The United States of America is a living organism where everything works like clockwork. In the United States, there are both large metropolitan areas, which are mostly located on rivers, lakes, and small cities. America is also known for the so-called ghost towns that filmmakers love to make films about.
A Brief History of the United States
In the XVI century, the territory of America was inhabited by Indians. A century later, the first Europeans appeared here, who colonized the North American continent in the 18th century. At the end of these events, 3 zones of influence were formed: in Louisiana, Texas and Florida. 1776-04-07, after hostilities in the struggle of the English colonies for independence, a new sovereign state was formed - the United States of America. A year later, a constitution was adopted. In the XIX century, the territory of the country was replenished with new cities. America conquered the colonies of other countries, among which was California. In April 1917, the United States entered the First World War, which ended in 1929 and caused an economic crisis incountry. 1941-07-12 America was involved in World War II. Japan became her opponent. Later, the United States unleashed hostilities with Italy and Germany. Throughout its history, this state has participated in almost all international conflicts, which, one way or another, contributed to the expansion of its power and global influence.

Largest cities
America ranks third in terms of population on the planet. The first and second places belong to China and India. The number of Americans is growing every year due to the high level of immigration. People from different states move to the country for permanent residence. The largest cities in America are located near water sources, and therefore are so attractive to tourists. Among them:
- New York.
- Los Angeles.
- Chicago.
- Houston.
- Phoenix.
America's large cities have superbly developed infrastructure, high population density and rich natural energy resources. For example, the metropolis of Houston is considered the world's petrochemical capital, and all thanks to oil and gas production and the presence of oil refineries and petrochemical plants. Phoenix is a booming city in the Sonoran Desert that is a major supplier of winter vegetables and grains.

Walking around New York, Los Angeles and Chicago
These are the most populous cities. America can be proud of the numberforeigners living there. There are more than 8 million people in New York. The city is divided into administrative centers, each of which has its own president. It is in New York that the headquarters of the United Nations is located. It is a bustling and vibrant metropolis that never sleeps. New York is considered the financial capital of the world. About 4 million people live in Los Angeles. The film industry and international trade are very well developed here. Los Angeles is known as the creative capital of the world. More than 90% of American film production is produced in the metropolis. Chicago is a major international transportation hub. The metropolis is famous for its large number of museums, art galleries and restaurants. Almost all American cities are one-story agglomerations, which are unified as much as possible, which makes the life of the country's population comfortable.

TOP-5 smallest cities in America
- In the southwestern region of the state of New York is the cozy city of Chatokwa. This is a tiny town with picturesque alleys, cute restaurants and beautiful architecture. The main attraction of Chatokwa is the Sunday School of the same name, which was open to those who do not have enough money to receive an education.
- Second place in the list "The smallest cities in America" belongs to Healdsburg. This is a cute little town that is famous for its excellent wine.
- Williamsburg, Virginia is a small college town steeped in history and exquisite architecture.
- Fourththe place is occupied by the city of Lanesboro in the state of Minnesota. Visiting guests here can enjoy relaxing in comfortable hotels and go to a performance in one of the best local theaters.
Marietta, Ohio is a small town with a rich history dating back to the 18th century. Here is a beautiful castle, which is almost the pearl of American Gothic.

North America
The mainland is in the Northern Hemisphere. It is washed by three oceans at once: the Arctic, Atlantic and Pacific. The mainland covers an area of 20.36 million km2. North America is inhabited by about 400 million people, most of whom are from Europe. The indigenous people are Indians, Eskimos and Aleuts. The cities of North America are diverse: they differ from each other in population density, architecture and natural we alth. The oldest is St. John's. It is the capital of the Canadian province of Newfoundland. The city was named in honor of John the Baptist. For the first time, an English ship moored to its shores in 1497. Now over 100 thousand people live here. The city has a picturesque harbor of St. John's, the Railway Museum, the Art Gallery, the geological center. Its center is decorated with the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist. The largest cities in North America are:
- Mexico City.
- New York.
- Los Angeles.
- Chicago.
- Toronto.
- Havana.
- Houston.
- Santo Domingo.
- Ecatepec-de Morelos.
- Montreal.

Latin America
This land is associated with the history of the mysterious civilizations of the Maya, Incas, noble caballeros and beautiful girls. Latin America is located in the south of the North American continent. This is the main tobacco and coffee region of our planet. Latin America is a region with legendary architectural monuments, beautiful parks, and picturesque beaches. The most popular destinations are Argentina, Peru, Brazil, Venezuela, Mexico. Large cities in Latin America are subjects with a multinational population. Mexico City is the largest city in the region with over 2.5 million people. Major cities also include:
- Sao Paulo.
- Lima.
- Rio de Janeiro.
- Santiago.
- Buenos Aires.
- Bogota.

Ghost towns
Today there are about 200 "dead" cities in the United States of America. The eerie appearance of these places attracts journalists, filmmakers and mystics from all over the world. America's ghost towns are more likely to be seen in the central part of the continent.
- Mokelumn Hill (California). Once upon a time, life was in full swing here, but later criminal activity began to flourish. Civilians were killed to enrich themselves. Soon the gold reserves dried up, and the people left this territory. Now only a few people live here who are friendly to visiting tourists.
- Centralia. Not so long ago, this city flourished and developed. But in the 60s of the last century, the government decided to get rid of the garbage dumped into the old mines. They set it on fire. The garbage smoldered for a long time, causing the coal to catch fire. Firefighters failed to deal with the disaster; local residents began to die from an excess of carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide. And now in Centralia, ash is falling from the sky, and the air is poisoned.
- Claremont (Texas). It was built in 1892. After 50 years, the city fell into decay and lost the status of a regional center. People began to leave Clairmont. By the 90s of the last century, only 12 people remained there.

Ghost Detroit
This "dead" metropolis ranks first in the list of "Ghost Towns of America". Not so long ago, Detroit was the automobile capital of the United States. But the crime rate in the city has risen sharply … Therefore, people tried to move to neighboring areas. In addition, an unfavorable ecological situation has developed in the settlement; in terms of unemployment, Detroit began to occupy a leading position. Now this metropolis is recognized as the most disadvantaged American city. Experts note that by 2045 the population will completely disappear here.

The most-most cities in America
New York is considered the most expensive city in the USA. It leads in terms of the number of millionaires living in it - about 670 thousand people. Detroit is considered the most dangerous city, and Amerst is considered safe and friendly. There are also disadvantagedsettlements. America is known for high levels of crime and forensics. In Cleveland there was the most unfavorable situation for living. The climate there is terrible, and the economic situation leaves much to be desired: high levels of unemployment, crime, and corruption. In addition, taxes are too high in the city. Miami is recognized as the cleanest city in America. And the most vicious - Las Vegas.