In this article, especially for applicants, some Ural institutes are considered in detail. Yekaterinburg is famous for its educational institutions providing higher education. And to make the right choice when entering a university, you need information. Here you will find the leading profile institutes: Yekaterinburg is represented in all its diversity.
Ural Institute of State Fire Service EMERCOM of Russia
The Institute of the State Fire Service began its work in June 1928 in the form of regional courses for the preparation of commanding staff for the fire department. Over the past many years, the courses have been reorganized and renamed several times: first they became a school, then a fire-technical school, a branch of the Academy of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and only in December 2004 received their current name. The most significant institutions for the region are concentrated in the main Ural city. Yekaterinburg acquired another university on its territory.

Further, the educational institution grew andliterally grew stronger before our eyes: already in 2005, an academic council was elected and a faculty for advanced training and retraining was created. In 2006, the museum opened, and at the same time, the seventieth graduation of firefighters took place. The Institute's Education Center began to train cadets. Part-time graduates have appeared.
A new specialization for the development of a system for training personnel of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation - "Protection in emergency situations" has been accredited. In 2008, the first students who studied for a fee graduated. In 2009, for the eightieth anniversary of the institute, the book "History and Modernity" was published. In 2010, admission to the bachelor's degree in the speci alty "Technospheric Security" began. In 2012, the research department began its work. In 2013, female cadets appeared at the university. Since 2014, highly qualified postgraduate personnel have been trained, which far from all specialized institutes can boast of. Yekaterinburg is proud of this educational institution.
The Institute prepares specialists for the positions of middle and senior officers for the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation on a budgetary form of education. Speci alties are as follows:
- Fire safety. Qualification: engineer. Five years full-time, six years in absentia on the basis of complete secondary general education.
- Technosphere safety. Qualification: Bachelor (4 years).
On the basis of secondary vocational education received by correspondence, training lasts four years. Full-time graduates are awarded the rank of lieutenant of the internal service.

Contractual (paid) training is provided in the following speci alties:
- Emergency protection. Qualification: engineer. Five years of full-time study.
- Fire safety. Qualification: engineer. Full-time education lasts five years, part-time - six.
- Fire safety. Qualification: technician. Full-time education lasts two years and ten months, and on the basis of 9 classes - three years and ten months. Correspondence students with complete secondary education study the same amount.
Address where you can write to the Ural Institute: Yekaterinburg, Sverdlovsk region, Mira street, 22, index: 620062. Travel from the railway station by tram number 23 to the Pervomaiskaya stop.
The Ural Institute of Finance and Law will help you get a prestigious and high-quality higher legal and economic education. Ekaterinburg is one of the few cities that can offer an applicant a university with special training programs that provide such a synthesis. The specialists who graduated here have equally extensive knowledge in the fields of finance, law, accounting and economics.

The main merit of such high-quality training is the formed teaching staff, which brought together the best scientific personnel and practitioners from law enforcement agencies, which the Law Institute is rightfully proud of. Yekaterinburg, or rather its residents, are well aware and respect this educationalinstitution, since both students and teachers are actively involved in the life of the city.
The Faculty of Finance and Economics trains personnel for the banking business, taxation, financial management, and accounting. The classical education of an economist is offered here. To be among the students of the faculty, you need to have not only deep knowledge, but also a broad outlook, since you have to study the humanities and socio-economic disciplines - history, philosophy, psychology, cultural studies, sociology, pedagogy, political science and much more.

The Faculty of Law provides for both undergraduate and postgraduate education in part-time, part-time and full-time forms of education, which is carried out according to carefully designed programs that comply with the State Educational Standard. The Institute provides its students with an interesting extracurricular life: frequent scientific and practical seminars and conferences, the work of the theater studio and the Fortuna student team, holding balls, KVN, competitions and thematic events.
Ural Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
Established in 1961 as the Higher School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The institute in Yekaterinburg received its current status only in June 1997. As a result, the structure has also changed: new faculties have opened, specializations have expanded. Operational-investigative and administrative-legal faculties began their work in 1998, a year later he joined themgeneral legal. Accordingly, the investigative specialization was joined by the administrative-legal and operational-investigative, much-needed MIA.

The Institute in Yekaterinburg today has three faculties, seventeen departments, plus the necessary units in order to ensure the educational process. Great attention is paid to the practical orientation - real training grounds, teaching and methodological classrooms, business and operational games and exercises. The institute is fully provided with all this, it has a very good and modern material base.
This university appeared in 1930 in the Middle Urals as the first medical institute. Yekaterinburg has become a territory where the training of highly qualified doctors began. The demand for its graduates is still high in the region and beyond. Today, more than four thousand students study at nine faculties of the Ural State Medical Academy: pediatric, medical and preventive, medical and preventive, dental, higher nursing education, pharmaceutical, professional retraining and advanced training of doctors.

There is a correspondence department, specializations for interns, residents. Also, applicants can receive pre-university training, which today is not provided by every medical institute. Yekaterinburg supplies not only highly professional doctors to the country's medical institutions. Majors studied here.statesmen, high leaders, as well as well-known scientists in Russia and abroad, founders of famous schools in many fields of medicine. Alumni also include ministers of he alth, cosmonauts, academicians and corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.
Science at USMA
The teaching staff of the Academy inspires respect: more than one hundred and twenty doctors of medical sciences, more than three hundred and sixty candidates and associate professors, one corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences. That is why the work is at a very high level: research is carried out jointly with the departments of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (Institute of Tuberculosis, Institute of Ecology, Institute for Maternal and Childhood Protection, Scientific Medical Center, Research Institute of Skin and Venereal Diseases, and so on). Doctors and candidates of sciences are trained in thirty-eight speci alties, and dissertations are defended in four Academic Councils.
The university was established in 1914 by the emperor himself as the Mining Institute. Yekaterinburg was chosen because this city is located in close proximity to the country's underground storerooms in the Urals. However, the First World War greatly hindered the construction of the institute, and it was completed only three years later. In 1917, the first applicants arrived - six hundred and ten applications from graduates of gymnasiums, cadet corps and schools, teachers' institutes and even theological seminaries were considered by the Council of this educational institution. Only three hundred people were admitted.

To its centenary Ural State Miningthe university has trained more than fifty thousand engineers, many hundreds of candidates and doctors of sciences in seven faculties. You can also acquire mining speci alties at the college at the university. About three thousand specialists and managers undergo retraining and improve their qualifications annually in twenty-five speci alties at the university.
Institute of Economics
Ekaterinburg has several economic universities, but not a single state one among them. The Institute of Economics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences is one of the largest scientific centers that comprehensively study the modern Urals as a unique natural, social, geographical and economic phenomenon. It trains masters, postgraduates and doctoral students, improves the qualifications of scientific personnel in the speci alties of economic sciences.
The Yekaterinburg Humanitarian Institute was opened in July 1995 as a non-state university and in September it was already renamed the Ural Humanitarian University. At three faculties, students are trained in the master's and bachelor's programs here. Budget training is not provided.