Rejection - what is it? Meaning, synonyms, sentences and interpretation

Rejection - what is it? Meaning, synonyms, sentences and interpretation
Rejection - what is it? Meaning, synonyms, sentences and interpretation

At a time when modern society insists on constant consumption, moreover, it tells us to earn more in order to consume even more, you will inevitably wonder if such a point of view and ideology is right in general? Today we will talk about the opposite phenomenon, the phenomenon of refusal, it will be interesting.


Waterfall of money
Waterfall of money

We would like to start with etymology and tell the reader about the wonderful connection between “story”, “tale” and “refusal”, but we cannot do anything like that, because the dictionary containing the origin of words undercuts us wings of fantasy, and we are forced to operate not with fiction, but with facts. But the truth is that this word is not in the etymological dictionary, so let's start right away with the explanatory one. Rejection is not the most pleasant word, but even it has a meaning, let's find out:

  1. Same as refusing or refusing.
  2. Same as Becar.

A mysterious word that hides its true meaning. But we'll still make it open. But not forin order to strike, but only in order to understand the meaning properly.

So, let's explain the meaning of those words that are key in this case. The meaning of the word "refuse" or "refuse (their meanings are the same):

  1. Answer in the negative (to a demand, request or offer).
  2. Deprive of something, limit something.
  3. Cease to act as a result of illness or damage (colloquial).
  4. Leave as a legacy, bequeath (obsolete).

Because bekar is a different concept, so let's give its meaning separately. So, bekar is “a musical sign that cancels the action of the previous sharp or flat and restores the main value of the note.” We honestly admit that we do not have a musical education, therefore we are not able to explain the subtleties of the concept, but we can make sentences that will clarify the meaning of other meanings of the word “refusal”.


Shot from the film "Born on the Fourth of July"
Shot from the film "Born on the Fourth of July"

Dictionary data is good. But they are dead without everyday speech. Therefore, we must make sentences that form a productive union with the object of study:

  • He asked for a cigarette and I flat out refused.
  • He denied himself everything to buy a dog, then changed his mind and went to a restaurant with the money.
  • The hero of the film "Born on the Fourth of July" lost his legs due to injury, and he became disillusioned with life.
  • My uncle had the most honest rules and therefore refused me all his 20 million dollars!
  • Rejection of excess leads to inner harmony.

If the reader suddenly doubted the legitimacy of using the verb "refused" in the meaning of "bequeathed" (you never know, anything can happen), then we assure him: such a meaning exists. Actually, we wrote about this above. It is worth looking at the verb "refuse" and its fourth meaning in the explanatory dictionary. Yes, it is outdated, but not gone. And don't believe those who say otherwise.

Sentence number two uses a verb, so we decided to make another one with the noun "refusal", which is more appropriate. We hope the reader is not angry with us, for excess is not lack.


Playing cards
Playing cards

We continue our linguistic journey. And it's still far from over. Synonyms can be treated as you like, but one cannot deny the realities of the Russian language, that for the latter, synonymy is a characteristic feature. Therefore, we will not shirk our duty and provide the reader with replacements for the object of study. Refusal is not the most pleasant word, but he has allies and friends. Let's look at the list:

  • pass;
  • boycott;
  • denial;
  • deviation;
  • disagreement.

The other substitutions offered by the dictionary did not inspire our confidence, so we did not include them in the list.

Subtleties of the meaning of the noun "pass"

It is also necessary to explain the presence of the word "pass" in the list. There is a pass that is used in a card game, and there are those that are needed in sportscompetitions. And these nouns are homonyms. Probably, you have heard this phrase many times: "No, guys, I passed." This does not mean that a person decided to make a hinged pass into the pen alty area, and there the attacker will definitely respond to it. You can also go from the other side: what does refusal mean? You can define the object of study through the noun "pass". By the way, when it's not about the card table and green cloth, the word "pass" is rapidly acquiring a figurative meaning.

Signs of rejection

Interview in progress
Interview in progress

Clear now everything with the meaning of the word "refusal". Another thing is interesting: how to recognize a failure? After all, we do not always understand when we are rejected, and it doesn’t matter what it is about, whether it’s another failure in love or finding a job. Do you know, for example, that it is not customary for the Japanese to refuse directly, so as not to put the interlocutor in an uncomfortable position? How do they work? They ask clarifying questions, if the Japanese asks to reschedule the time or appoint another place, then this should be understood as a refusal, the meaning of which depends on the situation. Why are we telling this? And it's not just the Japanese who do this. If a person does not immediately agree to some of your proposals, then most likely he does not want or he is uncomfortable, in other words, one way or another, but there will be no deal (whatever that means). And now two classic examples:

  • When a girl keeps rescheduling a date, she probably doesn't want a date.
  • When the employer says that he will call you back, then you can safely go to anotherinterview.

The question of why not refuse immediately hangs in the air and rapidly rises to the sky, becoming eternal, that is, no one will ever answer it, but we think the reasons for such behavior should be sought in the ideology of universal tolerance and fear of offending. But do banal moves offend a person's intellect no more than a direct refusal? Something to think about.
