Children learn to compose word patterns from the first grade. However, many children find it difficult to separate form from content, they get confused with symbols, forget the definitions of concepts. The fact is that in order to draw up diagrams, a student must be able to think abstractly, master the techniques of analysis. If these skills are not developed, the help of teachers and parents is required.
Is this a word or a sentence?
Scheme is a graphical model that, with the help of symbols, displays the components of the whole, their relationship. From the first days of study, children learn that sentences are made up of words, words - of syllables, syllables - of sounds. Schemes of words and sentences help to see this visually.
However, these concepts are often mixed up in the child's head. First-graders get confused in the legend, drawing lines instead of colored squares. Explain to the child that a word is the name of a separate object, action, sign. A sentence, on the other hand, consists of several words related to each other, and conveyscomplete thought.

Let the first grader determine if he hears individual words or a sentence. So, the phrase "A crow sits on a fence" would be a sentence. Draw a diagram for it. If you say "crow, sit, fence" - then we have just a set of words that are not related to each other. There is no need to draw a proposal scheme.
Syllable and stress
Having found out the difference between a word and a sentence, you can proceed to the compilation of syllabic schemes. Please note that there are different conventions in textbooks. Most often, the word is represented by a line or a rectangle, which is divided by vertical lines into the required number of syllables. The stress is indicated by a short oblique stick on top. With similar word schemes in grade 1, work on the sound composition begins.

It is not always possible for students of philological universities to explain the division of words into syllables in Russian. The easiest way: imagine that you are communicating with a person on the other side of the river. Shout the word out loud and long. Sounds pronounced on one exhalation make up a syllable. The stress can be determined by placing the fists one on top of the other and placing the chin on top, but not tightly. When pronouncing the stressed syllable, the pressure of the jaw on the hands will be the strongest.
Sound word patterns
Most of all problems in children arise at this stage. Meanwhile, it is the sound patterns of words that help the children to realize that spelling and pronunciation often do not coincide with each other. It is better to start training with simple words,gradually increasing the difficulty. The first action is to divide the word into syllables.
The second stage is to determine the quantity and quality of sounds. At first, use the hint sign. Vowels are marked in red on it, as in the diagram. Sounds from the top row are placed after hard consonants, from the bottom - after soft ones. The letters i, e, u, e denote two sounds (y + a, y + o, y + y, y + e), if they are at the very beginning of words, after another vowel, and also behind the "dumb" letters b, b.

Consonants can be hard (marked in blue on the diagram) or soft (colored in green). When drawing a diagram, we analyze each syllable in turn. A single sound is depicted as a square of the corresponding color. Merging a consonant with a vowel - a rectangle divided in half by a diagonal line. The lower part denotes a consonant sound, the upper part denotes a vowel. After drawing the diagram, put the stress and separate the syllables with a vertical line.
Composition of a word
Morphemic word analysis is usually studied in the 2nd grade, although some programs introduce it to first graders as well. The ability to find the root, prefix and other significant parts is very important for the formation of the skill of competent writing. Children draw new word patterns, memorize common conventions.
Not all students come easily. Teach your child a simple algorithm:
- Write the word.
- Decline it by cases or conjugate by persons, numbers. The final letters, which change at the same time, will be the ending. The restwords are the foundation. Sometimes there is a zero ending.
- Get as many related words as you can. Their common part is called the root.
- The letters in front of it are a prefix.
- There can be a suffix between the root and the ending. Or several suffixes, as in the word "teacher".
- Graphically select all the parts in the word, redraw their legend below or next to it. The result was a scheme.

Learning to think
Most often, schoolchildren's mistakes are associated with a formal approach. The lexical meaning of the word is not taken into account. Children try to find already familiar suffixes in the word (-chik- in the lexemes "ball", "ray"), prefixes (-u- in the adjectives "morning", "narrow"). To avoid this, children are taught to select words for the indicated schemes. You can create such tasks yourself.
Draw a word scheme: root + suffix + ending. Which of the following lexemes are suitable for her: racer, raincoat, storekeeper, cartilage? What words have a zero ending, a prefix and a root: plaque, chant, burbot?
Compiling a word scheme is a rather difficult task for a primary school student. In order not to discourage interest in studying with boring workouts, turn them into a game. Conduct lessons for dolls, arrange competitions with prizes, let's give a part of the picture for the correct answers, which will need to be collected in the end. Put in a little effort and it will surely be rewarded.