In 1916, the first university in the Urals was opened in Perm, which marked the beginning of medical education in this region, since one faculty of the university was physics and mathematics with a department of medicine, from which the medical academy gradually grew. Perm land at that time was in great need of such specialists. There were no medical schools. That is why forty-three percent of applicants in the year of opening were admitted to the medical department. The following year, a separate medical faculty was organized, and in 1931, the Perm Medical Institute.

At first, students were taught at the general faculty departments at the university, and when the medical institute was formed, the departments of surgery, therapy, and otolaryngology were opened. The enrollment of students has already been carried out at seven faculties: sanitary and hygienic, medical and preventive, securityinfancy and motherhood, workers' faculty, training of paramedics, higher medical specialists and chemical-pharmaceutical. In the course of work, the requirements changed, so some faculties were replaced by new ones, others were reorganized.
All medical universities in the country have gone through numerous transformations. The time was difficult, but interesting. Many scientists worked in Perm only temporarily, so the issue of training local personnel came up, which was quickly and successfully resolved. The Perm State Medical Academy has always been famous for its highly qualified scientists, who, moreover, had vast experience in both teaching and clinical research work in science. The best traditions of Soviet medicine were developed and maintained here.

In the 1930s, a sector of scientific research was opened at the institute, where more than one hundred and fifty topics immediately began to be developed. Active work was carried out there by the students themselves: separate circles were organized at the departments, reports were read. In 1937, the Scientific Society of Students (SSS) was also opened to develop individual topics and help teachers conduct scientific and research work.
The medical academy was later proud of such student independence. The Perm region has finally begun to receive highly qualified personnel trained by the institute. By the fortieth year, the Perm Medical Institute had become a significant center of research activities and high-quality higher education.medical education capable of solving problems at the country level.
War years
Starting from the summer of 1941, the institute had to bear on its shoulders very responsible and enormous burdens. In addition to training doctors for the front, it was necessary to organize the evacuation of hospitals, to provide qualified assistance to the wounded and the population. And this is in the conditions that most of the teachers, staff and students voluntarily went to the front.
Despite the very difficult conditions, the medical faculty continued to train military doctors: in 1941, seven hundred and thirty of them graduated, and in total during the war years - more than one and a half thousand. The war took many teachers and students forever, their memory was always honored by the Medical Academy.
Permian medicine continued to live thanks to the efforts and dedication of the Institute staff.

The country rose from the ruins, rebuilt, people gradually got used to a peaceful life. As the state developed, the requirements for medical specialists also increased. There are opportunities to improve the level of training of students of medical universities. The institute actively began to form scientific and practical schools in the main areas - therapeutic, surgical, obstetrics, pediatrics. In the sixties and seventies, the university really flourished: new buildings and hostels were built, medical institutions, which became the basis for student practice. Throughout the country, he alth care has developed at a tremendous pace.
Excellent specialists with high degrees and titles were brought up at the institute, the baton of achievements of which was taken over by the Perm State Medical Academy. At the same time, the Central Research Laboratory (Central Research Laboratory) was organized, equipped with excellent equipment - the most modern for those times. Due to this, complex studies began, in which various departments of the institute participated, and other universities and research institutes were also involved.

Experience Gain
In the institute scientific environment, eleven directions were identified. All the creative potential of employees was directed to the implementation of industry programs, both federal and republican, and, of course, urgent problems of the city of Perm and the region were solved. Scientists of the institute began to travel to international forums, expanding ties with colleagues abroad. The middle of the seventies is interesting because a patent-licensing group appeared at the institute, and a mandatory information search was carried out before the planning of each scientific research.
So began a landmark work - rationalization and inventive work. Of course, always, at every stage of development, various problems and difficulties, features and requirements arose, but there was no generation of Perm medical scientists who would not overcome circumstances. All employees of the institute were united by devotion to their work. Even in the most difficult conditions, the medical academy worked selflessly with great responsibility. It is not for nothing that the Permian land is proud of this supremeeducational institution.

Many names, heard for the first time in the auditoriums of the institute, were the pride and honor of domestic medicine. The traditions of the past, when the university was able to survive in the most difficult times for the country, are sacredly honored by scientists who were brought up by the Perm State Medical Academy.
From the accumulated experience, the main thing passes into each new generation, as it happened at all times. The flower of Russian medicine is still being cultivated here. In 1994, instead of the Perm Medical Institute, the university received another proud name - a higher rank - the Wagner Perm Medical Academy.
Today, university scientists are actively working on scientific problems that are relevant for he althcare in both Perm and the region, and the entire Russian Federation - in pediatrics, cardiology, dentistry, neurology, epidemiology and all other areas. Since 2014, the university has been in a different status, now it is Perm State Medical University named after Academician E. A. Vagner. It is generally recognized as a major scientific center, one of the leading medical universities in the country.
Students are taught here by 569 highly qualified teachers, among them 143 doctors of medical sciences and 354 candidates, laureates of the State Prize, honored doctors and scientists, many are awarded by the Ministry of He alth of the Russian Federation, regional and regional, there are state scientific scholarship holders. Not impoverished by outstanding scientists and youngtalents Russia. Nearly ninety percent of university professors have degrees! This is one of the best indicators among the country's universities.

Material base
Why does the university annually become the leader in patenting inventions and utility models among universities in the region? Why is this educational institution implementing national he alth care projects in the education of the Perm Territory? Because modern technical equipment allows him to do this. The university has an excellent center for practical skills, an electronic reading room, and excellent computer classes.
Internet technologies are being introduced into education in the most active way, with the use of electronic information systems and the deployment of interactive multimedia solutions. It operates a preparatory department, which is very popular with applicants and foreign students. There is also a distance learning center.
The University teaches more than 3,400 people at a time. 365 clinical interns are being trained in twenty-two speci alties, 264 clinical residents in forty speci alties, and 94 post-graduate students in twenty speci alties. Every year, two thousand doctors improve their skills here, and in more than eighty speci alties.
Highly qualified doctors of various profiles leave the walls of the university with diplomas - every year more than five hundred specialists. Plus fifty specialists of secondary vocational education. In universitythere are four dissertation councils, where applicants are awarded the degrees of candidates and doctors of medical sciences. This is how high the Perm Medical Academy has reached over the past decades!

Passing score
Applicants are always interested to know in which university the submission of documents for them will be crowned with success in entrance examinations and enrollment in the ranks of students. The passing score for such a forecast is an important indicator. Perm Medical University is a strong university. The average score of applicants enrolled in the USE last year was 74.2 points. According to the competition, applicants with an average score of 77.7 units were enrolled, moreover, both results were calculated in one subject. The weakest applicant, who was lucky enough to be among the students, scored 47 points. There were many state-funded places - 470, from which we can conclude that Perm University has a rather high average passing score.