What to give your child to school for a snack? Meals at school

What to give your child to school for a snack? Meals at school
What to give your child to school for a snack? Meals at school

Millions of parents around the world daily send their children to meet knowledge. And every day they, for sure, face a very difficult dilemma: what to give a child to school for a snack. After all, in order for a child to assimilate all the necessary school curriculum as best as possible, he must be full and receive not only pleasure from food, as is often the case when eating chocolates or other sweets, but also useful, and most importantly, nutrients. They help the brain work better, and the child becomes more attentive in the classroom.

What to give your child for school for a snack
What to give your child for school for a snack

How to eat right. Do you need a snack at school?

Why give lunch to kids to school? Everyone has long known that three meals a day is mandatory for both children and adults. But it is better for a child to have an extra snack at school. This will help him restore the strength spent in the lessons and successfully continue his studies. Ideally, a snack is best done after the second or third lesson. It is at this time that the child is already starting to get a little tired and feel hungry.

Snack food should be he althy, because school mealsvery important, but there is hardly a child who loves something truly useful. Therefore, parents will have to find something that your child will definitely eat and, of course, benefit from it.

Sandwich to school for a child
Sandwich to school for a child

Tasty and he althy

Fruit. Perhaps this is the first thing that comes to mind when deciding what to give your child to school for a snack. Apples, pears, apricots, tangerines, peaches, plums, and bananas work best. They will not be rumpled in a briefcase, which means they will not be able to stain textbooks and notebooks. In addition, they will not splash juice in different directions, and the child will not be able to get dirty.

Vegetables. All of them are definitely useful. But not all children will be delighted with such a snack. Therefore, if you choose something from vegetables, then think about carrots, cucumbers or sweet peppers. Vegetables are best paired with other foods. One carrot will never fill you up.

Meals at school
Meals at school

Dairy products. This is almost a classic school snack. Drinking yogurt, curd mass, soft cheese or just milk. Very useful and tasty. Among other things, you can give the child cottage cheese with you. It contains a wide variety of nutrients. In addition, it is a very satisfying product. And if you add some fruit there (apples, bananas, kiwi or something else), you get a very nutritious and tasty snack. Dairy products are proteins and calcium, and, as you know, it is simply impossible to do without them. But it is important to remember one main rule: do not store dairy products for a long time inwarmer! It will spoil, and the child may be poisoned.

Dried fruits and nuts. Many children love this. And this is very good, since these products saturate the body and brain with a powerful boost of energy, as well as useful vitamins. For a child, even 50 grams is enough to make the head work better. Such a snack is suitable for those who are always on the move and are not ready to spend the whole break on food.

Baking. Well, who doesn't love to indulge in buns? Children love these treats, especially when it comes to homemade cakes. Such goodies can also be useful for a child. They contain carbohydrates that are very necessary for a growing organism. In addition, any bun will dampen your child's hunger for a long time.

Dark chocolate. Do not be surprised. Although it is chocolate, it has much more benefits than many people think. It is an excellent source of glucose and amino acids that improve memory. In addition, dark chocolate contains magnesium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron and zinc. So feel free to put a chocolate bar in your child's backpack, if he, of course, is not averse to eating it. After all, dark chocolate is very bitter. And, unfortunately, not all children love him.

Drinking. Do not forget about water. It is best if the child takes a bottle of mineral water with him. If your child does not really like plain water, then give him some tea in a thermos, compote, juice or fruit drink.

On the benefits of meat

Meat. Definitely one of the most important foods in the school. Meat is a very valuable source of a huge amount of useful and necessary substances forchild's body.

how to skip lunch at school
how to skip lunch at school

Animal protein is the foundation of good he alth and a faithful assistant for muscles, bones, joints and tendons. Also an important component in meat are fats. They are saturated with all sorts of useful vitamins and acids. But it is very important to remember that all animal fats have very different nutritional values. Among other things, meat contains a large amount of minerals, essential amino acids and vitamins (especially group B).

Pork is suitable for replenishing zinc and magnesium. Veal contains vitamins C and B vitamins, as well as potassium, cob alt, magnesium, zinc, iron, copper and magnesium. Lamb will help avoid diabetes and take care of your child's digestive system. But for kids, chicken is the best. It is the least fat, the most low-calorie and dietary. Among other things, it contains vitamin B6, magnesium, iron, potassium, protein, glutamine and a lot of protein.

What should not be given to a child for a snack?

Many parents do a disservice to please their children. You don't have to indulge your child in everything. Better calmly explain to him that crackers or chips are not the best snack options. In addition to them, there is a whole list of products that you do not need to give your child to school.

Chocolate or any other sweets. Not only that, they are likely to simply melt right in the portfolio. So they still do not carry any benefit. You can't completely satisfy your hunger with sweets. The child will want to eat as much as possible. And this is alreadycan lead to diabetes.

Lunches for children to go to school
Lunches for children to go to school

Giving a sandwich to school for a child is not the best idea when it comes to sausage sandwiches. They can dry out and deteriorate. Such a snack threatens with poisoning and in no way contributes to obtaining useful and nutritious substances.

Cookies don't always work either. There is no harm from it, but there is also little benefit. In addition, the main problem is that cookies can crumble and stain a backpack or other things.

Baking from the store can cause a lot of trouble. Therefore, it should not be given, unless you take different buns in the same place. Otherwise, it's better to choose something else.

The most satisfying and he althy snack option

You can make a sandwich for your child's school if you only use he althy, and most importantly, fresh products. Let me remind you again, sausage is our enemy! But cheeses, vegetables and meat will help to make a very tasty and nutritious sandwich.

Sandwich with salad. Take two slices of whole grain bread. Place a lettuce leaf, fresh tomato rings, mozzarella pieces and parsley on each. Makes a very he althy snack.

Meat sandwich. Boil the meat (preferably chicken) and cut into small pieces. Put it on bread, add any vegetables and herbs on top. For a change, you can pour a sandwich with tomato sauce.

Another option is to take a burger bun and make your child a very he althy "cheeseburger". Put a slice of cheese on the bread or spread it with cheese sauce withgreenery. Then add a meat cutlet (it is better to take minced beef). Then it all depends on the tastes of the child. You can add an egg, onion or something else. And despite the fact that it is almost a "cheeseburger", try to do without ketchup or mayonnaise. They are also harmful to adults. What can we say about the children's body.

Instead of bread, you can use pita bread. In this case, you can make a sandwich to school for a child in the form of a roll. Lubricate pita bread with butter or dressing from melted cheese and herbs. Put ham, chicken or other meat (you can cut it finely or into small pieces). For satiety, you can add potatoes and tomatoes.

Could make some hot sandwiches. Cheese and salmon are suitable as a filling. It will be very tasty and he althy.

What to cook for school lunch
What to cook for school lunch

Delicious lunch box idea

In order not to puzzle over all sorts of options for a hearty and he althy snack, you can use a ready-made set. First of all, choose one sandwich from those suggested above. Add vegetables and fruits, cheesecakes, pancakes, dark chocolate, nuts, dried fruits and of course tea, water or juice to it. So you get not just a snack, but a completely complete breakfast or lunch for your child. The main thing is to learn how to combine products correctly. Everything should be in moderation and in equal quantity.

Snack at school for little vegetarian

It is worth noting right away that if you are vegetarians, then you should not forbid anything to your child. If he wants to try, then don'trefuse him. Let him decide for himself whether he needs to eat only like parents or not.

First, let's understand the concepts. As you know, there are vegetarians and there are vegans. Vegan is not some kind of curse word, but simply a stricter form of vegetarianism. If the latter allow themselves to be limited only to meat, then vegans do not consume animal products at all. A lot of people think it's too much for kids. But vegetarianism can even improve the functioning of the body. But still, it is better to discuss such things with your doctor. Suddenly it turns out that meat is vital for your child.

If your child still does not eat meat, then you need to think about what kind of food to give a vegetarian child to school.

Actually, there is nothing complicated here. There are many options for what to give your child to school for a snack. You can offer the student any vegetables (potatoes, beets, carrots, white cabbage, onions, cucumbers, tomatoes, sweet peppers, cauliflower), dairy products or make a sandwich with yeast-free bread. Similarly, all the same nuts and fruits (apples, bananas, pears, tangerines, dates, raisins, oranges) will do. Almost no difference.

The benefits of school canteens. Prices

Everyone has long known that every school has its own canteen where children go. There the child can have breakfast, lunch and even dinner if the school has an after-school program. Most schools charge for this service. But they are very useful. First, by paying for food in the canteen, you will always know that your child will not go hungry. In-secondly, school canteens often undergo various checks and cases of poisoning in them are very rare. Well, and thirdly, you don't have to think about what to cook for school for lunch.

If you still decide to use the school cafeteria, then you will probably be interested and useful to know how much lunch costs at school. It should be noted right away that in all schools there are different prices. Since it all depends on the area in which you live. Therefore, the average price will be presented here.

The cost of breakfast for elementary school students is 73.75 rubles (368.75 rubles per week); for grades 5-11 79.95 rubles (399.75 rubles per week). The cost of lunch for students in grades 1-4 is 129.75 rubles (648.75 rubles per week), for students in grades 5-11 - 147.29 rubles (736.45 rubles per week). There will be much more per month, so it will be cheaper to give food with you. In addition, not all school canteens can boast of truly delicious lunches and breakfasts.

Not everyone is ready to pay that kind of money. Therefore, it is important to know how to skip school lunches. While the child is in the classroom, the school is responsible for his he alth. Good he alth is first and foremost good nutrition. If you intend to refuse school breakfasts and lunches, then notify your class teacher. No one has the right to refuse you or demand money for food. There is no need to draw up any documents, since lunches at school are a personal choice for everyone. It is enough to promise that you will not leave your child hungry, and do not forget to give something to the child to school onsnack.

Preferential meals for low-income families

All schools can provide free school lunches for the underprivileged. Or at least a discount on food. Any region independently determines the categories of citizens who can count on free meals at school. Parents need to find out all the data in the guardianship and guardianship authorities or in the department of social protection of the population at the place of residence.

What to wear food?

Once you decide what food to give your child to school, you will have another question. And what would be more convenient to carry all this food? The packages don't fit. They can only carry fruits or vegetables, any other products will be hopelessly spoiled. Sandwiches will turn into porridge, and not one child will want to eat it. And you don’t want to give your child an extra bag when he is already loaded with a backpack and removable shoes. For such cases, special and very convenient food containers for children to school are perfect.

Everything is clear with drinking. Here is either a regular bottle of water or a thermos for a hot drink. But food can be put in a lunch box. This is a very handy container. Choose light and comfortable, as well as roomy, if your child really likes to snack. Do not use thin and disposable polycarbonate containers. They are uncomfortable for small children.

what food to give the child to school
what food to give the child to school

In addition to simple containers, there are those that have a cooling package. It has many advantages. First, they can be used multiple times. Second, youyou can definitely be sure that your student will not be poisoned by spoiled food.

Now you know exactly what to give your child to school for a snack, and most importantly, what to carry this snack in. Remember: the choice is yours. You can use the services of the school canteen or cook your own meals, you can put only fruits or vegetables in your child's briefcase, or you can put together a full breakfast or lunch for him. Take care of your children, because proper nutrition is the key to good he alth.
