Republic of Turkmenistan. Population of the country

Republic of Turkmenistan. Population of the country
Republic of Turkmenistan. Population of the country

In 1995, a population census was conducted in Turkmenistan, according to the results of which 4483.3 thousand people lived in the country. The census data showed that out of a total population of 2,225, 3,000 were the male population of the republic, and 2,258,000 were female. See below for more information about this amazing country.

turkmenistan population
turkmenistan population

Population and population density of Turkmenistan

By the end of the last decade of the 20th century, the population of Turkmenistan increased to 5 million people. At the same time, the concentration of residents across the territory of the republic varies significantly. The average population density of Turkmenistan was 10.2 people per square kilometer.

The predominant part of the citizens of the republic is concentrated in oases. In these regions, the population density reaches two hundred people per square kilometer. At the same time, 80% of the territory of Turkmenistan is not inhabited at all. In particular, the Karakum desert. Oases on the territory of Turkmenistan have a narrow and elongated shape and are located along the course of rivers and canals. Therefore, the resettlement of residents takes exactly the same form on the map withexpansion in the lower reaches of the Murgab and Khedzhey rivers.

population of turkmenistan
population of turkmenistan

Trends to increase the population of Turkmenistan

Assessing the dynamics of population growth in this country, we should pay attention to a few curious details. So, since Soviet times in the period from 1960 to 1990. there was a permanent increase in the number of inhabitants of the republic. During this period of time, the population of Turkmenistan increased by 1.7 times, and the annual increase ranged from 130 to 150 thousand people, which was approximately equal to 2.9% of the total number of inhabitants. But what now? Turkmenistan is the leader among all CIS countries in terms of population growth, which is 3.5% per year. The most impressive indicators are demonstrated by the rural part of the republic.

population of turkmenistan
population of turkmenistan

Natural population growth

At the same time, it should be emphasized that over the past ten years, the rate of natural population growth in Turkmenistan has noticeably decreased. This trend is typical not only for this country, but also for all CIS countries. A few indicative figures can be cited as an example. So, in 1991, the natural growth rate was 26.3%, which was the third indicator among the countries of the former USSR after Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.

And already in 1999 this value dropped to 13.1%. Thus, Turkmenistan also let Kyrgyzstan go ahead. The main reason for the decrease in natural growth was the decrease in the number of newborns by 1thousand inhabitants. In 1991, this figure was 33.6%, and in 1999 - 18.5%. Mortality in Turkmenistan in recent years has been between 5.4% and 6.5%. It should be emphasized that this state of affairs causes a constant increase in the proportion of young people among the entire population of Turkmenistan.

population density of turkmenistan
population density of turkmenistan

Current demographic situation in the country

The average Turkmen family has three to five children. This is not the limit yet. In rural areas, you can often find families with even more children. During the existence of the USSR, the birth rate was stimulated in a variety of ways. Nevertheless, today the rapid growth in the number of inhabitants of the country poses a number of typical tasks for the leadership of the state, the main of which is the fight against unemployment and its consequences. At the same time, according to the National Institute of Statistics and Information of Turkmenistan, this problem is not urgent at the moment. The high population growth in the country will affect the employment of the population. This is being considered in the medium term.

Employment in Turkmenistan

In the context of the above, it would be appropriate to provide statistical data. To date, the employment rate of the population of Turkmenistan is 1.6 - 1.9 million people. In recent years, it tends to fluctuate constantly. The first place in terms of employment is occupied by the primary sector of the economy. Thus, about 48% of all working residents work in agriculture and forestry. In the service sector34% of the population of Turkmenistan is employed, in industry - 12%.

It would not be superfluous to report that in terms of the number of citizens employed in construction, Turkmenistan is among the top three among the CIS countries. Only the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus are higher in this ranking.

Turkmenistan GDP per capita
Turkmenistan GDP per capita

It should be noted that in Turkmenistan, small and medium-sized businesses are not well developed, even by the standards of Central Asian states. This region is characterized by the high role of its own subsidiary plots. However, in Turkmenistan more than 39% of employed residents work at state-owned enterprises. It should also be noted a large percentage of hired employees. There are about 80%.

Turkmenistan is one of the ten largest producers of natural gas in the world. Despite this, the GDP per capita in Turkmenistan is only about $6,622. This is IMF data for 2016.

Ethnic composition of the inhabitants of Turkmenistan

Turkmen of Turkmenistan make up about half of all representatives of this people living all over the world. They can also be found in other countries. For example, there is a large Turkmen diaspora in Iran - 1 million people. More than 500 thousand representatives of this nationality live in Afghanistan, another 300 thousand people have found their home in Iraq. According to the 1995 census, Turkmen make up 76.7% of the total population of Turkmenistan.

Now let's talk about other nationalities living in this country. Among the large ethnic groups, it is necessary to single outUzbeks - 9.2% of the total population, Russians - 6.7%, Kazakhs - 2.2% and Armenians - 0.8%.

In recent years, there has been an outflow of Russian-speaking residents from the country in Turkmenistan. A similar phenomenon is observed in other states of the region. Russian-speaking people traditionally predominate among citizens employed in industrial production, including in the gas sector. This forces the government of Turkmenistan to pursue a policy aimed at creating good conditions for the life and work of such residents of the country.

It should be emphasized that everyday nationalism is not widespread in this state. For all the years after the collapse of the USSR, not a single conflict based on interethnic or interfaith hostility has been recorded in Turkmenistan.
