The fact that a person has a soul is already spoken not only by sorcerers, psychics and esotericists, scientists also share their opinion. So, I. D. Afanasenko described and confirmed that we all have two shells: physical and spiritual. How is the second connected with the soul, and what is an incarnation?
Soul and body
There is an opinion that the soul is able to acquire the physical shell of a person. Everyone comes to this world in order to gain spiritual potential, to go the way with karmic problems. The process of incarnation is the introduction of the soul into the human body. Buddhists, on the other hand, believe that the most highly developed spirits are capable of possessing several incarnations and even bodies at once. But still there is a cosmic mind that rules over everyone.

Are reincarnation and incarnation the same thing?
The concept of "reincarnation" means the transmigration of the soul. So, since ancient times, different peoples have believed that the soul of an ancestor already lives in babies. Also, a dead person is reborn in the new body of another child.
Therefore, reincarnation and incarnation are inseparable concepts, only the firstmay not always be improved or more developed than the second one on the cosmic level of being. The only common component of these two concepts is that the spirit is embodied in the human body.
Scientists have proven that a person has his own biofield, which is invisible to ordinary people (yet it can even be measured, which is what psychics do), as well as an aura that can protect the body from any harmful influences.
Religious people believe in the incarnation of the spirit in the human body.

According to religion, people come to Earth to fulfill their task, to fulfill their mission. Some suggest that our world performs the function of "purgatory", having been here, the soul can incur redemption for its sins. But during his life, measured on Earth, not every spirit can carry out repentance, then he can return here every time in a new body. When people turn to meditation, they understand what the higher mind needs, what mistakes they made in a past life, in order to take action and still end this vicious circle.
Incarnation is the personification of the soul in a person in order for thinking to become positive and kind. Thus, the soul will be perfected for life in other civilizations outside the earth. Incarnation in Buddhism can be controlled through meditation. After all, only in this way can one draw for oneself the most important thing from the past incarnation, find out what tasks are now, in the current destiny.
The talk is onthe topic of the transmigration of souls is very much. But it's always hard to believe in something you haven't experienced yourself. After all, it is given to everyone to know and feel for themselves during their lifetime what is measured for us.

Here is some evidence:
- Many people talk about how, after undergoing clinical death or being under anesthesia during an operation, they saw everything that was happening around them and themselves, they could even convey the conversation of doctors.
- Psychics and psychics are able to call the soul of a person who died in an accident, they can talk to it, ask questions and get detailed answers that no one could know about.
- When a loved one or relative dies, people hear and feel them for the first few days. It happens that steps are heard in the house, the door creaks, pets behave differently, a bird may fly through the window.
So, the meaning of the word "incarnation" was described in detail in the article, evidence was also given, but to believe in it or not is up to everyone to decide.