One of the most powerful state formations at one time was Kievan Rus. A huge medieval power arose in the 9th century as a result of the unification of the East Slavic and Finno-Ugric tribes. During its heyday, Kievan Rus (in the 9th-12th centuries) occupied an impressive territory and had a strong army. By the middle of the XII century, the once powerful state, due to feudal fragmentation, split into separate Russian principalities. Thus, Kievan Rus became easy prey for the Golden Horde, which put an end to the medieval empire. The main events that took place in Kievan Rus in the 9th-12th centuries will be described in the article.
Russian Khaganate
According to many historians, in the first half of the 9th century, on the territory of the future Old Russian state, there was a state formation of the Rus. Little information has been preserved about the exact location of the Russian Khaganate. According to the historian Smirnov, the state formation was located in the region between the upper Volga and the Oka.
The ruler of the Russian Khaganate bore the title of Khagan. The middlecentury this title was of great importance. The kagan ruled not only over nomadic peoples, but also commanded over other rulers of different peoples. Thus, the head of the Russian Khaganate acted as the emperor of the steppes.
By the middle of the 9th century, as a result of specific foreign policy circumstances, the transformation of the Russian Khaganate into the Russian Grand Duchy took place, which was weakly dependent on Khazaria. During the reign of the Kyiv princes Askold and Dir, they managed to completely get rid of oppression.

Rurik's Board
In the second half of the 9th century, the East Slavic and Finno-Ugric tribes, due to fierce enmity, called on the Varangians overseas to reign on their lands. The first Russian prince was Rurik, who began to rule in Novgorod from 862. The new state of Rurik lasted until 882, when Kievan Rus was formed.
The history of Rurik's reign is full of contradictions and inaccuracies. Some historians are of the opinion that he and his squad are of Scandinavian origin. Their opponents are supporters of the West Slavic version of the development of Russia. In any case, the name of the term "Rus" in the X and XI centuries was used in relation to the Scandinavians. After the Scandinavian Varangian came to power, the title "Kagan" gave way to "Grand Duke".
In the annals, scant information about the reign of Rurik has been preserved. Therefore, it is rather problematic to praise his desire to expand and strengthen state borders, as well as to strengthen cities. Rurik was also remembered for being able to successfullyto suppress the rebellion of Vadim the Brave in Novgorod, thereby strengthening his authority. In any case, the rule of the founder of the dynasty of the future princes of Kievan Rus made it possible to centralize power in the Old Russian state.
Oleg's reign
After Rurik, power in Kievan Rus was to pass into the hands of his son Igor. However, due to the young age of the legitimate heir, Oleg became the ruler of the Old Russian state in 879. The new prince of Kievan Rus turned out to be very warlike and enterprising. Already from the first years of his tenure, he sought to take control of the waterway to Greece. To realize this grandiose goal, Oleg in 882, thanks to his cunning plan, de alt with the princes Askold and Dir, capturing Kyiv. Thus, the strategic task of conquering the Slavic tribes who lived along the Dnieper was solved. Immediately after entering the captured city, Oleg announced that Kyiv was destined to become the mother of Russian cities.
The first ruler of Kievan Rus really liked the advantageous location of the settlement. The gentle banks of the Dnieper River were impregnable for the invaders. In addition, Oleg carried out large-scale work to strengthen the defense structures of Kyiv. In 883-885, a number of military campaigns took place with a positive result, as a result of which the territory of Kievan Rus was significantly expanded.

Domestic and foreign policy of Kievan Rus during the reign of Oleg the Prophet
A distinctive feature of the internal policy of the reign of Oleg the Prophetic was the strengthening of the state treasury by collectingtribute. In many ways, the budget of Kievan Rus was filled thanks to extortions from conquered tribes.
Oleg's reign was marked by a successful foreign policy. In 907, a successful campaign against Byzantium took place. A key role in the victory over the Greeks was played by the trick of the Kievan prince. The threat of destruction loomed over impregnable Constantinople, after the ships of Kievan Rus were put on wheels and continued to move by land. Thus, the frightened rulers of Byzantium were forced to offer Oleg a huge tribute, and to provide Russian merchants with generous benefits. After 5 years, a peace treaty was signed between Kievan Rus and the Greeks. After a successful campaign against Byzantium, legends began to form about Oleg. The Kyiv prince began to be credited with supernatural abilities and a penchant for magic. Also, a grandiose victory in the domestic arena allowed Oleg to get the nickname Prophetic. The Kyiv prince died in 912.
Prince Igor
After the death of Oleg in 912, her rightful heir, Igor, son of Rurik, became the rightful ruler of Kievan Rus. The new prince was by nature distinguished by modesty and respect for his elders. That is why Igor was in no hurry to throw Oleg off the throne.
The reign of Prince Igor was remembered by numerous military campaigns. Already after accession to the throne, he had to suppress the rebellion of the Drevlyans, who wanted to stop obeying Kyiv. A successful victory over the enemy made it possible to take additional tribute from the rebels for the needs of the state.
The confrontation with the Pechenegs was carried out with varying success. In 941, Igor continued the extern althe policy of predecessors, declaring war on Byzantium. The reason for the war was the desire of the Greeks to free themselves from their obligations after the death of Oleg. The first military campaign ended in defeat, as Byzantium carefully prepared. In 944, a new peace treaty was signed between the two states because the Greeks decided to avoid fighting.
Igor died in November 945, when he was collecting tribute from the Drevlyans. The prince's mistake was that he let his squad go to Kyiv, and he himself decided to profit from his subjects with a small army. The indignant Drevlyans brutally de alt with Igor.

The reign of Vladimir the Great
In 980, Vladimir, the son of Svyatoslav, became the new ruler. Before taking the throne, he had to emerge victorious from fraternal strife. However, Vladimir managed, after escaping "overseas", to gather the Varangian squad and avenge the death of his brother Yaropolk. The reign of the new prince of Kievan Rus turned out to be outstanding. Vladimir was also revered by his people.
The most important merit of the son of Svyatoslav is the famous Baptism of Russia, which took place in 988. In addition to numerous successes in the domestic arena, the prince became famous for his military campaigns. In 996, several fortress cities were built to protect the lands from enemies, one of which was Belgorod.
Baptism of Russia (988)
Until 988, paganism flourished on the territory of the Old Russian state. However, Vladimir the Great decided to choose exactlyChristianity, although representatives from the Pope, Islam and Judaism came to him.
The Baptism of Russia in 988 still took place. Christianity was accepted by Vladimir the Great, close boyars and warriors, as well as ordinary people. For those who resisted to move away from paganism, all sorts of oppression threatened. Thus, the Russian Church originates from the year 988.

Reign of Yaroslav the Wise
One of the most famous princes of Kievan Rus was Yaroslav, who was not accidentally nicknamed the Wise. After the death of Vladimir the Great, turmoil seized the Old Russian state. Blinded by the thirst for power, Svyatopolk sat on the throne, killing 3 of his brothers. Subsequently, Yaroslav gathered a huge army of Slavs and Varangians, after which in 1016 he went to Kyiv. In 1019, he managed to defeat Svyatopolk and ascend the throne of Kievan Rus.
The reign of Yaroslav the Wise turned out to be one of the most successful in the history of the Old Russian state. In 1036, he managed to finally unite the numerous lands of Kievan Rus, after the death of his brother Mstislav. Yaroslav's wife was the daughter of the Swedish king. Around Kyiv, by order of the prince, several cities and a stone wall were erected. The main city gates of the capital of the Old Russian state were called Golden.
Yaroslav the Wise died in 1054, when he was 76 years old. The reign of the Kyiv prince, 35 years long, is the golden time in the history of the Old Russian state.

Domestic and foreign policy of Kievan Rusduring the reign of Yaroslav the Wise
The priority of Yaroslav's foreign policy was to increase the authority of Kievan Rus in the international arena. The prince managed to achieve a number of important military victories over the Poles and Lithuanians. In 1036, the Pechenegs were completely defeated. On the site of the fateful battle, the Church of St. Sophia appeared. During the reign of Yaroslav, a military conflict with Byzantium took place for the last time. The result of the confrontation was the signing of a peace treaty. Vsevolod, son of Yaroslav, married the Greek princess Anna.
In the domestic arena, the literacy of the population of Kievan Rus increased significantly. In many cities of the state, schools appeared in which boys studied church work. Various Greek books were translated into Old Church Slavonic. During the reign of Yaroslav the Wise, the first collection of laws was published. "Russkaya Pravda" has become the main asset of numerous reforms of the Kyiv prince.

The beginning of the collapse of Kievan Rus
What are the reasons for the collapse of Kievan Rus? Like many early medieval powers, its collapse turned out to be completely natural. There was an objective and progressive process associated with an increase in boyar land ownership. In the principalities of Kievan Rus, a nobility appeared, in whose interests it was more profitable to rely on a local prince than to support a single ruler in Kyiv. According to many historians, at first, territorial fragmentation was not the reason for the collapse of Kievan Rus.
In 1097, on the initiative of Vladimir Monomakh, in order to stop the strife, athe process of creating regional dynasties. By the middle of the 12th century, the Old Russian state was divided into 13 principalities, which differed from each other in their area, military power and cohesion.

Decay of Kyiv
In the XII century, there was a significant decline in Kyiv, which turned from a metropolis into an ordinary principality. Largely because of the Crusades, there was a transformation of international trade communications. Therefore, economic factors significantly undermined the power of the city. In 1169, Kyiv, as a result of princely strife, was first taken by storm and plundered.
The final blow to Kievan Rus was caused by the Mongol invasion. The scattered principality did not represent a formidable force for numerous nomads. In 1240 Kyiv suffered a crushing defeat.
Population of Kievan Rus
There is no information about the exact number of inhabitants of the Old Russian state. According to the historian Georgy Vernadsky, the total population of Kievan Rus in the 9th - 12th centuries was approximately 7.5 million people. About 1 million people lived in cities.
The lion's share of the inhabitants of Kievan Rus in the 9th-12th centuries were free peasants. Over time, more and more people became smerds. Although they had freedom, they were obliged to obey the prince. The free population of Kievan Rus, due to debts, captivity and other reasons, could become servants who were slaves without rights.