How do you spell "what"

How do you spell "what"
How do you spell "what"

The phrase "what if" often confuses us - how to write it? Separately, together or through a hyphen? Let's study this question: "How do you spell" chtoli "or" something "?". In the article, we will analyze the problem in detail in parts, and with the help of a simple explanation of the rules, we will remember it for life. For a more stable perception of information, consider the spelling of the phrase "what if" based on examples.

Girl writes
Girl writes


To understand how to spell "chtoli" or "what if", it is worth remembering your school years, namely the lesson of the Russian language and morphology. Do you have a question to write with a hyphen or not? Let's go over the particles that are written with a hyphen and see if this particle is there: -something, -either, -something, -ka, -the same. For example: something, ever, someday, go, right. There is no “li” particle in this list, which means we exclude writing with a hyphen.

From all of the above, we can see the particle "or", which most often confuses us, and orients us to write with a hyphen. For example,the phrase "anything". It is she who can confuse and sound like the phrase “or something”.

Draw a light bulb
Draw a light bulb

Oh, those tokens

To find out how to spell "chtoli", you should refer to the definition of the lexeme. A lexeme in Russian denotes a set of concepts (morphemes) that are turnovers, for example, hand, manual, hands, etc. Simply put, a lexeme denotes the essence of a large number of phenomena that have the same meaning.

In our problem, the word "if", which inadvertently hints at the fact that the particle "li" is written together, can confuse us. Agree the sound of "if", "than" and "what if" are similar. But this is an example of a lexeme, and it has nothing to do with our particle “li”, since “li” in this word is part of the stem of the word. From the foregoing, we understand that “what if” is always written separately.

So what is the right way to write "chtoli" or "what"?

Having analyzed the rule, it seems that everyone remembered and understood the spelling of this particle. But still, I would like to offer an easier way to remember “How the word“chtoli”is spelled. From the rules of the Russian language, we know: “what” is a pronoun, and “li” is a particle, and as you know, pronouns and particles are written separately.

To test yourself, you should look at the form in which “what if” is presented. This phraseological unit carries an interrogative form that creates a question in your intonation. It is the particle “whether” in this phrase that sets the direction of the question, as if offering to doubt. For example: "Are you ready to go"?

Let's analyze the phrase "what if" according toparts

We often used the words particle and pronoun in the article, so it is worth focusing on this so that the information is perceived correctly.

In order to understand how particles are written in Russian, it is worth finding out what a particle is and what it is. In Russian, a particle is a service part in a sentence, which is used for a more emotional perception of information. Usually particles are written separately, through a hyphen or together. In our case, the particle “li” is written separately. For example: “Is it so?”.

The pronoun, in turn, in Russian denotes an indication of an object, attribute or quantity, but does not name them directly. In our case, the pronoun "what" is a relative pronoun and is not declined. In sentences, our pronoun usually plays the role of a noun that is aware of the subject, since the pronoun itself is neuter. For example: “What are we going to do tonight?”.

Notepad and pen
Notepad and pen


From the rules and explanations described above, it became clear how to write "chtoli" or "what if" according to the laws of the Russian language.

In this article, different cases of writing particles in sentences were considered, but you should always remember that we take the rules of the Russian language as the basis for writing, which in fact is not difficult to understand. And although there are many of them in our language, they are not as difficult to remember as they seem.
