interlocutor answers the question evasively or incompletely, then you should not question him - just look him in the eye. Most likely, he will immediately understand that his answer is not satisfactory, and will continue to talk.
- In speech or correspondence, psychologists do not recommend using the phrases “it seems to me” or “I think”. These words seem to be taken for granted, but they give the message a hint of uncertainty.
- Before an important meeting, it is good to imagine that we are connected with the interlocutor by an old friendship. In most cases, the person himself determines how to perceive this or that situation, and calmness and self-confidence are always transferred to the communication partner.
- If we manage to sincerely rejoice at meeting with another person, then next time he himself will be glad with ussee you.
- In the process of communication, you should pay attention to the position of the legs of the communication partner. If the toes of the shoes look in the opposite direction from us, this means that communication is burdensome to the interlocutor, and he wants to leave as soon as possible.
- When going on a first date, psychologists recommend taking your partner to an interesting or exciting place. In the future, those pleasant emotions that were received from communication will be strongly associated with us.
- A very useful habit for communication can be the ability to notice the color of the interlocutor's eyes. After all, he will feel sympathy from slightly lengthened eye contact.
- No less important than speech and intonation in communicating with people is facial expressions and facial expressions. The latter can not only be a consequence of experiences, but also transmit these experiences. Psychologists note that feedback works almost flawlessly. For those who want to become happier or to evoke positive emotions in other people, it is recommended to smile as often as possible.

Simple rules for successful communication
Many people communicate the way they have to - the way they were taught by their parents or teachers. At the same time, each person likes a polite attitude towards himself, and at the same time, people constantly suffer from its lack.
The rules of polite communication are simple and everyone can follow them.:
- The basis of cultural communication is a high level of self-respect. Therefore, politeness is valued - because it allows you to maintain a high level of self-esteem ininterlocutors.
- Don't control your every gesture. Indeed, in this case, communication will cease to be easy.
- If you need to refuse a request that is inappropriate, do not immediately interrupt the interlocutor. After all, perhaps he needs not only help, but also psychological participation.
- If communication does not bring satisfaction, it is necessary to speak not about the person himself, but about the intricacies of his behavior. It is better to focus not on the past, but on the interlocutor's recent actions.
- In the event that communication has exhausted itself, it is important to tactfully interrupt the conversation in time.

Communication in the business world
As for business communication, this type of communication is built between two or more people around what they have in common - in this case, business. The basic rule of this type of communication is to never forget the goal, to remember that communication is not for fun or some abstract ideas. Relationships that are built on the rules of business communication help create a productive work environment.
Let's consider some of these rules:
- Don't let yourself talk too much. Even if a trusting relationship has developed with the interlocutor, you should not discuss forbidden topics with him - for example, the personal life of one of the employees.
- The main thing is punctuality. If a business meeting is scheduled for 10 o'clock, then it should start at that time. If you need to complete the work by a certain deadline, you should also not violate it. abide by itthe rule is simple - you should only allocate time for the road or the task with a margin.
- Dress according to the dress code. Of course, clothes should emphasize taste, but it is not permissible to stand out among other employees.
- Use the pronoun "you". Even if the interlocutor has known each other for a long time, but other people are present at the meeting, everyone should be addressed as “you”.
- In the process of business communication, you should leave all extraneous thoughts that interfere with work. If any unpleasant situation has happened in the family, or if a depressive state has simply overcome, this should in no way be extended to work.
- In a conversation, you should always listen to the interlocutor to the end. After all, attempts to interrupt a communication partner will indicate ignorance of the elementary rules of business ethics.
- Avoid using jargon. One of the features of communication in the business world is to adhere to the norms of correct speech. In order for the interlocutor to correctly understand the meaning of the message, it should be expressed in understandable language. Of course, slang words can also be understood by a communication partner, but communication between business people is different from chatter.
- Don't stigmatize competitors. It will bring absolutely no benefits. After all, talking badly about your competitors is a game from which it is impossible to emerge victorious. It is much better to rely on the advantages of your own company in communication.
- Be tolerant of your partner's opinion. Even if there is one hundred percent confidence in one's own position, one should allow the partner to speak. After all, everyone has the right to have their own opinion and express it.
- Be honest. Honesty is one of the main rules of communication in the business world. Lies are very quickly calculated, and even if this does not happen, the truth that has emerged over time can significantly damage the reputation. The foundation of successful business relationships is open, honest dialogue.
The modern world is immersed in communication. Each person must learn the various means of the communication process in order to be able to establish the necessary contacts for himself, correctly transmit and assimilate messages, and influence the experiences of other people. The result of understanding the essence of communication is successful interaction with the interlocutor, the achievement of communication goals.