School is a new life. Psychological preparation of the child for school

School is a new life. Psychological preparation of the child for school
School is a new life. Psychological preparation of the child for school

Parents of all future first graders want their children to have a good time at school. What does it mean? To make new friends in the class, communication with which brings pleasure. So that the child goes to school in a good mood, and he would like to study and learn something new every day. It is not enough to teach a preschooler to write, read and count. Psychological preparation is also extremely important, because school is a completely new life, a new world. Stay in the status of a schoolboy for many years. It is necessary that the child be comfortable in it.

school is
school is

Creating a positive school image

For a child to want to go to school, waiting for September 1 with joy and impatience, parents must create a positive image of the educational institution.

You can only talk about school in a positive way, and not only in conversations with a child. A preschooler should not hear adult conversations that teachers are now bad, children at school are ill-mannered monsters, and homework is given too much. It is absolutely unacceptable to intimidate a child with school, which, unfortunately, some parents sin. You will be one deucereceive”, “Here the teacher will show you at school for such behavior”, - a preschooler should not hear anything like this from the lips of his parents.

The child must be sure that he will like it at school, the teacher will be friendly and benevolent, and friends will appear among classmates. It is important not to deceive the child, not to tell that school is a continuous holiday, because it is not. You can read children's stories about schoolchildren, watch feature films about them. Those who go to school with a positive attitude are more likely to do well.

children at school
children at school

Motivation must be right

It is necessary to form a child's motivation to study correctly. Some preschoolers seem to have an interest in going to school, but it is external. Such children want to try on the new status of a student, walk with a beautiful backpack, use brand new stationery, be like older sisters or brothers. It is important to form a child's desire, passion, interest in cognitive activity, to tell that learning is a mass of new information. Be sure to tell the preschooler what lessons will be in the first grade, what they are studying.

What skills does a first grader need?

Patience, self-discipline, the ability to listen without interrupting, perseverance - all this will be needed at school. Psychologists believe that all of the above skills are trained very well in the process of joint games. Especially useful among them are those where there are clearly defined rules: checkers and chess, “walkers”, everything else that requires following the rules. Another, no less useful game is a children's school. Let the child have the opportunity to try himself as a student and be a teacher.

The skill of self-care is very important for a preschooler. Children at school will have to change clothes and shoes in the wardrobe, put on and take off their physical education uniform, deftly manage the contents of the school backpack - get and put away the necessary things. Those who do it too slowly are worried and nervous to see more agile classmates. Therefore, self-care of a child must be taught.

lessons at school
lessons at school

The ability to communicate and make friends is very important

Which of the children is easier to adapt to an unusual school environment? After all, school is not only lessons, but also extra-curricular activities, sports competitions, communication in a team. Those who easily find a common language with classmates and know how to make friends. Children love and appreciate friendliness, responsiveness, the ability not to be offended over trifles, not to conflict in their peers. Another important quality is the ability to seek and find compromises in different situations. Children who have the above skills feel more comfortable in school. The task of parents is to instill them in their child. The sooner the better.

It can be especially difficult for those children who have not attended kindergarten, do not have sufficient experience in communicating in teams, are shy in nature, with low self-esteem. Adults should help children join the company, teach them to communicate and make friends.

children's school
children's school

Getting to know the school in advance

For a preschooler, school is something completely new and incomprehensible. Most children are anxious and apprehensive about everything unfamiliar. Children who have already been in the walls of its building go to school much more calmly, they imagine what the classes look like from the inside. Now many educational institutions offer future students something like preparatory courses. If parents have the opportunity to take a child there, it is worth using it. Perhaps the child will not receive some fundamentally new knowledge in the courses. But he learns in practice how the lessons go at school, how to behave during school, how to answer the teacher.

During the breaks, it is worth taking a walk along the corridors, showing the child where the dining room, gym, toilet, wardrobe are located. When a newly minted student crosses the threshold of an educational institution on September 1, he will feel much more confident.
