Lviv Polytechnic University: faculties, passing score, budget places

Lviv Polytechnic University: faculties, passing score, budget places
Lviv Polytechnic University: faculties, passing score, budget places

The National University "Lviv Polytechnic" (NULP) was founded on March 7, 1816 as a Real School by order of the Emperor of Austria Franz I. Thus, the university is one of the oldest technical educational institutions in Eastern Europe and the first in Ukraine. About 35,000 students study at 17 institutes (faculties) within its walls. The teaching staff exceeds 2,200 teachers, more than 350 of which have PhD degrees.

Leading progress

Lviv Polytechnic University in 2016 celebrated its 200th anniversary as an educational institution. Not every university can boast such an impressive biography. All these years, NULP has been a pillar of the country's scientific and technical school, maintaining the highest level of teaching both under the emperors, and under Soviet rule, and in independent Ukraine.

His history dates back to 1816the year when, after the victory over Napoleon in the regions of the Austrian Empire, the growth of national consciousness begins. Lviv, being the capital of the we althy Galician region, among other things, was at the center of the industrial and technological revolution. The measured patriarchal way of life was collapsing, subsistence farming and hand tools were replaced by factories and mechanisms. However, landlords and industrialists faced the problem of a shortage of qualified mechanics, technicians, and craftsmen. At the request of the local authorities, on March 7, 1816, Emperor Franz I issued a decree on the opening of a three-year real school in Lviv, the predecessor of the Lviv Polytechnic University.

Lviv Polytechnic
Lviv Polytechnic

Age of Enlightenment

However, it was not yet a university in the usual sense. In a real school, only basic technical knowledge was taught. Only in 1835, the educational institution was transformed into the Tsisar-Royal Real-Trade, and a little later - the Technical Academy.

In 1848, a wave of protests swept across Lviv. The students of the educational institution played an active role in the revolutionary movement. In response, the imperial troops opened fire on the city with cannons, as a result, the central building of the academy was damaged. The archive, library, laboratory equipment were destroyed.

In the middle of the 19th century, changes began in the organizational structure. In 1853 the trade department separated, and in 1856 the real school. But the engineering department received a powerful impetus in development. In 1871, the Technical Academy raised its status - it received the rights of a higher educational institution. Professor of Physics F. Strzheletsky was elected the first rector.

October 8, 1877, the Academy is renamed Technische Hochschule, which in translation sounds like “Polytechnic High School”. In 1901, the institution was granted the right to confer the degree of Doctor of Engineering. By 1918, 64 engineers had become doctors.

Lviv Polytechnic University: faculties
Lviv Polytechnic University: faculties

Polish period

In August 1914, the measured life of the higher school was disrupted - the First World War began. After its completion, the political map of Europe changed dramatically. Austria-Hungary collapsed, Galicia went to Poland. The Polish period in the history of the Polytechnic School began.

On January 13, 1921, the Polytechnic School was renamed, it became known as "Lviv Polytechnic". It was in the 1930s that one of the largest scientific and technical libraries in Europe was formed at the Polytechnic, it had the status of a federal one. In 1938, its fund amounted to more than 88,000 copies. In the interwar period, the university strengthened its position as a center of intellectual life and scientific thought of the European level.

Lviv Polytechnic University: Tuition fees
Lviv Polytechnic University: Tuition fees

Lviv Polytechnic Institute (1939-1989)

The biggest military tests and demographic catastrophes occurred in Lvov during the Second World War. In 1939, Western Ukraine was annexed to the Ukrainian Soviet Republic within the USSR. Training resumed in October of the same year. "Polytechnic" was reorganized into the Lviv Polytechnic Institute(POI).

However, the peaceful sky overhead did not last long. The institution had to endure a new, even more terrible war. During the occupation, the Nazis shot many teachers, and the buildings were badly damaged.

After the liberation of Lvov, classes resumed at the Polytechnic. In the 1944-1945 academic year, over 1,000 students began their studies. Prominent scientists and professors came from different parts of the USSR to restore the glorious scientific and technical school of Western Ukraine.

The Institute developed at an accelerated pace. New speci alties were opened, scientific work was carried out. In 1959, on the basis of the Faculty of Civil Engineering, one of the first in the USSR, the SPKB began to operate - a student design bureau (now PKO "Polytechnic"). By 1970, the university had 14 faculties. In the 1980s, LPI became a powerful training and production complex that determined the scientific and technical policy of the region.

Lviv Polytechnic University: passing score
Lviv Polytechnic University: passing score

Lviv Polytechnic University

New upheavals were expected in the early 1990s. The USSR broke up into independent republics, one of which was Ukraine. In the 1991-1992 academic year, about 16,000 students studied at 16 faculties of the Polytechnic, the educational process in 50 speci alties was carried out by 76 departments, which employed 1,597 teachers, of which 105 were doctors and 1,004 were candidates of science.

From 1998 to 2002, 8 new areas of training and 16 new speci alties were licensed at the university, 63 specializations were opened, taking into account new achievements in science and technology andcurrent needs of the labor market.

October 30, 2000, taking into account the national and international recognition of the results of activities and a significant contribution to the development of national higher education and science, by the Decree of the President of Ukraine, the State University "Lviv Polytechnic" was given the status of a national higher educational institution. Instead of 16 faculties, 12 educational and scientific institutes were initially created, and later their number increased to 17.

Today, the development of Lviv Polytechnic is aimed at ensuring the high quality of education, the prestige of the university and its graduates, improving the personnel, methodological and information support of the educational process, integrating into the international scientific space, maximizing the convergence of fundamental science and higher education, efficiency of applied research and development.

Polytechnic, Lviv
Polytechnic, Lviv


According to the new system of education, at the Lviv Polytechnic University, faculties were replaced by institutes:

  • Architectures.
  • Humanities.
  • Construction.
  • Sustainability (environmental).
  • Economy.
  • Control and energy systems.
  • Transport and mechanics.
  • Computer Science.
  • Metrology, automation and computer technology.
  • Rights, psychology.
  • Entrepreneurship.
  • Administration.
  • Fundamental sciences, mathematics.
  • Chemical technology.
  • Electronic engineering,telecommunications.
  • Geodesy.
  • Distance learning.

Institutions got more freedom in dealing with educational and organizational issues. The structure of NULP also includes: 2 gymnasiums, 8 colleges, a research department, 34 laboratories, a library, a publishing center, sports and recreation centers, medical facilities, a sanatorium, 15 hostels, a geodetic test site, etc.


Passing scores to Lviv Polytechnic University are determined on the basis of entrance exams and vary greatly depending on the speci alty. The more willing to study a particular discipline and the higher their preparation, the tougher the competition among applicants.

In 2017, the highest passing scores for the budget of Lviv Polytechnic University with full-time education were recorded in the following disciplines:

  • International relations and communications: 193, 523 points (competition for one budget place was 70.7 people).
  • Journalism: 191, 799 (35, 2).
  • Internet of things, systems engineering: 190, 587 (30, 12).
  • International Economic Relations: 189, 66 (23, 3).
  • Software Engineering: 188, 618 (17, 51).
  • Tourism: 187, 86 (62, 19).
  • Applied Linguistics 185, 739 (6, 24).
  • Right: 185, 638 (28, 58).
  • Marketing: 183, 315 (35).
  • Psychology: 183, 163 (46, 62).
  • Economy: 182, 81 (25, 11).
  • Administration: 181, 477 (27, 1).
  • Pharmacy: 181, 093 (12, 82).

The following speci alties scored the lowest passing scores at Lviv Polytechnic University:

  • Nuclear Energy: 120, 493 points (4, 61 people per seat).
  • Metallurgy: 121, 654 (2).
  • Applied mechanics: 124, 18 (2, 16).
  • Industrial engineering: 125, 29 (2, 82).
  • Fire safety: 128, 208 (1, 67).
  • Electromechanics, power industry: 129, 078 (3, 26).

Passing points for part-time studies:

  • Psychology: 182, 86 (39, 25).
  • Right: 180, 79 (16, 66).
  • Computer Science: 165, 943 (13, 1).
Passing score on budget
Passing score on budget

Undergraduate: Tuition fees

Lviv Polytechnic University implements the right of citizens to receive higher education at the expense of the State Budget of Ukraine, local budgets, or on the basis of agreements with organizations or individuals. Admission to study at NULP for all educational and educational qualification levels is carried out on a competitive basis, regardless of the sources of funding for education.

Its cost depends on the form and terms of training, the demand for the speci alty, as well as on material and technical costs. Here are examples of prices for some undergraduate speci alties for 2017-2018 (in UAH):

  • Right: UAH 83540
  • Design; Bridge building and architecture; Art: UAH 68690
  • Civil engineering and construction;
  • Economy: UAH 53380
  • International relations: UAH 48740
  • Hydraulic construction; Fire safety: UAH 45230
  • Geodesy: UAH 44560
  • Journalism;
  • Telecommunications: UAH 44090
  • Earth sciences: UAH 39920
  • Sociology: UAH 36920
  • Power industry; Nuclear power; Thermal power engineering: UAH 35740
  • Applied mechanics; Metrology; Bioengineering: UAH 35280

Master's: cost

Examples of tuition fees for Master's programs (2017-2018):

  • Jurisprudence: UAH 25,000
  • Design; bridge building; Restoration of structures: UAH 19800
  • Civil Engineering; Construction technologies: UAH 16800
  • Water management activities; hydraulic engineering construction: UAH 13400
  • Economy; International relationships; Management: UAH 12900
  • Geodesy: Applied Ecology: UAH 10900
  • Cartography; Power industry; Electrical systems: UAH 9000
  • Heat power engineering: UAH 8000
  • Road transport: UAH 6000

University address: st. Stepan Bandera, corp. 12, Lvov, Ukraine, ind. 79013.
