The article describes what a lesson is, what this process includes, what types of it are and what it is for.
Ancient times
During the primitive and later, communal building, our ancestors passed on knowledge directly from the older to the younger generation. The lack of writing left its mark, and therefore a person with some special knowledge or skills was always taken care of. All types of training were exclusively practical, and people learned a lot themselves, comprehending everything from the very beginning.
Much later, with the formation of a more or less civilized society, where various professions began to be valued, much more attention began to be paid to training and lessons, for example, those who could afford it sent their children to various masters - blacksmiths, carpenters, etc. But still, it was the practical ability to do something, and not education in general, that was valued. And only with the development of writing and other literacy, schools for children began to be organized, where they received primary education through lessons. So what is a lesson, how does it happen and how is it conducted? We'll figure it out.

First, let's look at the definition of thisconcepts. According to the encyclopedia, a lesson is a form of organizing the learning process with the aim of mastering by students some of the studied material, skills and knowledge. This form of training is usually carried out for the class, that is, for a more or less permanent team. So now we know what a lesson is.
In the process of learning, for easier and better mastering, the material is presented in a logical, clear and established form, for example, according to approved textbooks. Also, students are given mandatory or voluntary homework based on the material covered. This is done for better mastering, so that a person consolidates what he has learned on his own, without the help and tips of a teacher.
This form of education is used in schools, universities, lyceums, colleges, etc. That's what a lesson is.
Life lesson

Also, this word often describes a different situation, different from the school mastering of the material, but which is still in the nature of obtaining and remembering knowledge that will be useful to a person in the future. Usually, a life lesson is understood as an event for which a person was not ready, and he had to practice new skills or learn some kind of moral or moral concept.
Depending on the era, country and educational institution, the duration of the lessons varies, but if we talk about Russia and the post-Soviet countries, then in schools it is usually 40-45 minutes, after which the students are given time to rest and the opportunity to reach the new office. Suchthe duration was not set in vain - in the process of experiments it was revealed that it is during this period of time that the most qualitative assimilation of the material occurs. So now we know what a lesson is at school and how long it lasts.
But the time may be different - some circumstances may contribute to this, for example, on holidays, lessons are usually reduced to 30 minutes.
Precisely because the material is clearly dosed and presented in a consistent manner, skipping lessons is highly undesirable. And homework is an effective method of reinforcing the material, although students often do not like them.
What is the topic of the lesson?

The topic of the lesson is the basis of the material, which will be analyzed in detail during the training. Depending on its importance and significance, it may be unchanged for several sessions, or it may even change directly during the session.
Now we know what a lesson is.