If you carefully consider all the objects of the solar system, then without a doubt we can say that the Earth is lucky. During the formation of the planets, it was she who was destined to be in the right place, where all the factors for the development of life are most harmoniously combined. It is a paradox, but even with the development of progress in the field of space exploration and information accessibility, not all people have an idea about the cosmic parameters of the Earth, and it is they who should be thanked not only to man, but to all nature for the opportunities that it provides for the development of the life cycle. It's time to fill this gap.
Special thanks to orbit, atmosphere and axial tilt
Earth is the third planet farthest from the main star. The average distance to the Sun is about 149.5 million km, it has become optimal for it in terms of temperature ratio - not too hot during the day and summer, and moderately cold at night and in winter.
Earth's orbit deserves respect for its location, not only because of the climate, but also because being in this part of the solar system has created opportunities forthe formation of an atmosphere conducive to the emergence of life, the basis of which is nitrogen and oxygen.

Pay attention to the angle of the earth's axis to the plane of the orbit. It is 23 degrees, thanks to it there are no completely shaded areas on the planet, each of them alternately receives the right amount of light and heat as the seasons change.
Air on Earth is not only oxygen…
Since childhood, people have known the importance of oxygen. However, the other ingredients are rarely mentioned.
First of all, they include nitrogen - there is even more of this gas than the first one in the atmosphere in terms of volume and its main task is to neutralize the negative properties of oxygen. Sounds weird? In fact, there is nothing surprising, because if you remember the chemistry, it is known that O22
gas has the ability to create oxidative reactions, in its pure form it can even burn the respiratory tract! Therefore, nitrogen is an airbag for our nasal mucous membranes and lungs.
And of course, some carbon dioxide is present, just a few hundredths of a percent. Why so little, if so many people on the planet exhale it every second? Everything is very simple: from a person, carbon dioxide is transferred to plants, which, when exhaled, return oxygen to the atmosphere. What a cycle!
The angle of the earth's axis and its gifts

As noted above, it allows any point on the planet to be charged with solar energy. But not only in this his merits. The tilted axis makes it possible to observe phenomena such as seasons, which are the result of the fact that at each latitude the sun's rays are directed at different angles, changing them over the course of 365 days, as a result of which it becomes warmer and colder. And at the poles, you can witness that for more than 180 days the sun does not set from the sky, and the other 180 days it does not rise, because it illuminates the opposite pole. Thus, during the entire orbital cycle, the two hemispheres heat up and cool down in turn. When it is summer on one of them, winter cold is on the other at the same time; with autumn and spring everything is the same. The length of day and night changes with each season.
If the tilt of the earth's axis were zero, then the picture would be more faded: day and night would steadily last 12 hours, and the season and temperature would be the same, depending on latitude. The equator would be an oasis of summer, autumn would not leave the middle latitudes, and at the poles there would be neither day nor night, but only eternal morning.
Special differences from neighboring planets of the Earth group
1. Our planet is the largest in size among them. Venus, and especially Mars and Mercury, are significantly inferior in size to it.
2. Only on Earth is oxygen present in sufficient quantity and in the correct ratio, which is essential for the existence of life.
3. It has the strongest magnetic field that protects against radiation and the largest natural satellite - the Moon.

4. The only one of the planets of the Earth group has a hugewater supply.
5. The distance to the Sun - about one and a half hundred million kilometers - turned out to be happy for her.

Earth can rightfully be called Paradise! There are no such favorable conditions anywhere in the nearest space district. And the cosmos must be thanked for this, which created a comfortable angle of inclination of the earth's axis and favorable orbital parameters. No neighboring planet has a moon like the moon, water, oxygen and life, which is beautiful anyway. And people only need to love and protect it. Our planet deserves it.