Synonyms for problem - example sentences

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Synonyms for problem - example sentences
Synonyms for problem - example sentences

In this article we will select synonyms for the word "problem", give examples of sentences using them, and also analyze where it makes sense to use them and where not. There are situations where you need to find a synonym, but not every word can fit the meaning.

Synonyms for "problem"

how to find a synonym
how to find a synonym

The following are a number of synonyms that are closest in meaning:

  • difficulty;
  • task;
  • aporia;
  • obstacle;
  • trick.

There are other synonyms for the word "problem", but they are not so suitable in logic and sound, such as "trick", "riddle", "quote" and others.

Sample sentences

synonymous with problem
synonymous with problem

Sentences with synonyms for the word "problem" will be given below. We will compare them to see if they are suitable replacements for this word.

Masha had a real task: to find twenty-two sweets by the eighth of March to give to her classmates

As we see herea synonym for "problem" is a task. This word fits the meaning, and they can safely replace the original. But there are sentences in which there is no way to replace the word "problem".

The pressing problem of humanity is too many factories that produce hazardous waste that damages the environment and human he alth. Such a problem needs to be solved in cardinal ways, despite material losses

Here you cannot substitute the word "task", or, for example, "trick" - if you replace the word "problem" with them, the sentence will lose its meaning and logical sound. But in the second sentence, you can replace the word, then it will turn out:

The pressing problem of humanity is too many factories that produce hazardous waste that damages the environment and human he alth. Such a task must be solved in cardinal ways, despite material losses

As you can see, the passage of the text began to sound better, the meaning was not lost, and the same word is not repeated in neighboring sentences. You always need to look at the situation where you can replace a word with a synonym, and where you can’t in any case.