How do you spell "I don't mind": together or separately?

How do you spell "I don't mind": together or separately?
How do you spell "I don't mind": together or separately?

Amazing things are happening before our eyes. A person goes to school for eleven years, then graduates from the university, writes thousands of tests, dictations, test papers, passes the OGE and the Unified State Examination and finally goes free, into life … completely illiterate.

Why don't we remember the rules

question mark
question mark

How do you spell "I don't mind", together or separately? I would like to answer this question to those I meet: how did you manage to avoid the opportunity to learn this? But everything is quite simple. A person refuses to take into himself information of the practical usefulness of which he has not been convinced. And, unfortunately, most will realize this benefit, already faced with the problems that have arisen due to illiteracy.

The only good thing here is that people, realizing a mistake, come to the need for self-education. And already at this stage, the motivation and practical benefits that are so necessary for remembering converge. Today we will analyze the question with the phrase "I do not mind", asspelled correctly.

About parts of speech

school teacher
school teacher

The first thing we notice when we start to doubt spelling is parts of speech. To decide, you need to ask a question:

I (what am I doing?) don't mind.

What part of speech answers the questions "what do I do?", "what will I do?"? That's right, it's a verb.

And now the elementary rule for the fifth grade: "not" with verbs is always written separately.

How to spell "do not mind", together or separately, is no longer in doubt. Everything is extremely simple.

Examples of usage

No sane person objects to the obvious positive changes in the structure and management of the company.

I don't mind because I don't have my own opinion. And because of that, only that I agree with the current direction of our activities.

I don't mind here, but I want to make a few clarifications.

If I don't mind, it might show my respect. But this does not at all mean final and complete consent.

- Do the parties have any objections? - I do not mind, dear court.

Verbs that begin with "not" but are not used without it (for example, "I hate", "disliked"), of course, can be confusing, but they are no exception to this rule.

Not or neither?


The second most popular question: "do not mind" as spelled, with "not"or with "neither"? Both options can be used in writing, depending on the context.

If the sentence is negative, then we have a negative particle "not":

I don't mind your decision. That is, the fact of objections is denied.

Never mind naps. I might even prefer it to a full meal.

You misunderstood my words: I don't mind what I said. I'm just making the necessary corrections in my opinion.

"Ni" is written only when the oppositional union "neither" is used:

I neither object nor agree yet. You understand, I need time to think about this issue.

Patiently listening to my monologue, she neither objected nor showed support. Only occasionally, as it were, was surprised at the next round of thought of the kitchen philosopher.

You are not allowed to object or express your opinion. Only attentive listening and the ability to convey everything said undistorted to our agent is your task for this evening.
