Special correction class. Correctional classes in schools

Special correction class. Correctional classes in schools
Special correction class. Correctional classes in schools

For those children who find it difficult to study due to existing he alth problems, there are special educational institutions or remedial classes are opened in a regular school. Here you can write a child with a disability or lagging behind in development. The main purpose of such institutions and classes lies in the social adaptation of pupils and their integration in society.

If the child is going to school soon…

The fact that their child lags behind their peers in development, caring parents understand already in the first years of his life. This becomes especially evident by the age of six. A child who is lagging behind in development has poor speech and a low level of intellectual abilities. Sometimes these children do not even know how to hold a pencil in their hands. Not only for teachers, but also for parents, it becomes obvious that such a child needs to attend a remedial class. This will allow him to adapt to life socially and physically.

Where are specialized classes created?

The process of teaching children with developmental delays can be organized in any educational institution. For those who don't know what it iscorrectional class at school, it is worth explaining that kids from special groups of preschool institutions enter it. Moreover, enrollment is possible only with the consent of the parents, upon their written application.

correction class
correction class

Remedial class, as a rule, is opened at the initial stage of the school curriculum. Moreover, it continues to function until receiving an incomplete secondary education. Specially trained teachers are on staff to work with children. In addition, the school must have scientific and methodological literature, as well as a material base corresponding to the direction of the class. All this will allow organizing the educational process, as well as providing medical and preventive support to these special children.

Remedial classes in schools are opened according to the order of the director. At the same time, there must be a conclusion of the psychological, medical and pedagogical council of the school for each of the children, as well as the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission of the district.

Who is accepted into the remedial class?

Special education in a general education school is given to children who experience certain difficulties in acquiring knowledge, as well as those who do not adapt well in a team. As a rule, such students show slight disturbances in the work of the brain, central nervous system, as well as a lag in the emotional-volitional type.

types of correctional classes
types of correctional classes

Children with severe developmental disabilities are not admitted to a correctional class opened in a general education school. Here you canattributed to:

- gross impairment of hearing, vision, motor forms and speech;

-mental retardation;

- pronounced disorders of collective communication, having the form of early autism.

Transfer to regular class

Children studying under a special program have the opportunity to gain knowledge together with their peers. To be transferred to a regular class, a child must have a positive developmental dynamic. In addition, he must successfully master a special program. This transfer is possible when an appropriate decision is made by the psychological, medical and pedagogical council, as well as with the consent of the student himself.

Work and rest schedule

For students of correctional classes, the most appropriate work is the first shift. At the same time, their daily routine is set taking into account low working capacity and rapid fatigue.

For kids attending grades 1 to 3, additional holidays are introduced. These children are allowed to rest in February for seven days.

Pros of specialized training

Remedial classes in schools have a capacity of seven to fourteen students. With a larger number of pupils, a rate for one more teacher should be allocated. In this case, an additional correction class is formed. A small number of children allows you to pay maximum attention to each of them.

remedial classes in schools
remedial classes in schools

The positive side of this class is that work with students is not carried out by ordinary teachers, but by defectologists. Thisprofessions are taught in universities. Teachers-defectologists are called upon to work with children who have difficult medical diagnoses. These teachers can find the key to even the most difficult children.

Speech therapists work with students who attend remedial classes in schools. If necessary, such training is carried out individually. Psychologists work with children attending a correctional class. If necessary, these specialists advise parents.

The program for the correctional class takes into account the fact that special children are involved in it. It includes the most simple exercises and tasks. This allows the child to move up the learning ladder gradually, in microscopic steps. In other words, such a special program keeps pace with the slow development of the student.

Cons of remedial education

One of the main problems of the special class is to bring together children with dissimilar medical diagnoses and with various psychiatric and psychological problems. There is no one size fits all program. Often, such children have a lag in one subject and giftedness in another. So, a child may not be in tune with mathematics, but at the same time draw like a real artist, write crookedly, but have the ability to foreign languages (they, unfortunately, are not provided in a special program).

correctional class 5 types
correctional class 5 types

Children from families that are socially disadvantaged are often sent to the correctional class. Such children, deprived of parental care,initially really lag behind in development. However, with intensive training, they quickly catch up. As a result, these he althy children are getting bored with slow schooling.

Gradation of correctional classes

Special education is divided into eight types. For education, children are sent to them in accordance with medical diagnoses. There are the following types of correctional classes:

- I - for hearing-impaired and deaf children;

- II - for deaf-mutes;

- III and IV - for blind and visually impaired;

- V - for stuttering and children with speech disorders;

- VI - for students with mental and physical development problems;

- VII - for children with mental retardation and ADHD;

- VIII - for mentally retarded.

Special Classes I and Type II

They open up to raise and educate hearing-impaired children. These special correctional classes are designed to form the verbal speech of students on the basis of auditory-visual perception, to compensate and correct possible deviations in mental and physical development. Teachers aim to prepare these children for independent living. What is the difference between these corrective classes? The work program of the general educational process is designed specifically for deaf children. The occupancy of this class is up to ten people.

Special Classes III and IV Type

They are created for training, education, as well as correction of deviations in children with existing visual impairments. In these types of correctional classes, children withstrabismus, with amblyopia.

correctional grade 3
correctional grade 3

The main task of teachers is the formation of compensatory processes in students. To do this, not only group, but also individual classes are held on the further development of tactile and visual perception of spoken speech, on social orientation, physical therapy, and rhythm. In the process of learning in such correctional classes, children develop communication skills.

For the development of the school curriculum, pupils with visual impairments are provided with special equipment and tiflo devices. The Braille system is at the heart of the education of such children. The teacher uses non-standard didactic materials, as well as specific visual aids. All this makes it possible to somewhat expand the scope of the information presented.

Special classes V of the kind

They are created for the purpose of educating and educating children with severe speech pathologies. In parallel, the necessary assistance is provided to eliminate existing diseases and related features in mental development. With a positive trend in the development of the child, he can be transferred to a regular class. However, for this you will need to obtain the conclusion of the psychological-medical-pedagogical commission.

Correctional class of the 5th type provides for the receipt of primary general education for 4-5 years. The standard for general basic education is six years.

The first, initial stage of training provides for the correction of various speech defects. They includeviolations of the tempo of speech, sound pronunciation and phonemic hearing, as well as deviations in the mental development of the child associated with these pathologies. Pupils are taught the skills of normal conversational speech, the correct grammatical formulation of statements and expand their vocabulary.

correctional class program
correctional class program

At the second stage of education, children develop full-fledged skills of written and oral transmission of information, which allows them to effortlessly join the life of society. The maximum occupancy of class 5 of the type is 12 people. Correction of existing violations is carried out not only in the classroom, but also at various events.

Special classes of type VI

They train children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system. In such a special class, the tasks of complex correction of speech, cognitive and motor spheres of pupils are solved. The purpose of this training is also the social and labor adaptation of children to society. The maximum number of people a teacher should work with should not exceed ten.

Special Classes Type VII

They are designed to teach children with mental retardation. The main signs of this pathology are expressed in the weakness of attention and memory, as well as in lack of mobility and pace.

special correctional classes
special correctional classes

When attending such classes, children are provided with the normalization of the emotional-volitional sphere and mental development. Atpupils, the formation of skills and abilities necessary for the educational process takes place, and cognitive activity is also activated. This class has a capacity of 12 people. At the same time, children are provided with speech therapy assistance.

Special Classes VIII Type

They are created to educate children with mental retardation to eliminate developmental disabilities. Correctional classes of the 8th type are intended for the social and psychological rehabilitation of the child. This will allow him to integrate into the life of society as painlessly as possible in the future. The maximum occupancy of this class is 8 people.

This training ends with a labor certification. This exam includes materials science and product manufacturing technology.
