The most interesting facts about the countries of the world

The most interesting facts about the countries of the world
The most interesting facts about the countries of the world

Our world is so diverse. It consists of 252 countries! Each of which has its own culture, traditions, language. And we Russians live in the largest country in the world. Our Federation occupies 1/9 of the planet's land mass. Naturally, everyone has heard about Russia. But now is not about that. It is worth paying a little attention to foreign countries. And tell the most interesting facts about countries that we know from hearsay.

interesting facts about countries
interesting facts about countries


You can start telling interesting facts about countries from the most "sounding" states. For example, from Germany. Few people know, but every year in this state they are honored with the memory of the victims of the Holocaust. A separate date has been allocated - January 27th. And the day is not random. Indeed, in 1945, it was on January 27 that prisoners were released from the Auschwitz concentration camp, in which 1,500,000 Jews were killed.

Also Germany is one of the world's largest waste processors. And on the territory of this country, the number of museums is greater than in all of Great Britain and Italy combined. There are over 6,000 of them! The cultural heritage of Germany is truly great. After all, it was here that the greatest composers were born, such as Schumann, Handel, Strauss, Brahms, Beethoven,Mendelssohn and Bach.

By the way, in addition to museums, a lot of breweries, zoos and castles are dispersed throughout Germany. No wonder this country is in the top 10 most interesting countries in terms of tourism.

interesting facts about different countries
interesting facts about different countries


It's hard to argue with the fact that the US is an outstanding state. However, there is no need to refute this. It is better to pay attention to the peculiarities of America, telling interesting facts about the countries of our world.

USA is divided into 50 states. The area of the smallest, which is Rhode Island, is 3,144 km². And the largest, Alaska, - 1,717,854 km²!

The first version of the Declaration of Independence was written on hemp paper. And from its fibers it was decided to weave the 1st US flag.

The highest point in the world is also in America. Hawaii, to be exact. This is Mauna Kea, a shield volcano that is 10,203 meters high (from its foot to the ocean floor).

There is a stereotype that Americans are, to put it mildly, people in the body. Well, this is a fact, since 67% of the US population is overweight.

There are various interesting facts about countries, but America is unique in some way. After all, it was on its territory during the revolution of 1775-1783. there was such insane inflation that the price of bread went up 10,000%! Wheat has increased in value by 14,000%, flour by 15,000% and beef by 33,000%!


Interesting facts about the country, which in 2013 took first place in the list of the most visited by touristsstates are also worth noting. Few people know, but on the site of modern Paris there was previously an ancient Roman settlement of Lutetia. From Latin, by the way, the name is translated as "mud".

It is interesting that in France, mothers who adequately raised five children were given bronze medals. The award was given when the youngest was one year old. A silver medal was given for eight children. And gold - for ten.

France is also the only state in which posthumous marriage is legal. That is, if the couple was going to get married, but one of the potential partners died, the registration of the union can take place. Only proof will be required from the relatives of the deceased.

interesting facts about the country for children
interesting facts about the country for children


This state should also be noted with attention, listing interesting facts about the countries of Europe. Italy is special in that it does not have institutions positioned as orphanages. But then there are monasteries that accept orphans and abandoned babies.

And in Italy there is a mafia. Of course, everyone knows about it. And 80% of modern businessmen of Calabria and Sicily pay tribute to her.

Useful information for tourists: when going to Italy, it is worth taking a phrasebook with you. If you ask a bar to bring an order in English, then it will cost twice as much. By the way, the principle “eat breakfast yourself, share lunch with a friend, and give dinner to the enemy” does not work in Italy. The main meal here is in the evening. Locals dine heavily.

And finally, it is worth noting that Italyis one of the three states with the most impressive life expectancy. On average, Italians live around 82 years.


It is impossible not to mention this sunny state, telling interesting facts about the country. And for starters, it’s worth saying that Spain is officially a kingdom. And perhaps one of the few states in which the capital is located exactly in the center.

It was here that the 5-string guitar was invented in the 16th century. And in 1956 - a mop. It was designed and patented by engineer Manuel Halon Corominas. Chupa Chups with table football also appeared in Spain. By the way, the logo for the candy on a stick was created by the legendary Salvador Dali.

Spain is also the first European country to bring potatoes, cocoa, tomatoes, tobacco and avocados from America. And it is here that the most dangerous path in the whole world is located. It's called El Caminito. There is a trail since 1905. And it is terrible with its width - only one meter. Given that beyond the cliff is an endless abyss.

france interesting facts about the country
france interesting facts about the country


Wonderful kingdom - you can't forget about it, too, without telling some interesting facts about the country.

For children in the UK in 2009, alcohol consumption rates were set from 5 (!) years old. In this state, in the late 2000s, there was a sharp jump in drinking among teenagers aged 11 to 15. Then the government took emergency measures and established norms with recommendations for parents.

In general, the UK -civilized country. There are practically no homeless animals here. All are kept in specialized nurseries, where they are provided with care.

But it's better to talk about something more positive. If the British lived to be a hundred years old, then the Queen herself would send him a postcard as a gift.

Most of the locals are also indifferent to the cold. In late autumn on the streets of Great Britain you can meet a man walking in a T-shirt.

And perhaps one of the most interesting historical facts: during the Second World War, Princess Elizabeth (who is now Queen) was a driver at the front.

japan interesting facts about the country
japan interesting facts about the country


This state, located in East Asia, is also worthy of special attention. A high level of culture is what distinguishes Japan. Interesting facts about the country confirm this: the most offensive local words are translated as "fool" and "fool".

Locals, by the way, respect those who can say at least a few words in their language. They believe that it is impossible for a foreigner to master Japanese.

It's safe to say that Japan is the very country in which there is a cult of food. The locals talk about it all the time. And if they eat, they discuss the dish. If a person spent a meal and never said the word "delicious", then this is considered impolite.

Japan has principled and honest people. Tipping is not accepted here, and lost things are returned to the lost and found office with a 90% probability. Even, as some say, the police do not take bribes. And the level of security is so high thateven young children in Tokyo (the capital, by the way) use public transportation on their own.

interesting facts about countries
interesting facts about countries

North Korea

This state, probably, every person associates with incredibly tough and harsh laws. Well, that's how it is. This may confirm the fact that only 28 hairstyles are officially allowed in North Korea, and all of them are approved by the government. Long hair is prohibited for men - a maximum of 5 centimeters.

According to official data, the average literacy rate in North Korea is 99%.

The DPRK army has almost 1,200,000 men, which puts it in 4th place in the world rankings.

In general, freedom in North Korea is out of the question. 33% of children suffer from chronic malnutrition, 6,000,000 people from a lack of food, corruption reigns all around, and there is also a “punishment of three generations”. If someone is sent to prison, then his family is sent along with him. And the next two generations are also born behind bars and live their lives there. Perhaps that is why the level of civil crime in the DPRK is low - people are afraid to doom their loved ones to such suffering.


I would like to finish the list called "Interesting facts about different countries" positively. Greece, for example. This is a popular holiday country - every year about 16,500,000 people go on a trip here, although the population of Greece is only 11,000,000. No wonder that 16% of GDP is occupied by tourism.

interesting facts about european countries
interesting facts about european countries

Greece is also the third largest producer of olives in the world. It is interesting that there are fruit trees that were planted in the XIII century. And olives still grow on them.

80% of all Greece is occupied by mountains. The highest point is, of course, Olympus (2,917 meters), which is dedicated to legends and myths known all over the world. Greece also has the largest number of archaeological museums on the planet.
