Test - what is it? Meaning and suggestions

Test - what is it? Meaning and suggestions
Test - what is it? Meaning and suggestions

Table of contents:


Test is something that is in abundance in any life. Sometimes a person needs something. Sometimes he gets bored because he has too much money, so he starts playing with death. In other words, if we were asked to say one word that fully expresses the essence of life, we would answer: “Test!” Let's talk about him.


Student taking a test
Student taking a test

Here, everyone can have their own visual range. The student will think about the test. The working adult is about the next project that needs to be handed over as soon as possible, and they will be both right and wrong at the same time. Why? It is too early to talk about this, but it is worth clarifying the meaning of the word “test” according to the explanatory dictionary:

  1. Same as experience.
  2. Verification survey or exam.
  3. Painful experience, misfortune.

The situation is hopeless, and we still need to reveal the meaning of the verb that adjoins the noun. Well, let's not upset the reader with a refusal and do it with all possible agility:

  1. Check in progress.
  2. Experience, experience.


Since there are many meanings, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with illustrative sentences that fully reveal the meaning of the object of study.

Student with coffee and book
Student with coffee and book
  • Listen, I'm telling you for the thousandth time: I tested the vacuum cleaner, it doesn't work.
  • Yes, I experienced many hardships and hardships, but they only strengthened my spirit. Of course, some exaggerate the power of suffering, but sometimes they help to know their worth.
  • Hello! Mum? Yes, I passed the entrance test! Your son is now a student.
  • All people, without exception, can face trials - this is inevitable. Hunger and poverty, we alth and satiety are phenomena that can equally serve both good and evil.

The reader can see that we have not deceived him: each meaning has its own sentence. If he needs to practice, he can compose his own examples, this is unprincipled. The main thing is that there is a sample.

Tests needed

Nobody likes to suffer. Pain is a bad joke. But man is not a plant, he cannot spend all the time in a greenhouse. Life burns, it's true. But trials are what make us stronger. Although not even so, this is what changes us. Another thing is the moral pole of these transformations. Some break, who are stronger, they use a similar springboard to work on themselves. Many writers and philosophers were inclined to believe that life is a test.

Martin Eden author Jack London
Martin Eden author Jack London

Of course, readermay think that these are inventions of armchair scientists. Of course, he may not believe them. But does he have any reason not to believe, for example, Jack London and his "Martin Eden"? But Martin has changed dramatically in the steel arms of life. We do not want the reader to suffer, but we ask him to think about it a little.
